Author Topic: Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .  (Read 1339 times)

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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2004, 12:30:59 PM »

Media and the NBA are hyping up Saturdays game so much its sickening.  Shaq said last night on ESPN he doesnt have to like Kobe but he has to respect his game.  I say leave it at that.

Doesnt the NBA have more important stuff to talk about?  Like how well Sonics/Suns/Spurs are playing.  Or Vince Carter's new home.  Or how well Dwayne Wade is playing?  NBA is just loving this negative attention isnt it?

Offline ziggy

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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2004, 01:04:51 PM »
Skip Bayless wrote

Kobe Bryant is a little more gifted athletically than Michael Jordan was.

Kobe is a much better pure shooter. Kobe has risen into Michael's rare air when it comes to making great late shots. Kobe is a little taller, and just as quick and strong. Kobe plays with as much nightly energy and passion as Michael did, even on defense.

Kobe is a great player, no doubt about that.  Top 5 in the NBA without question.  Better than MJ (which is what Bayless is saying)?  Not a snowballs chance in hell that he is more gifted athletically, a better shooter, or as good as MJ at making "great late shots".  MJ was so much better than everyone of his contemporaries it wasn't even close.  Is Kobe better than Garnett?  Is Kobe better than Duncan?  Can any remember MJ having a bad game?  He went like 12 season never once scoring less than double figures.  He sat out nearly 2 seasons, and upon returning the Bulls won 3 more titles, and set the single season record with 72 wins.

People may have forgetten how great Oscar Robertson or Jerry West, or Elgin Baylor were, but they still remember how great MJ was.  The reason Kobe will never be the "Next MJ", is because he is not as personable and he isn't as good.  People see that and know that.
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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2004, 01:53:37 PM »

MJ WASN'T a very good shot when he first came into the league -- by the end of his career he was a VERY good shooter.  Came from never being satisfied with his game.  I don't agree that Kobe is more athletic (although he does have a longer wingspan), I don't agree that Kobe is a better defender (MJ was one of the best one-on-one defenders ever) -- pretty much the only thing I agree with Bayless is that Kobe was (and still is) a better shooter than MJ was at this point in his career.  

MJ was a jerk -- he thought he was a god and most people treated him like he was -- same thing is true with Kobe.  The difference is that the media is a LOT more intense these days and being in LA just makes it even more intense.  At the end of MJ's career, he was hounded -- Kobe was hounded almost from the beginning of his career (mainly BECAUSE of the popularity that MJ, Magic and Bird brought to the NBA).  Kobe and a LOT of other NBA players need to realize that it's the IMAGE of the NBA that will decide it's future.  The NBA wasn't nearly as popular before Magic and Bird brought the NBA into the limelight.  MJ increased it's status and the original dream team is the climax of that popularity and image.  From the second dream team to the last two doomed teams, the NBA's image has turned to one of tarnished brass instead of gold.  

Kobe and other players need to realize that their image is what is paying their salaries -- and if they don't improve that image, everything they believe they are entitled too will all burn up.  Kobe needs to start realizing that while he is the teams best player -- he NEEDS the other four players on the court.  He needs to learn to try and keep his business out of the press and take care of it behind closed doors -- no matter WHAT the other person does.

However, with all of that said, Kobe is getting slammed for not being a team player -- for players that "hate" playing with him -- and that isn't the proper perspective, IMO, for the most part.  I have heard SEVERAL players interviewed this year and Kobe IS trying to be the leader as well as a teammate.  Look at Kobe's assist per game and that will tell you he is working hard to get his teammates involved.  And I can also tell you from watching several games that Kobe's assists would be MUCH higher if he had anyone else who could shoot the ball with any kind of consistency (esp. from outside).  

The Lakers are rebuilding -- they will be rebuilding because at this point they don't have a big man on whom they can rely on for interior defense and rebounding.  Lamar Odom isn't a PF and while he is a decent rebounder for his size, the Lakers frontcourt don't rebound the ball well and their post defense is almost non-existent!  

There is a LOT that Kobe has to answer for -- but, as typical, the media loves to jump on something when it's popular (some sports "analysts" should be writing for the National Inquirer based on the accuracy of their reportings -- why are other reporters required to show "proof" but sports reporters can simply report conjectures, dreams and lies?) and Kobe is about as unpopular a player right now as you can find.  I think he will rebound but it's never going to be to his former vaunted status -- and it may not rebound very high if he can't manage to keep his tits and tats out of the press every other day!


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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2004, 01:57:54 PM »
By-the-way, I think the other thing that I agree about is that Kobe HAS risen to the status of MJ in game winning shots.  MJ never took ALL the shots -- he sometimes used his abilities by drawing double teams and allowing other players to take those shots -- Paxson, Armstrong, Kerr, etc.  

Kobe isn't any different -- but what GM in the league wouldn't want Kobe to take a final shot?  It's one of the things that makes Kobe one of the top 5 players in the league today.  He can be double AND triple-teamed and still knock down the shot.  It's one of the things that separates legends from superstars and stars.  Some of the "superstars" of todays game will be forgotten but names like the Big O, Jerry West, Bird, Magic, MJ, etc. will live on and on and on.  Because they rose to the challenge during the biggest games.  This is something that KG has JUST gotten to the place that he has done -- because in the past he disappeared in the post-season.

Offline WayOutWest

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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2004, 08:53:26 PM »
One thing about Kobe vs. MJ (I don't think Kobe is as good as MJ overall because of the rings, MVP's and post game), MJ was more about athleticism early on, he didin't have much of an outside shot, later on when MJ developed a good jumper he didn't have the same explosiveness when he put on the extra weight in 1992.  Right now Kobe has both, the sick "ups" and the outside shot.  Kobe lacks the post game and floor generalship MJ had LATER in his carreer.

I've followed both guys from their rookie season on and there isn't that big a difference in abilities and performance because MJ's overall game didn't develop until later in his carreer when he was less explosive.  

Today's players are alot more physically gifted overall and would not look so overmatched by MJ on both ends, while they still wouldn't be able to gaurd MJ, MJ wouldn't be albe to guard them either.  T-Mac, Iverson, Wade, Bryant, Allen and Richardson all have tremendous athletic abilites, MJ-like.  Back in MJ's day the only guys I can remember with some serious ups were Drexler, Wilkins, Robertson and ....err...

Agreed Kobe's not as good as MJ but the difference is not as much as some WISH.
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Kobe's getting hammered in the press . . .
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2004, 04:42:51 PM »
The question is why is Kobe getting hammered in the press.  Not who was better, he or MJ.  MJ clearly was the better player.  So good, that he could win championships without a premier Center.  

The reason is Kobe's fall from grace, well-deserved after his trial in Colorado.  He wanted to be everyone's hero, but his character made that impossible, so now he's the notorious villain.

He's a great player, but with a greater ego still.  He's also a private person, somewhat reserved and standoffish.  He's not a friendly, open guy, so he's not easilly liked. The loosers who are NBA beat writers love to take shots at the well-paid athletes they cover.

Kobe has been pretty stupid and childish with the media as well.  He dissed Philadelphia fans, and got the boos he deserved.  The sex business was the kiss of death for the good-guy image.

But they still have to write about him, and since the good boy image won't work after what he's done, they spin it the other way.