But you are an xbox guy! That is what I am saying. I've always had Sony products since the first Playstation so I continued to go with Sony because it played the old games and I always have. The exclusives on either system don't really matter to me all that much. The major titles, the Grand Theft Autos and the Maddens come on both systems. There are plenty of games to purchase and at 60 bucks a pop how often can you just buy games? I don't know about anyone else but the speed in which 'exclusives' come out for me is just fine. 60 bucks a pop is not cheap and I don't get enough time to play games to where I beat them fast enough. For example I still haven't beat Uncharted or LittleBigPlanet. Won't anytime soon. Now if I had xbox and then bought the playstation 3 for games, yea I wouldn't be as happy as I am currently. So I understand why you might have a problem and wanted to wait. That is exactly what I told W.O.W to do.
On a side note when I was at Frys yesterday they were selling like 15 Blu Ray titles for under 20 bucks. Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2, 300, Halloween (seems pointless to have this in HD), National Treasure, and a bunch of others.
IMO game systems do not match the type of complex games I like to play on PC. RTS games are my favorites, Halo Wars being the first time I might play one on a game system. So I have not been a "gamer" but I have owned every game system Nintendo has ever put out, including the Wii, I've owned the PS1 and 2 and I've owned an XBox. When it came time to buy my next game system, mostly for my kids, I looked at both products since I have NEVER favored one over another, actually I was not too happy with my XBox, so the PS3 actually had an advantage. What tilted the scales in XBox's favor was Halo3. So while you get tired of that argument it's a VALID one and I'm a good example of that argument as are three of my friends and 6 of my kids friends. They picked XBox over PS3 for the EXCLUSIVE games because as you stated, they share all the other ones.
I will only buy BluRay titles for flicks that have a lot of SFX. I know Speed Racer was somewhat of a bomb at the box office but the SFX in that movie are second to none.