I started the qualifying tournament last night...lots of good players were on. I wasn't first - but I was not last either - I think I get nervous playing in these things becuase I kept getting 3rd or 4th place. In any case, I am forced to use a BR in these games, which sux, because I am using five shots and then have to reload when these other guys are pulling off two shots and killing me. You have be really good with the scope on that thing to keep it steady and get someone with a head shot. I actually downed one guy with one round from the BR to the head, so I know you have to be good with your aim. I was adjusting the sensitivity on the controller quite a bit. I only played it for ab about an hour last night, will try again tonight, got a skill level 4. The games are a lot of BR's and oddball so far, and surprisingly not a lot of "a-holes" were on, as a matter of fact most of the people playing had no clue that they were qualifying for 50k in new york.
anyway, I gotta learn how to use that BR...