Author Topic: Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?  (Read 1136 times)

Offline westkoast

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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« on: November 07, 2005, 09:53:14 PM »
BOSTON - Phil Jackson wasn't the only one Red Auerbach had some fun with while making the rounds in Boston last week. Another was Shaquille O'Neal.
While making an appearance on Boston radio station WEEI-AM, the Boston Celtics patriarch was asked about O'Neal, and while conceding O'Neal was a "giant among giants" and an excellent player, Auerbach then posed the following questions (and answers): "Does he rebound? No. Does he block shots? Eh, as in, sort of. Does he play good defense? Eh. Does he run the floor? Eh. (Bill) Russell did all of those things."

O'Neal will not be doing any of those things in the near future. A right ankle sprain will sideline the Miami Heat center two to four weeks.

On Wednesday night, Auerbach, while attending the Celtics game against the New York Knicks, said of Jackson:

"Phil is obviously a good coach. You don't win that many games without being a . . . good coach. Remember one thing: He's been very fortunate. He picks his spots. "


Offline westkoast

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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 09:56:39 PM »
Funny how they take away the hip hop clothing/influence with the dress code and revamp it up with hip hop-like beef.  What's next?  50 cent calling out David Stern after being boys?


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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 10:14:04 AM »
I've seen some sour, bitter, old curmudgeons in my time, but Red is the undisputed king, what so sad is he has NOTHING to be bitter about, his success speaks for itself, even if we fans can an do break down his failing and where he "picked his spots", bitter, bitter, bitter.


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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 10:18:45 AM »
There certainly is no love lost between Red and PJ.  I think PJ LIVES for breaking Red's record just so he can look down on him.

As for Red's comments?

"Does he rebound? No.
Does Shaq rebound?  Shaq is a GREAT rebounder but does he rebound like he should, the answer is an obvious "NO."

Does he block shots? Eh, as in, sort of.
I think Shaq is a better shotblocker than Russell was.  Look at the heighth today on the court compared to Russell's day -- we have quite a few SF's at 7'0" these days -- during Russell's day, a team was lucky to have a 7'0" center.  

Does he play good defense? Eh.
Shaq does play defense.  The Lakers won (and lost) based on how well Shaq played the middle.  Shaq did that VERY well -- for a couple of years anyway.  

Does he run the floor? Eh.
Okay, Shaq doesn't run the floor well at all.

(Bill) Russell did all of those things."
It's VERY difficult to compare players of different era's.  And Russell was probably one of the greatest defensive big men to ever play the game.  However, here's a few things that you DIDN'T hear Red saying:

Does Russell dominate in the paint offensively?

Can you count on Russell to score when the team needs it?

Can Russell draw a double or triple team in the middle on the offensive end giving his teammates room to score or shoot?

You didn't hear Red making those comments, did you?

Russell has obviously earned his place in history among the leagues best big men -- however, so has Shaq.  Both have their weaknesses -- with Russell it was the offensive end -- with Shaq, it is heart and drive.  If you could put Russell's heart in Shaq's body -- how many rings would Shaq have now?  I'll give you a hint -- more than he currently has, that's for sure!


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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 11:53:37 AM »
I also do not think its fair to judge what Russell did and what Shaq did (in their primes) because the schudele and amount of games played is alot more.  Of course Red knows this yet still feels the need to take his verbal jabs at Shaq.  Playing 82+ games and flying/busing it to every single city (just about) in the US is very tough and stressfull.

Thought Id share this as I kinda laughed at his shots.  Especially the Phil Jackson one.  Red didn't exactly chose to go to a team to build it up either.

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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 01:16:30 PM »
That was kind of my point Koast, Mr. Pot calling Mr. Kettle black, Red never had to deal with rebuilding a team, and in his day, his word was LAW!!!! He wouldn't last 5 minutes in today's NBA with todays spoiled rotten me first punks, Phil for all of his coaching shortcomings, manages people better than just about everyone and has 9 rings to prove it, Red wouldn't have 1 in today's NBA, whereas phil would have 15 in Red's day with the talent Red had at his disposal, I believe that with all my heart.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2005, 01:17:49 PM by Laker Fan »


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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 01:38:48 PM »
I will agree with some of what you say, Dan.  

I do think that Red was a great coach -- and a coach can STILL be the law as long as several criteria are met:

1)  Management and Ownership allow it to happen.
2)  The coach has the freedom to move players who don't respond and/or answer to the law
3)  Fans are willing to allow a team to build on character rather than just talent.

How would Philly respond to trading AI?  

There have been coaches who operate like this -- Jerry Sloan is the first that comes to mind.  Pop is also a coach who operates more in this mindset.  It's not that respect isn't given -- it's just that respect and compliance is insisted on.  However, many owners are more interested in a W and keeping players happy than giving coaches this kind of power.  Personally, I think the NBA would be a lot better product if more owners still operated this way.

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Beef Week in the NBA: Red vs Phil/Shaq?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2005, 03:44:12 PM »
I am not saying Red wasn't a great coach, he certainly was, as my previous post indicated, his record speaks for itself. However, we get into the same old argument about different era's after that, and truth be told, I really don't think his style of coaching would survive in today's NBA, although I do agree it would depend alot on the team and how much control they would allow the coach to have over personel decisions, and your citing Jerry Sloan is an excellent example of that point. You put him most other situations and it is a different story.

I guess I should not have painted that picture with such a broad brush, I am just really sick of this petty little man's bitterness and insults. I am no fan of Phil Jackson's coaching style or of Shaq and his "committment" to the game, but to deny what either one of them has accomplished while being a hypocrite vis'a vie the "picking his spots" comment and disreguarding the shortcomings of the superstar center you coached while denigrating the ability's of another center who CLEARLY is the most dominant of his time and one of the most dominant of all time just reeks of petty bitterness, shameless lack of grace, and just plain no class, Red Auerbach needs to shut his stupid mouth, he lessens his legend everytime he opens it.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2005, 03:46:38 PM by Laker Fan »