Author Topic: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning  (Read 1661 times)

Offline Reality

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"Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« on: October 24, 2008, 09:50:11 AM »
I don't have their exact names, (sorry, i know the board has come to expect super accurate Reality reports) but two language experts were discussing the comments made by the Iranian puppet president.  I dont recall the exact name of the show, but i think it was mainstream, like CNN.  This was months ago when this 1st made news.  What brings it up now is Palin trying to suck up to the Jewish/jemagee vote on Faux News with fellow communist Sean Hannity by feigning outrage at Obamas willingness to meet face to face with Iranville.  Okay, back to the "Wipe" comment.

For disclaimer, these two are lilly white caucasians.  They appeared to have no bias whatsoever.  They spent their adult lives studying Middle East languages, not just the Xs and Os but the true meaning behind phrases, slang, etc.  I think they were Ivy league grads.  Okay, here is what they said.  The part where Iranian prez said "wipe Isreal off the map", when taken in context, was not even referring to physically wiping jemagoo and his relatives off the Iz piece of land with weapons.  It was ideologically.  Now, since Bush Oil n War and the Izrealites have talked repeatedly about bringing the Iran regieme down, are Iranians not allowed to talk about the Iz political system being changed?  Its the classic white double standard that Iz and Bushie employed.  They went on to say how when Bush Oil n War mouthpiece Georgie used the term "crusades" towoards the middle east in one of his long speeches, this indeed would truly invoke fear in many a Middle Easterner and certainly Iranville. 

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2008, 10:06:24 AM »
I don't have their exact names, (sorry, i know the board has come to expect super accurate Reality reports) but two language experts were discussing the comments made by the Iranian puppet president.  I dont recall the exact name of the show, but i think it was mainstream, like CNN.  This was months ago when this 1st made news.  What brings it up now is Palin trying to suck up to the Jewish/jemagee vote on Faux News with fellow communist Sean Hannity by feigning outrage at Obamas willingness to meet face to face with Iranville.  Okay, back to the "Wipe" comment.

For disclaimer, these two are lilly white caucasians.  They appeared to have no bias whatsoever.  They spent their adult lives studying Middle East languages, not just the Xs and Os but the true meaning behind phrases, slang, etc.  I think they were Ivy league grads.  Okay, here is what they said.  The part where Iranian prez said "wipe Isreal off the map", when taken in context, was not even referring to physically wiping jemagoo and his relatives off the Iz piece of land with weapons.  It was ideologically.  Now, since Bush Oil n War and the Izrealites have talked repeatedly about bringing the Iran regieme down, are Iranians not allowed to talk about the Iz political system being changed?  Its the classic white double standard that Iz and Bushie employed.  They went on to say how when Bush Oil n War mouthpiece Georgie used the term "crusades" towoards the middle east in one of his long speeches, this indeed would truly invoke fear in many a Middle Easterner and certainly Iranville. 

It's old and rehased because the Repugs are desperate.  McCain practically beat Obama over the head regarding his foreign policy comments of meeting with no "pre-conditions".  They even argued about what Kissinger said regarding that stance.  McCain was trying to stay above the frey and let Palin do the Obama character assasination but they are getting so desperate that McCain is starting to harp on Obama's association with the 60's radical.

Wanting to wipe a race of people off the face of the earth is the AMERICAN way, not sure why everyone is so upset about those comments.  If I was a non-sell out Muslim country I would feel very threatened by the US and their middle eastern pit bull Isreal after the "crusades" and "you're either with us or against us" comments Bush has made.  While I would definately side with the less radical Isreal in a fight, because IMO they are more secular and can be manipulated with material possesions and support, I can understand the POV of Muslims.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 10:11:02 AM by WayOutWest »
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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 04:47:41 PM »
The POV of the muslim nations in the middle east is understandable?

Kill all the jews is understandable to you?

BTW - when the radical muslim nations successfully kill of the jews - they will target the christians all piss them off just as much - what with your letting women have more rights than the muslims do and your eating of pork and not following the 'will of allah'.

Religion, dogmatic following of any religion, as a whole is just asinine in a way i don't understand (and i won't even bother to try and explain to reality how judaism is a religion AND a culture) but i think these muslim leaders take their crazy to a whole other level compared to other religious nuts in the world, like a falwell or meir kahane.

As for 'wiping jews out ideologically' - please tell me how that is some how better?

Offline westkoast

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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 05:12:40 PM »
The POV of the muslim nations in the middle east is understandable?

Kill all the jews is understandable to you?

BTW - when the radical muslim nations successfully kill of the jews - they will target the christians all piss them off just as much - what with your letting women have more rights than the muslims do and your eating of pork and not following the 'will of allah'.

Religion, dogmatic following of any religion, as a whole is just asinine in a way i don't understand (and i won't even bother to try and explain to reality how judaism is a religion AND a culture) but i think these muslim leaders take their crazy to a whole other level compared to other religious nuts in the world, like a falwell or meir kahane.

As for 'wiping jews out ideologically' - please tell me how that is some how better?

How long have you been on this board now? 


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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 07:51:41 PM »
Obviously not long enough - sorry - i'm still getting people confused and had a long day - i just say that 'point of view' thing - and well - it's like you wanted to set me off :)

Reality coming up with the 30 year old nickname didn't work real well :)

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 10:33:14 PM »
The POV of the muslim nations in the middle east is understandable?

Yes.  Which country can't keep their nose out of Middle East?  Which country is imposing their will in the Middle East?  We sure as hell don't give a flying fugg about Africa and the atrocities going on every day.

Kill all the jews is understandable to you?

Yes, pretty much like killing all the Muslims made sense durring the "crusades", killing off all the natives durring "genocide-American Style", etc.. It's not a "new" notion or a notion unfamiliar to Americans.  It's not something I agree with but I understand why they would want that to happen, it's in their best interest and the US is the BEST when it comes to killing "in our best interest".  We will always have an "excuse" or "partner" in the Middle East as long as Isreal is there and giving the US a "pass" into that region.  With the instability of other "friends" in the Middle East it's very convenient for the US to have a gateway into that land.

BTW - when the radical muslim nations successfully kill of the jews - they will target the christians all piss them off just as much - what with your letting women have more rights than the muslims do and your eating of pork and not following the 'will of allah'.

Wow, that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO deep....       Please step up to the plate and state something meaningful.  No shyte that once you eliminate an enemy you go after another, it's not exclusive to Muslims.  Anymore insights you want to dazzle us with?  What color is the sky?  Is water wet?

Religion, dogmatic following of any religion, as a whole is just asinine in a way i don't understand (and i won't even bother to try and explain to reality how judaism is a religion AND a culture) but i think these muslim leaders take their crazy to a whole other level compared to other religious nuts in the world, like a falwell or meir kahane.

FYI, this country has a group called the KKK who justify their beliefs and actions through their religious beliefs.  Trying to paint all Muslims and their leaders as "radical" is "asinine" and is the equivalent of saying the KKK represents all Christians.  Hell, I'm sure Roberts would have blamed Hiroshima on the non-Christian-homos that inhabited the city.  PLEASE, there is a thin line between the radical Muslims and every other radicals in most every other religion, they just don't make the front page of the news.

As for 'wiping jews out ideologically' - please tell me how that is some how better?

It's not, nor is it worse than the ACTUAL (not a threat but ACTUAL) near succesfull "wipe out" of other groups of people.  THAT'S THE POINT.
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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 11:53:52 PM »
All these years of education.  I see the reward.  WOW, you bring a tear to my eye.   :'(
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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2008, 09:58:28 AM »
FYI, this country has a group called the KKK who justify their beliefs and actions through their religious beliefs.  Trying to paint all Muslims and their leaders as "radical" is "asinine" and is the equivalent of saying the KKK represents all Christians.  Hell, I'm sure Roberts would have blamed Hiroshima on the non-Christian-homos that inhabited the city.  PLEASE, there is a thin line between the radical Muslims and every other radicals in most every other religion, they just don't make the front page of the news.

How many countries with armies and possible nuclear arsenals does the KKK run?

Offline Reality

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Re: "Wipe Iz off the map" true meaning
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 10:16:56 AM »

Religion, dogmatic following of any religion, as a whole is just asinine in a way i don't understand (and i won't even bother to try and explain to reality how judaism is a religion AND a culture) but i think these muslim leaders take their crazy to a whole other level compared to other religious nuts in the world, like a falwell or meir kahane.

As for 'wiping jews out ideologically' - please tell me how that is some how better?
But wiping out of the Iranian ideology is okay.  Make that "better".
And wiping out Iraq by dogmatic Oil-relijun is A okay.  Make that "better".  Shalom and bless revrund Bushie.

The whole point is how the US-Izzy combo insists their way must be right, hence a double standard on who can talk ish about who.
For the record i certainly enjoy the relatively vastly greater freedoms in the US.  Still, does the US have a crime free, drug free, child molester free, corruption free environment for all its citizens?  Please.

jem I've partied with more high end jewbobbers and then you'll probably ever be near.