Author Topic: So Wade popped off about Dirk....  (Read 3125 times)

Offline rickortreat

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Re: So Wade popped off about Dirk....
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2007, 11:06:57 AM »
Nonsense, bravo to Wade for standing up and doing what everyone wants to do, take the crybaby whining Mavericks to task for their failure and lack of class!

Wade did NOTHING wrong by keeping quiet despite all the jibes and insults coming out of Dallas and the big German crybaby for as long as he did. He also did NOTHING wrong by finally saying what everyone else has already said or thought, Dirk's lack of leadership and classic Patrick Ewingesque choke down the stretch cost them last year, not the refs, Wade's ability to put the Heat on his back and pull out the victory put him head and shoulders above Dirk last year.

WRONG- No player should ever say anything negative about another player.  Period.  (That I should have to write this says something about you're persective.)

The Mavericks didn't say anything about the Heat.  In fact, they insulted themselves when they said they "Gave away the series"  A good journalist would have asked, "what do you mean by that - "gave it away" you were trying to win that series weren't you- what happened.

And, any fan with half- a - brain should see that statement for what it is.  A team that can't come to grips with it's failure.

I find it brazenly hypocritical of you Rick (as if that is a surprise). or perhaps the kinder, gentler word would be "inconsistent" to say:
"Personally, I think Cuban is great for the league and a bit of entertainment as well.  He lets everything hang out, and doesn't care what you think.  I really think he is a straight shooter, even if some of his behavior crosses the line of what is appropriate."
"But he had no business criticizing another player like that, and it showed poor sportsmanship on his part.  Wade's saying that diminished my view of him. "
You also state that Dirk probably did not want to be drawn any further into this, as if his previous statement that the Mavericks “gave Miami the championship” did not already put him square into the middle of it, and then he let’s the little bully that is Mark Cuban clean up his mess.
Question for you Rick, Why is Cuban utter lack of class and sportsmanship “great for the league and a bit of entertainment as well”, while Wade’s comment after months of Dallas and their punk owner deriding and diminishing Miami’s accomplishment is “poor sportsmanship on his part”, and his saying it, “diminished my view of him.”?
I can think of only ONE person on this board that make s less sense in every post then you did in this one.

There's a big difference between Cuban's comments, which don't disparage anyone, and Wade's comment about Dirks leadership. 

I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for you to understand!

Again, bravo to Wade for taking that little puke punk bully crybaby whine dog sissy Cuban to task, even though it was directed at his star player (deservedly so), it was a pretty direct shot and Cuban as well.

And if you think I am being hypocritical for applauding Wade while denigrating the Mavericks, particularly Dirk and their pathetic little man owner, consider this, Wade was quiet for nearly 9 months while these clowns peppered away, while Cuban blames EVERYONE else for his teams failings, while he insults Wade and the Heat by saying they lost to a lesser team because the refs gave it to them at the charity stripe, and then when he finally speaks up, he states a fact, and the numbers don’t lie, HUUUUUGE difference between the 2. Dirk and Cuban refuse to take responsibility for one of the most monumental chokes in NBA history and WADE SHOWS POOR SPORTSMANSHIP?!?!?! Give me a break!

Yes.  One is an insult directed towards others.  The other statements are simply a bullshit excuse that shouldn't have bothered Wade.

You and Wade are interpreting the Mavericks statements as insults.  They're not. Saying you gave the series away is nonsense.  As you say, they're not taking responsibility for their failure. 

I LOVED Wade’s comment and think he was spot on in his assessment.

Classless Dan, absolutely classless. Why is it that you insist on adding in negative adjectives when speaking about Cuban or Dirk, as though what they said wasn't enough in itself, you have to insult them everytime you mention their name?  Your showing your bias in this, and blinding yourself to Wade's faux pas.


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Re: So Wade popped off about Dirk....
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2007, 11:59:03 AM »
Your selective cherry picking of the comments proffered by members of the Mavericks and their pathetically infantile owner makes my point about your "inconsistancy" in spades Rick. I suppose Cuban's blog entries insulting Wade and the Miami Heat et al does not rise to the level of one player calling out another player huh? You're right, it doesn't, IT IS MUCH, MUCH, WORSE! Yeah right, Cuban doesn't disparage anyone, too funny for words Rick my boy!

Only someone trying to spin their way out of their "inconsistancy" would claim that Dallas' saying "we gave the series away" was meant to insult themselves, not Miami. How utterly ridiculous you look for attempting it! It was and is absolutely meant as an insult to Miami, in effect saying they gave away the series to a lesser team, they couldn't have won if we hadn't let them, yeah, that isn't an insult!

Regardless, your thinking Mark Cuban is great for the game, entertaining, honest, up front, tells it like it is and all that drivel while slamming Wade for insulting Dirk still demontrates your hypocracy, err, "inconsistancy" like nothing I could ever say. Funny, I don't remember you jumping all over Raja Bell and calling him classless when he insulted Kobe Bryant VERY PUBLICLY during last years playoffs, I guess he is great for the NBA and entertaining like Cuban huh?

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Re: So Wade popped off about Dirk....
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2007, 12:04:55 PM »
And uh, by the way Rick, this is the first time EVER that I have insulted Dirk by calling him any name (big German crybaby) as opposed to merely slamming his lack of defensive skills, so get over the I can't mention him without calling him names, unless of course, you are willing to stop insulting players YOU don't like (hmmm, now WHOM could I possibly be talking about?).

As far as Cuban, there is no one in the NBA that hurls insults and denigrates people like this little man, and I stand by my opinion of his personality.

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: So Wade popped off about Dirk....
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2007, 01:33:27 PM »
What bothers me is the Cuban comment about how Miami was not the better team.  For me, that type of comment is just unbelievably childish and disrespectful.  I hate, hate, hate hearing people on a losing team use any variation on the phrase "We're still a better team."   

What's more, these comments are somewhat understandable when the come in the heat of the moment after a loss.   To be saying this 8 months later is pathetic. 

The better team wins, end of story.  Having more and/or better talent and still losing is understandable when you lose to a better TEAM.  Better talent does not equal better team.  Unless the Mavs are talking about the 3 refs who happen to be Wade fans.
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