Author Topic: Lowest ticket prices you're seeing  (Read 5850 times)

Offline msc

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Re: Lowest ticket prices you're seeing
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2009, 06:25:02 PM »
Haha, true, jemagee ;-)  

If it were the Lakers I'd definitely pay the $10.  Unfortunately for me, that's the only game the Clippers sell out each year (2x), so for that game you have to go through a broker/ebay/stubhub/etc. anyway and end up paying those exorbitant Laker ticket prices.  

The Clippers will always be a mess because they are the Clippers.  I say this every year and I get these morons telling me they're going to make the playoffs this year.  No, they won't.  I felt sorry for Blake Griffin as soon as he was drafted by them ... career over.  If SA would have drafted him he'd already be the leading vote getter for ROY ... unfortunately the ping pong balls didn't fall in his favor.  It's really sad.


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Re: Lowest ticket prices you're seeing
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2009, 06:29:17 PM »
Yeah, well since I'm a sixers fan in santa barbara, the only real affordable way for me to ever see the sixers is to go to a clippers game...i wonder how many 'transplant' fans attend one clippers game a year just to see their team play :)

When I was ready to give up on the sixers around 2003, I was seriously considering the clippers as an alternative just because at least I knew they'd never really go anywhere and no one could accuse me of being a band wagon fan.

BTW - Blake Griffin was the pre season pick by many for ROY (before his knee cap issue)

Offline msc

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Re: Lowest ticket prices you're seeing
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2009, 07:10:01 PM »
I know Blake was a lock for ROY pre-season.  I guess my point was that had any of the several well run organizations in the NBA drafted him, he'd be playing today.  I'm referring to the "Clipper curse" and while I'm kind of doing it tongue-in-cheek ... I'm half serious.  Whether it's a bust (see Olawankandi), or an injury (see Danny Manning) the Clippers will always suck because they are the Clippers.  I'd love for them to move to the OC, or better yet back to SD where they came from.  Reality can be a season seat holder down there and go to every Laker/Clip game wearing his Kobe underoos. 

Going from a Sixers fan to a Clippers fan!?!  What, were you trying to live a life of pain and suffering?  That's like jumping off the Bills bandwagon to become a Browns fan ;-)


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Re: Lowest ticket prices you're seeing
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2009, 07:33:58 PM »
Going from a Sixers fan to a Clippers fan!?!  What, were you trying to live a life of pain and suffering?  That's like jumping off the Bills bandwagon to become a Browns fan ;-)

I'm a philadelphia sports fan in 3 sports who barely remembered the titles in 80 and 83 - i was already on board for a life of pain and suffering...if I was an NHL fan I'd be suffering in four, you know, jews, we suffer - seriously - ever since the rat left I find the sixers to be a persistent mediocre organiziation who aren't going to get better even though they keep fooling me into thinking they're going to.

At least with the clippers there's no expectation of winning, seriously, if you're a clippers fan, you KNOW you're going to suck and if you win, well cool, if you lose no skin off your nose.

Not for nothing, but drafting thornton was a bad move there clipppers - but thank you.

I really WANT the clippers to succeed, and the NBA probably wants the clippers to succed, don't they have some sort of 'eminent domain' where they can force an owner to sell if he's not really that interested in winning?