Author Topic: SG or PF???  (Read 11131 times)

Offline TheGuiltyParty

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2008, 02:21:35 PM »
I think a lot of people are expecting Gordon to sign the 1 year qualifying offer this summer and then hit the market as a UFA next summer. If he does sign a 1 year deal, he'll essentially be given a no-trade clause (I believe) so it's probably in Chicago's best interest to move him this summer.

I would have some interest in Gordon but probably not at the money he's going to want. Didn't he turn down a 5 year/$55 MIL deal last summer??

Offline anklebreaker

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2008, 04:59:33 PM »
Turning down that $ was a mistake for Gordon as he surely didn't earn himself any bargaining leverage. 


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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2008, 05:03:00 PM »
It was a caculated risk.  Hindisight being 20/20 yes it was a mistake, but the bulls had a lot of hype coming into this season and if they had lived up to it gordon would have been a big part of it and possibly earned a better bargaining position...he'll still get a good deal

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2008, 11:28:49 PM »
Any thought to seeking a new center as our primary goal.  Not to pick on Sammy, but he has pretty much plateaued out.  He is not a bad center, but he's not really a good one either, maybe slightly above average when you balance his pluses and minuses.  Plus I think we have our PF of the future right now.

Pretending for a little while that Sammy is not untradeable, and he gets closer with each year that ticks off of his contract, who could be targeted as a replacement?  I will assume that Sammy can be moved in this or a parallel trade, but here are some possibilities:

1.  Biedrins - Would be my first choice, already plays in an up-tempo system.  Similar skills as Sammy on the plus side, but less negatives.  Is a smarter, more instictive player.  Could he be had?  Maybe if his contract demand are too high for GS's liking for a player they under use.  It would probably cost us Iggy in a dual S&T, with Sammy being moved to a center hungry team for a shooting guard.

2.  Bogut - Is Skiles and Co. finished trading their "soft" players.  Probably and Bogut is not really that soft, although he sometimes gets labeled that way.  This one is very unlikely for now, but I thought drafting Joe Alexander was unlikely after they traded for RJ too.  Sammy, Lou, a future first and cap space for Redd and Bogut?  Unlikely, but it's a thought.

3.  Sheed - If Detroit is rebuilding here is a chance to get younger at C.  Sammy would provide a good complement to a guy like Maxiell.  We would be looking for a new C next year in a likelihood, but with lots of cap space and Speights as a possible part-time C.

Other possibilities - Brad Miller, Camby, Okur, Curry (OK that one is a joke).

I'm not saying this is the way we will go or the way we should go, but I am trying to think outside of the box a little, since some of our more commonly discussed options like Brand or Josh Smith are fairly tenuous at best.

Offline tk76-

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2008, 08:23:52 AM »
Those other centers you list are not very intriguing, but I agree we need to think about replacing/upgrading Sam sometime in the next 2-3 years.  That was why I was (irrationally) upset we failed to trade for Jordan.  He would have given us depth/size and potential at C.

I should not use Speights as a reason to keep Sam, but I do think his type of PF would greatly benefit from being next to Sam.  The Pacerguy (Tbird) talked about how Speights will never be an elite defender or shot blocker at PF (although potentially fine in these areas) and could really flourish next to a center who can take the tougher cover and add shotblocker  Slam dunker, aquamayne, Sammee Deeeee!)

In my mind, Sam is the perfect complement to a scoring PF.  The less Sam has to score, the better he becomes.  in fact, Sam's scoring could go up if there is another guy down low that the defense has to focus on (or even double.)  Sam could get 12 ppg on some ridiculously high FG% (65%?) by getting tons of oops, follow dunks and secondary break baskets.  Also, less dumb mistakes by default.)

I do agree that Sam likely won't be our center after this contract expires in 3 years- but I would look more to groom a replacement than trade for one.

Offline TheGuiltyParty

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Re: SG or PF???
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2008, 11:56:17 AM »
The good news is that we do have some young talent at center. While I don't love Jason Smith's game, I do expect him to get a lot better. And as tk said, I would be all for obtaining Jordan to groom as a potential replacement. Sam has 3 years left on his deal. We could probably deal him in 2 years as an expiring contract so if we could somehow groom his replacement for then... well, that would be awesome.