Author Topic: SG or PF???  (Read 11080 times)

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2008, 12:18:54 PM »
Does anyone like the idea of pursuing ronny turiaf this summer?  He's a great bench guy, as far as i'm concerned he's a better bench option than any the sixers currently use at PF

I'm personally hoping we tie up all of our money in a marquee acquisition.  If we make our 'key' move and still have some $ left over I would go after him.  Great role player to have and would give us nice depth down low. 


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2008, 12:20:09 PM »
does the NBA do mutual option/buyouts like in MLB?

Cause two years with a mutual option for a third with a buy out of a couple million might be a nice deal.  Jamison isn't exactly a max out player in terms of lenght or money and yeah i know he had a good season this year but 'great' contract drive seasons ALWAYS make me wary


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2008, 12:21:42 PM »
Does anyone like the idea of pursuing ronny turiaf this summer?  He's a great bench guy, as far as i'm concerned he's a better bench option than any the sixers currently use at PF
I'm personally hoping we tie up all of our money in a marquee acquisition.  If we make our 'key' move and still have some $ left over I would go after him.  Great role player to have and would give us nice depth down low. 

I don't think there are any marquee acquisitions worth obtaining for the sixers except maybe josh smith.

I wouldn't mind maxing out the cap with the FA, Iguodala and Williams signings and then using the FULL MLE on Turiaf.  Turiaf is restricted though, the lakers probably would match and he might feel some affinity for them since they supported him with his heart issues, i just REALLY would love the kid on the sixers...he has the energy of joakim noah or varrejao without all the problems.

BTW, Varejao is rumored to be in play

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2008, 12:27:34 PM »
I have no interest in Varejao.... Evans is close enough. 


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2008, 12:36:41 PM »
I have no interest in Varejao.... Evans is close enough. 

Not a big varejao fan myself, but no, evans isn't close...evans has no offensive game and can barely make it from 2 feet in front of the basket on an offensive rebound...defensive rebounding his impact is alright, but evans big and most positive addition is in offensive rebounding which is hurt by his total lack of offensive game whatsoever, if the sixers could add varejao and find a taker for evans, i'd be happy

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2008, 12:40:06 PM »
I meant that Evans and Varejao are close enough to one another.  I could see having Varejao if we moved Evans, but the two are just hustle rebounders who can't score.  Varejao probably has an edge defensively.  Either way, I'd rather have a PF that can be relied upon to put points on the board. 


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2008, 12:53:10 PM »
anklebreaker, your paragraph indicates that varejao is a better otion cause he can be relied on to score (and make free throws) better than evans in similar situations

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2008, 01:02:31 PM »
Its tough not to be a better offensive player than Reggie Evans...   I wouldn't go so far as to say Varejao can be relied upon to score.  6.7ppg in 27 min. (albeit playing alongside lebron) isn't really the offensive production I'd hope to acquire... and while he may be a more reliable ft shooter than Evans, he still shoots under 60% from the line.  If we moved Reggie and got Varejao it would make some sense... otherwise Varejao doesn't do much for me personally. 

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2008, 01:26:41 PM »
Alright... I laid this scenario out elsewhere but I'll post it here as well.

Plan A: Sign/Acquire either Brand, Smith, or Okafor

If and when we strike out on those three, I believe I would go after the following plan. I would trade Miller and Evans down to Miami for Shawn Marion. Sixerfan1976 reported this as something that was being discussed before the draft and now that the Heat have taken Beasley, I'm sure Marion can still be had. Even though Miami drafted Chalmers, I'm sure they're not ready to hand him the reigns just yet.

Next, I would trade our 2009 first round pick, Utah's 2009 first round pick, and cap space to Chicago for Kirk Hinrich. I'm sure Chicago would prefer to drop his salary off of the books and soon as possible while getting a couple of picks in return for him.

Our 2008 lineup would be:


Marion is a huge expiring deal and according to my best guesstimate, we'd have about $14 MIL in cap space come next summer. One of the great things about Hinrich is that he deal actually decreases each year instead of increases hence becoming more and more cap friendly. We wouldn't have a first rounder next year but at this point, I think we're good with young players. Thoughts???

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2008, 01:35:02 PM »
You never like going into the offseason without a first round pick, but as you said, we do have an abundance of young talent to develop as it is... and I could forget about having a first rounder if we had 14 mil to work  with  :)


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2008, 01:39:32 PM »
If the sixers obtain shawn marion it puts them in a nice position for next off season too cause of the salary if he opts out (or they extend him) I don't believe shawn marion can be had for as little as andre miller and reggie evans (heck i'm not even sure the salaries match up but the sixers do have cap space)...I gotta think that it would cost more than that.

I've always been a big kirk hinrich fan and would love for the sixers to obtain him, but his trade value has got to be at its nadir, i mean seriously, he can't have less value then he has i don't know what the bulls have planned and don't forget that it seems that paxson is notoriously stingy with guys he's picked, i mean seriously, not trading for kobe was kind of silly.

I like TGPs plan,  and I trust Sixerfan, but i'm curios as to how serious thsoe discussions were and who initiated them :)

There are A LOT of PGs on the market this off season, the sixers should be able to upgrade at least at back up (where they have no real back up point guards)

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2008, 01:42:20 PM »
Why is it just Hinrich the Bulls are talking about trading? They could also get rid of Gordon and stick Hinrich at the two spot to guard the other teams best backcourt player.


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2008, 01:46:41 PM »
Why is it just Hinrich the Bulls are talking about trading? They could also get rid of Gordon and stick Hinrich at the two spot to guard the other teams best backcourt player.

I think the bulls are an interesting franchise to watch this off season two 'major' players as restricted free agents, a new coach and the #1 pick.  And a GM of questionable repute...should be interresant

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2008, 01:50:09 PM »
Have they shown they are commited to both their FAs? Deng is a no brainer, but I have a feeling Gordon may want more money than he's worth.


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2008, 01:55:51 PM »
Well they offered them deals before the season, both of them, and they refused em and both had sub par seasons, so it'll be interesting what they do.  Heck I think iguodala is the only one who did anything to even improve his free agent value one iota for all the people who turned it down.

If the bulls choose to play hard ball, it'll get interesting, nobody expects memphis to spend their money, and do the sixers NEED luol deng or ben gordon?  I mean gordon would be nice but they don't need him and sadly we don't need luol deng (who i'd love as a sixer) with the advent and arrival of Thaddeus Young as the SF of the future.  I wouldn't be surprised to see gordon and deng take the one year tender and become UFAs next summer instead when there might be more players.

If you are a fan of the NBA it's going to be a pretty interesting off season, well hell it's only been a week and you've had tons of moves and intrigue already.  Come July 1st, things get fun...let's hope the sixers can participate in a way that positions them for ascendancy when the celtics and pistons start their inevitable declines and lebron leaves cleveland to go be on more medicre teams in new jersey or new york.