McCain is clueless about what is happening in the economy. He was one of the turds that voted to dismantle the depression-era regulations that separated financial institutions from insurance agencies!
This shows how little you really understand of the whole financial crisis.
There are plenty of financial institutions that have combined commercial banking, investment banking and insurance without going head over heels into derivatives. JP Morgan Chase is a strong example. Bank of America another.
The repeal of the 1930 era rules have helped the American financial industry compete with the foreign companies in what is now a global economy. Financial institutions in other countries were not burdened by archaic laws. Just because commercial and investment banks are allowed to be combined didn't cause them to underwrite bad mortgages or invest in financial instruments they don't understand.
The breakdown of the walls separating financial institutions didn't cause the last 3-4 administrations (especially Carter & Clinton) to pressure Fannie & Freddie to extend more & more credit to low income housing.
Rick, go hide in your back bunker and suck on your gold bars for nourishment. The sky is falling.