Author Topic: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?  (Read 7657 times)

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2008, 11:09:20 AM »
But it isn't.  Look it up using a non Laker Math calculator.

5/5 beats 8/7 any day of the week ending in Y.  I'm not talking about the possibilites of those hands.  Obviously everything changes after the cards are dealt. 

Try to remember this, it's very important, two "overs" are close to even money to an "under" pair but do you really want to risk big money on a coin flip?

Plus you stated its a hand one should play.  So she did.

That's right, I stated that's a hand you should play.  You INCORRECTLY posted it was K/7 which is where the MAJORITY of my criticism was directed at NOT 8/7.

Are you going to squirm around my point that he thus had NO reason to babble about "You downt bruff da G-Man"?

I NEVER squirmed about it, I CLEARLY stated that on the FLOP she was bluffing and that is PROBABLY what he was referring to.  He's a pro, he is 100X the player I am and 100,000X the player you are, so he knows he was beat on the turn and she was NOT bluffing at that point.  The ONLY bluff in that hand was her bet on the flop.  If you can not understand that we need to drop this topic.  Again, the ONLY bluff in that ENTIRE hand was her betting on the flop.  What else could he possibly be referring to?

Nobody should "babble" win or lose in a poker game, so if that's your point I agree but I know that's not your point.  Your ONLY point is that guy is a Lakers fan cause there were 1 BILLION worse plays and bad beats in that tourney and half of them were on that SAME show yet you focus on that one where the BETTER STARTING HAND WON!!!!
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Offline Reality

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2008, 02:34:48 PM »
But it isn't.  Look it up using a non Laker Math calculator.

5/5 beats 8/7 any day of the week ending in Y.  I'm not talking about the possibilites of those hands.  Obviously everything changes after the cards are dealt. 

Try to remember this, it's very important, two "overs" are close to even money to an "under" pair but do you really want to risk big money on a coin flip?

Plus you stated its a hand one should play.  So she did.

That's right, I stated that's a hand you should play.  You INCORRECTLY posted it was K/7 which is where the MAJORITY of my criticism was directed at NOT 8/7.

Are you going to squirm around my point that he thus had NO reason to babble about "You downt bruff da G-Man"?

I NEVER squirmed about it, I CLEARLY stated that on the FLOP she was bluffing and that is PROBABLY what he was referring to.  He's a pro, he is 100X the player I am and 100,000X the player you are, so he knows he was beat on the turn and she was NOT bluffing at that point.  The ONLY bluff in that hand was her bet on the flop.  If you can not understand that we need to drop this topic.  Again, the ONLY bluff in that ENTIRE hand was her betting on the flop.  What else could he possibly be referring to?

Nobody should "babble" win or lose in a poker game, so if that's your point I agree but I know that's not your point.  Your ONLY point is that guy is a Lakers fan cause there were 1 BILLION worse plays and bad beats in that tourney and half of them were on that SAME show yet you focus on that one where the BETTER STARTING HAND WON!!!!

I posted your quote that 5/5 was BETTER then 8/7 suited.  5/5 is not better then 8/7 suited preflop.

And so she bluffed on the flop.  What about it?  You're informing us of nothing.  100K was very small bluff.  So you are pointing out NOTHING.  They key here is she went all in after the turn and he called.  You refuse to address this and are simply trying to deflect attention.  The discussion judge is ready to have the bailiff remove you from the discussion but I asked him to give you another chance.

Drop the topic?  The topic is his and your beating your chests at his "Yo downt bfluff da G-man".
Proper play would have been to politely aknowledge to her that her straight had his arse kicked and he sucked out with his river boat.  Not act like an arrogant jackass after his wrong play sucked out. 

« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 02:40:51 PM by Reality »

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2008, 02:51:59 PM »
I posted your quote that 5/5 was BETTER then 8/7 suited.

I've explained this already, I don't know why you don't understand.  5/5 beats 7/8 END OF STORY.  LIKE I ALREADY POSTED THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING AFTER THE DRAW.


And so she bluffed on the flop.  What about it?  You're informing us of nothing.  100K was very small bluff.  So you are pointing out NOTHING.  They key here is she went all in after the turn and he called.  You refuse to address this and are simply trying to deflect attention.  The discussion judge is ready the bailiff remove you from the discussion but I asked him to give you another chance.


Drop the topic?  The topic is his and your beating your chests at his "Yo downt bfluff da G-man".
Proper play would have been to politely aknowledge to her that her straight had his arse kicked and he sucked out with his river boat.  Not act like an arrogant jackass after his wrong play sucked out. 

Read what I wrote again, I said nobody should babble/celebrate/cry at ANY TIME in poker.  All I am trying to do is explain why he made the bluffing comment and why it is poker justice that the BETTER starting hand won.

What if the hands were Q/Q vs A/K?
Flop comes K/10/J
Turn comes Q
River comes 10


What if the hands were 10/10 vs K/Q?
Flop comes K/J/A
Turn comes 10
River comes J

« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 02:57:34 PM by WayOutWest »
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2008, 03:02:48 PM »
And so she bluffed on the flop.  What about it?  You're informing us of nothing.  100K was very small bluff.  So you are pointing out NOTHING.  They key here is she went all in after the turn and he called.  You refuse to address this and are simply trying to deflect attention.  The discussion judge is ready to have the bailiff remove you from the discussion but I asked him to give you another chance.

....Any and all pro's make a mistake or misread, that was the case on the turn because he made a set.  With no paint showing on the board there were no warning signs that his set was in trouble.


I'm posting this just to point out that I have already addressed your question and for some reason you want to go in circles.  I am not interested in going around in circles with you so I'm done with this discussion until you bring something new to the discussion.


"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2008, 03:05:31 PM »
I posted your quote that 5/5 was BETTER then 8/7 suited.  5/5 is not better then 8/7 suited preflop.

5/5 beats 8/7 any day of the week ending in Y.  I'm not talking about the possibilites of those hands.  Obviously everything changes after the cards are dealt. 

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2008, 03:07:26 PM »
Drop the topic?  The topic is his and your beating your chests at his "Yo downt bfluff da G-man".
Proper play would have been to politely aknowledge to her that her straight had his arse kicked and he sucked out with his river boat.  Not act like an arrogant jackass after his wrong play sucked out. 

Nobody should "babble" win or lose in a poker game, so if that's your point I agree but I know that's not your point.  Your ONLY point is that guy is a Lakers fan cause there were 1 BILLION worse plays and bad beats in that tourney and half of them were on that SAME show yet you focus on that one where the BETTER STARTING HAND WON!!!!

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2008, 12:03:12 PM »
Yeah you said you were gonna stop having basketball discussion with me.  That lasted about 24 hours.  You just can't quit me.

As the baliffs led you away on this poker discussion, i couldn't help but notice.  After all your circling, all you can come up with is "le/no one should/babble/celebrate/cry at ANYTIME in poker." 
Wow.  So i guess everyone should just be like repressed zombies at all times in poker.  That would sure be boring.  Or like Mr Spok?  Yet even the Spokster was emotional at times, being half human you know.  I've surmised your Kobe brand allegance has distorted your thinking.  I am going to post your bail to the jailers and get you out.  I think you really know Kobeboi purely sucked out and has NO reason to have been acting like an arrogant jackass. 

I am baffled by your continuing refusal to admit 5/5 and 8/7 suited are virtually equal starting hands preflop.  5/5 is not better.  Then again, that is using a non Laker Math calculator.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2008, 12:08:19 PM »
Yeah you said you were gonna stop having basketball discussion with me.  That lasted about 24 hours.  You just can't quit me.

As the baliffs led you away on this poker discussion, i couldn't help but notice.  After all your circling, all you can come up with is "le/no one should/babble/celebrate/cry at ANYTIME in poker." 
Wow.  So i guess everyone should just be like repressed zombies at all times in poker.  That would sure be boring.  Or like Mr Spok?  Yet even the Spokster was emotional at times, being half human you know.  I've surmised your Kobe brand allegance has distorted your thinking.  I am going to post your bail to the jailers and get you out.  I think you really know Kobeboi purely sucked out and has NO reason to have been acting like an arrogant jackass. 

I am baffled by your continuing refusal to admit 5/5 and 8/7 suited are virtually equal starting hands preflop.  5/5 is not better.  Then again, that is using a non Laker Math calculator.

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2008, 03:55:30 PM »
I just saw that latest installment of the WSOP and the Lakers jersey wearing players strikes me as a loud mouth drama queen, kinda like the Wesley Snipes character in White Men Can't Jump.

Still does not change any of my opinions and statements in this thread.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2008, 01:03:30 AM »
^^ That sums it up.  :D :D


Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2008, 08:20:53 AM »
^^ That sums it up.  :D :D


Man, you really are dumb.  Like I said, doesn't change ONE single thing I posted about those hands.
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2008, 09:27:09 AM »

You've already changed umpteen times on this thread.
This and other threads you remind me/give me a visual of Warren Sapp on Dancing With The Stars.  :D :D

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2008, 09:50:00 AM »

You've already changed umpteen times on this thread.
This and other threads you remind me/give me a visual of Warren Sapp on Dancing With The Stars.  :D :D

Honestly, do you really think I changed ONE single thing about my opinion of how those hands were played or should be played or how people should act at a poker table?

Answer honestly and don't try to spin the fact that you posted the wrongs hands and I gave an opinion on K/7 vs 5/5 AND a different opinion on 8/7 suited vs 5/5.

"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #43 on: October 23, 2008, 09:53:55 AM »
Read what I wrote again, I said nobody should babble/celebrate/cry at ANY TIME in poker.  All I am trying to do is explain why he made the bluffing comment and why it is poker justice that the BETTER starting hand won.

What if the hands were Q/Q vs A/K?
Flop comes K/10/J
Turn comes Q
River comes 10


What if the hands were 10/10 vs K/Q?
Flop comes K/J/A
Turn comes 10
River comes J


Dang, I forgot the thread ended right here with complete OWNAGE.  I wonder what happened with the reponse to this post..........
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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Re: OT - Anybody a fan of the WSOP?
« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2008, 10:54:17 AM »

You've already changed umpteen times on this thread.
This and other threads you remind me/give me a visual of Warren Sapp on Dancing With The Stars.  :D :D

Honestly, do you really think I changed ONE single thing about my opinion of how those hands were played or should be played or how people should act at a poker table?

Answer honestly and don't try to spin the fact that you posted the wrongs hands and I gave an opinion on K/7 vs 5/5 AND a different opinion on 8/7 suited vs 5/5.

a.  I always answer honestly
b.  Yes, you changed how you claimed to have never had seen the hand, then posted quote:  FYI her hand was 8/7 not K/7. 
c.  Which indeed makes her starting hand just as good as his. 
d.  Yes you finally semi admitted he was acting like a jackass.