Lovers of RealChampionships, RealMVPs, and Realbasketball can only wait and see further diagnosis of Timmy Dunks knee injury.
When will Dunks be back? We shall see. Dunks hurt his left knee in 2000, paving the way for a non Spurs championship.
Dunks knee has actually been bothering him all season.
Interview with Buck Harvey:
"It's sore every day," Duncan said.
Every day?
Though Duncan recently disclosed that his knee has been sore much of the season, he had gone through the team's morning shootaround without incident.
"He'll see the doctors in the morning and we'll see what they say," DumbassOvich said. "His knee didn't have any strength and he couldn't get it warmed up; he couldn't get it loosened up."
Duncan sat out last nights over the Mavs, with Flabs Oberto, Bonner and co. stepping up and taking care of Dirk and the Mavs by double digits.

While i don't recommend praying for Duncans recovery, this file photo of the effort made by SpursXs3 with family pet is appreciated.