SendEm hasn't really broken any rules, he just is repetitive with his hate for Iggy, and he has right to differ in opinion.
I've always been against banning someone simply because they have a majorly minority opinion, even if they are doing it just to annoy. The reason is because they spend a lot of time posting and contributing and banning someone pretty much is flushing all those wasted hours at the board down the toilet.
If you break rules though and are a major distraction then it is ok.
I don't buy into this logic at's like the 'pay to post cause bandwidth is very expensive''s a strawmen.
A. The people who run can ban anyone they want for any reason they want, TOC or not, it's not a freedom of speech issue.
B. Trolls are trolls and should be banned when it's obvious they are trolls, even if they aren't specifically breaking any rules, they make boards less enjoyable for the real serious posters.
C. If you ignore trolls they go away, if this sendem guy is so terrible and contributes nothing, put him on ignore, it's an amazing me i lasted a lot longer at realgm then i would have by ignoring every alternative carch and ricky personality, i just allowed my intolerance of the grossly stupid to get the best of me.
I have no idea what you are talkinga bout concerning the flushing all those wasted hours though