Author Topic: Congra....  (Read 1084 times)

Offline Laker Fan

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« on: May 13, 2004, 10:45:35 PM »
Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle!!!!!

THAT was one of the most unbelievable finishes I have ever seen. MAJOR props to the Spurs for not panicking down 16, SUPER MAJOR props to someone I have always considered soft, Tim Duncan for one of the most clutch shots I have ever seen, Kobe's body language said it all when that shot dropped, the shrugged shoulders, the look of disbelief and resignation that they were now down 2-3. Duncan didn't even look at the basket IMO.

That being said, SUPER DUPER MAJOR props to a player that has been maligned all season long, loses his starting job and has a completely subpar regular season, he flops and draws fouls like the artist he is, and than takes a dagger out of his sock, stabs the Spurs in the heart, pulls it out and shows it to them while it is still beating, all in less than one half of one second. Win or lose this series, Fisher will never forget what he did tonight.

The best part is that the Spurs went to the line more than LA tonight, owned the paint, the break, and the glass, and LA still beat them, even after blowing a 16 point lead (and my Bushmills induced celebratory buzz). I can't take too much more of these kinds of nail biters. What a finish!!!!!!!

Fellow Laker fans, I only want to add a couple more things,  :up:  :nod:  :ding:
 :eek3:  :eek3:  :wave:
« Last Edit: May 13, 2004, 10:47:07 PM by Laker Fan »