Author Topic: Shaqs Laker contract  (Read 1812 times)

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Shaqs Laker contract
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2006, 12:23:04 PM »
"I know The Donald would have made the trade. I'm saying Jerry Buss would not, and should not, trade Shaq within his own conference, let alone his own division."  msc circa Feb 13th.
I take it back.  I don't know that the Donald would have made the trade.  Maybe he would have, but he is notorious for being stingy and it took all he could muster to sign Brand and Magette.  So to assume he would have re-upped Shaq at the max ($100mil over 5-yrs) is a big assumption.  

Again, I never said I wouldn't want Brand.  I would have loved to have gotten Brand.  But to my knowledge, and yours, there was no offer made, so why are we making these HUGE assumptions and chasing our tails?  

Unrealistic to presume Sterling would not have gone for that trade.  Look atThe Donalds history.  Chance to bring in circus Shaq to the Clips?  Done and done.  Even if Sterling would not, you're saying NO other trade options available?  No way.  True the lame dollar for dollar thing was very limiting.
Okay, I'll look at the Donald's history .... when I do that I have to assume he would never sign a huge contract like Shaq!

The trade was made because of Kobme, not Shaq.
This is complete BS.  Shaq demanded a contract extension to Dr. Buss during a preseason game in Hawaii.  It pissed Buss off and Buss spent the entire season keeping Shaq at bay and not re-upping him.  It festered all season until Shaq demanded a trade after he tanked against Pistons.  

Same conference trades in past?  Affecting the title?  We all know it was Lenny Bias death that helped the Lakers more then anything, still I believe you were part of the Forum crowd when Michael Thompson was a cog in the Lakers 87 & 88?  From San Antonio.  Mid season.  Power forward who could score a little being just what the Lakers needed. :rolleyes:   Yeah who was he traded for :rolleyes:
Yes, I was around for the Mychael Thompson deal (I even remember how to spell his name!).  Please don't tell me you're comparing this to Shaq ...

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Shaqs Laker contract
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2006, 12:49:12 PM »
Now when ESPN said 'The Lakers could have got better players for Shaq' they probably could of.....from teams that he did not want to goto.  Of the teams reported (I'll repeat it because you did not understand the first time as usual) were Pheonix, Miami, and Dallas.   Of those teams I mentioned the players that could match Shaq's salary and are better than what the Lakers recieved in return.  Are you still following here?

Homework? Again, I am not ESPN.  Maybe you need to send them cryptic emails (similar to the posts you make) and see how far you get.  They said exactly what I told you and that was it.  No specifics.  In fact alot of the segement was about Allen Iverson and what would happen if Philly did decide to trade him.  See AI would only want to goto specific places also and the 76ers have a strong loyalty to Iverson because of what he has done for that franchise.  Similar situation.
You can be this dense.  It's not amazing.

<<Shaq had a short list of teams he would not block a trade to go to.  The Lakers, to show respect to what Shaq was to this organization, sent him to the #1 team on his list.  That was Miami.>>

Have another cracker and a swig of Laker Winnin Juice.  This is so redundant.

<<Now when ESPN said 'The Lakers could have got better players for Shaq' they probably could of.....from teams that he did not want to goto.  Of the teams reported (I'll repeat it because you did not understand the first time as usual) were Pheonix, Miami, and Dallas.   Of those teams I mentioned the players that could match Shaq's salary and are better than what the Lakers recieved in return.  Are you still following here?>>

 No, I'm not following you.  When you write 'they probably could have' that is you making it up, not you quoting ESPN.  So I tune you out.  Nonetheless you are finally beginning to address the issue.  Major props.  I am confident more breakthrus will come from you.  Now, if you have what ESPN reported as the other teams, lay it on us. If not, oh well.

The load of nonsense about how classy and respectful the trade of Shaq was is an utter load of  :bs: .  To label it "classy" and "respectful" might sound all pretty in your Starbucks crew coffee tables.  Fact is Shaq and Buss were hurling insults at each other for the next couple months.  Even longer.  This trade was made for Kobadiah, pure and simple.  Buss "loves him like a son".  Thus when Kobee wanted Shaq gone, he was gone.  

Philly would get the best offer they could for AI.  Sure he would give them a list, just like Shaq.  Still have not recieved an answer as to what players can veto or not, but they can veto to a degree, lesser or greater.  From AIs list Philly could choose the team to their liking.  If AI was still under contract for two years there is absolutey no way they would sing some song about having to trade him for lesser players then they could get.  

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Shaqs Laker contract
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2006, 12:54:39 PM »
Okay, I'll look at the Donald's history .... when I do that I have to assume he would never sign a huge contract like Shaq!


And look at the other options.  The Donald was not the only one.

The Hawaii thing was a factor, sure.  The topper was when Mitch Cupkake took to the podium at Laker Mecca and announced to the world they would never trade Kobme Bryant.  Up to that point I don't buy that Shaq absolutely would not stay.


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Shaqs Laker contract
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2006, 12:57:21 PM »
Yes, I was around for the Mychael Thompson deal (I even remember how to spell his name!).  Please don't tell me you're comparing this to Shaq ...
An interconference trade that just couldn't be made.

Do you think Thompson had any effect on 87 and 88?