Author Topic: Did a plane really hit the pentagon?  (Read 2877 times)

Offline SPURSX3

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Did a plane really hit the pentagon?
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2004, 12:27:38 PM »

Here's the link that disputes x3's claim.
101 the link does not "dispute" me, if anything it tells you that i am right, and the website with the flash pictures about no jet crashing is a hoax or is wrong...there WAS a boeing that crashed into the pentagon on 9/11.  to say there wasnt - like this site is saying - is incredibly assenine...
On the set of Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris brought a dying lamb back to life by nuzzling it with his beard. As the onlookers gathered, the lamb sprang to life. Chuck Norris then roundhouse kicked it, killing it instantly. The lesson? The good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.


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Did a plane really hit the pentagon?
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2004, 01:28:49 PM »
I really don't care why you decided to post it -- I think it's in VERY poor taste!  You still continue to ignore that if flight 77 didn't crash into the pentagon then what happened to the plane and all it's passengers and flight personnel?  The families of this flight were informed that their loved one died in this crash -- to begin to say "hey, maybe it didn't happen after all" is pretty crass, IMO.  You need to bring something like this up after you have FACTS -- not just some half-baked conspiracy theory!  I know I would like this if it were one of my family members that died on the plane!
I didnt?

There are better pictures of the damage but its all after the fires burned. Again, Im not saying I believe this. Did it really take them a couple of years of serious investigating and long hours of PHP coding to "figure"  :rolleyes: and put that stuff out? I only posted it because I knew someone would like it....Randy liked it.

That was posted LAST NIGHT by me.  Notice the quotes around figure and the rolleyes smiley.  If that doesn't throw up the sarcasm flag for you I don't know what will.  

What do you mean post this when I have facts?  Im not investigating, im not saying its true, I posted it.  I didn't make the movie Randy.  I got emailed the link.  There's a difference.   I thought a 757 would do alot more damage like that, but as 101 pointed out the Pentagon had just got reinforced steel put int.  Something like 20 feet thick.  Did I know that? No.  Did anyone else? No.  By posting the topic someone replied with facts that disproved it.  That's part of any message board debate is it not?

Thats great you think its poor taste, but that wasnt the original reason you were mad.  You were mad because you thought it was a shot at Bush.  You weren't originally mad because you think I dont care about the people who died on the crash.  For the past 2 years or so on this board ive posted links to random, weird, and out there stuff ive found on the Net.  I havent been doing anything new.  I do find it funny you are talking about my poor taste yet defend Bush's poor taste like he signs your checks.  Who's poor taste is really effecting people?
Westkoast . . .

Whether you like it or not you DID post this and by so doing so (and giving ANY kind of credence to this idea), you DID take a shot at the government (umm, who currently leads our government?).  For this to be a HOAX, it would have to be a monumental conspiracy theory:

Look at the following groups that would have had to be involved:
1)  Pentagon officials,
2)  Local police/firemen
3)  American Airline employees (from the top to the bottom)
4)  Whoever took flight #77 and caused it and all it's passengers to disappear.

That's a LOT of people, isn't it?  This story MIGHT have been believeable had it not been for flight #77 -- which WAS an actual flight on which actual people actually died.  

My original post was to try and help point out that this story didn't have any credence because it would have taken a MASS cover-up to pull off something like this.  It WOULD have taken a presidential order -- and even that wouldn't have been enough -- which is the reason I mentioned Bush at all.  I still think it's crass -- of whoever thought up the whole conspiracy theory and to ANYONE who gives it any kind of credence.  You are basically saying that "hey, terrorists didn't kill your loved ones, our government did" and yet you have ZERO proof in doing it!  That doesn't sound crass to you?

I will definately take Bush over Kerry (and Nader) -- unfortunately, that's not saying much, is it?

Offline westkoast

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Did a plane really hit the pentagon?
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2004, 02:09:47 PM »
Randy Ill remember that next time anyone else posts any kind of article or link around here.  If they post it, it automatically means they support or agree with whats posted.  Which then means you believe all the stuff Shaq says and give credence to it right?

Again, just because Bush is the president does not mean he is the government.  There are seperate branches that balance each other out.  Hate to be condesending (sp) here but you are strectching to justify you getting huffy for Bush when it wasnt directed right at him.  The government is not Bush and Bush is not the government.  You dont need to defend him Randy.  You are a strong supporter, we get it.

btw, those pentagon officials are the same ones giving quotes about the sound and what they felt when the pentagon was hit.  I guess if I posted the link and according to Randy's standards of Internet Posting....I give weight to the idea then I should run with that.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 02:49:47 PM by westkoast »