He had a good game. Going 5-10 on treys is not what i would call "killing" the Lakers, but it is a good game by Fins. Do you want me to quote the number of games Barry has shot over 50% on treys for the season? I'd rather you did. Then give me the Fin stats.
Um, shooting 50% from behind on the arc is killing a team. Where have you been in the last, oh say FOREVER since they put the 3 line in. Shooting 40% from the 3 is shooting very well. You can find all the number of games Barry has shot over 50% by making 2 of 4 3s. That doesn't matter cuz he didn't get it done yesterday.
Really? I thought Manus back to back treys to pull SAS to 72-76 were "pay" also. Then Bowen hit a Duncan passout with 54 seconds left to give the Spurs the lead at 79-77.
I count the Bowen shot also. Fin was on the bench for all three of those.
Both Manu's 3s did not come off double teams. Reality he had 17 points off the bench. Barry started and had 1 point. He was also part of the defensive problem in the first half. Almost all of Finley's shots came outside in through the course of the game. How are Bowen and Manu going to get credit for one shot made a piece off of double teams?
That explains Odom leaving Finley to help on Duncan. Should i also find one of your numerous posts praising Pop for running the offense non stop to Duncan while attempting to diss my calls for open flow O. Do make a choice please.
You do realize players do things they think they should do as oppose to what the coach may want them to do? Odom was not told to leave Finley, I can guarentee that.
You want to get away from Duncan to let others shoot, that I always disagree with. Even last night. Just because I think another guy should shoot doesn't mean I think the whole idea of going to Duncan should be scraped like you. Simple logic and mathmatics tell you to give it to Duncan each and every time. Not only % wise but because that is how the game is played the best...inside out.
He's 46% treys on the year, 3rd in NBA and 1st in FGA. Not this game tho.
And that is what we are talking about...THIS GAME LOL He was 0-4 up to that point.
Bynum got the rebound and threw a pass to Radman. All 5 Spurs were either in the key or on the otherside of the rim. How is that a lucky bounce and also has nothing to do with Spurs defense. As to Duncan fouling Kobe, the Spurs were up 3 with 27 seconds. Make Kobe shoot two. Even if he hits both, Spurs are +1 with the ball. Do you really want to stick with the strategy that giving up a trey is okay there?
The Spurs defense collapsed to stop one of the best finishers in the game. That is what you are suppose to do. I don't know how simple that is to understand. You don't give Kobe Bryant a layup or dunk no matter what.
Spurs are +1 with ball, no Duncan. I think they would have traded Duncan being gone for 1 point. Especially if it ended up going to overtime anyways. Duncan was the one they were most worried about the entire game.
He tells Finley that before every game this season. RRRrrrrrrrraugh Pop and westkoast knew that Finley was going to break out.
What is joes saying, even a blind squirell finds an acorn once in a while.
Give us a break that it was some special insight or strategy by Pop!
Does he? Cuz they said he made it a point for Finley, not anyone else, to attack. Finley has had much success against the Lakers since he has been in this league.
You are so pathetic when it comes to twisting. No matter what Pop does you find an excuse. If Pop makes an adjustment and decides that player X is going to play more minutes...it's not special or anything. If he feels one guy can make the Lakers pay and he does, it is not insight or strategy.....But if Phil does this to Pop it is 'owning' him. Same with Avery Johnson. Just admit he is one of the best in the game. Everyone else can see it...fans, fans of other teams, commentators, players, other coaches....
In fact I think I know more about the Spurs then you do...I bet the Spurs fans co-sign me