Author Topic: So much for PJs autobiographer and his "story"  (Read 1030 times)

Offline westkoast

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So much for PJs autobiographer and his "story"
« on: June 24, 2004, 08:28:14 AM »
Im sure everyone has heard this plenty of times, in fact probably heard the sound clips plenty of times.  Phil Jackson's autobiographer talked about how it was Kobe (and just Kobe) who ran PJ out of town.  Phil Jackson couldn't take Kobe and that is why he decided not to return.  What Im sure some of you didnt hear was also that he was saying that Kobe was bossing everyone around, he was a prick to everyone, and he never listened to anyone not even Karl Malone.  People were taking what he was saying, and he surely was acting like, this was information  was straight from Phil Jackson since they were buddies.

I knew there was some truth to what he was saying, at least the parts about Kobe wanting to be the man, being somewhat of a pre-madonna, and how he wasnt entirely happy with the triangle.  That part is real easy to swallow.  I think some of you would agree that Kobe has something to prove seeing how the media and fans proclaim him the next Mike, one of the greatest players ever, yadda yadda yadda.  However I did find it a little funny that Kobe went from a guy his teammates knocked for never talking and isolating himself to this loud mouth, bossy, dont even talk to me cuz im not listening type of guy overnight.   So anytime these comments or the autobiographer were  brought up I kinda thought something was up...Well I was right.  The gentlemen was on KROQ's morning show in LA with Kevin and Bean (If you are in LA you got to listen to them in the morning) and Kevin asked him flat out like 2 minutes into the interview if any of this was comming from Phil Jackson or if this was what he thought.  Well, after bumbling a few words he admitted that Phil Jackson didn't say any of it to him and that they have not talked in months and months.  He then went on to justify what hes been saying by bringing up the fact that he coached before (but in lower divisions).  He then went on to say that Kobe never passes the ball, never runs the triangle, and its Kobe and Kobe's fault only why the Lakers lost to SA last year.  The tone he took in the interview was quite funny, too bad you cant record live streams in the car yet!  You would see how they all have been blowing his comments out of proportion and how they hold little weight.

Another rumor bites the dust...I think someone didnt get their autograph signed by Kobe after the game  :D
« Last Edit: June 24, 2004, 08:34:03 AM by westkoast »


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So much for PJs autobiographer and his "story"
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 01:14:23 PM »
Umm, some of these comments are contradicted by facts:

If Kobe never listened to Malone than why would Karl make some of the statements he made about Kobe.  Like, "he's like a little brother to me."  "If I could trade a championship to make all this go away for Kobe, I would."  I wouldn't say that about someone who bossed me around and wouldn't listen to me -- like Ted, for instance.

If Kobe never passed the ball, then he wouldn't average 5.5 assists per game.  It wasn't KOBE'S fault that players weren't making wide open shots in the Finals.  You heard that conversation with PJ during a game -- Kobe: "hey, I'm passing the ball like you told me to and they aren't making the shots."  PJ:  "I know but keep passing."  Kobe:  "but they aren't making them."  PJ:  "I know, keep passing."  If Kobe was such a ego maniac that conversation would have NEVER taken place -- he would just have started freelancing.  

I DO believe that Kobe is a huge part of PJ's leaving -- but PJ's inability or unwillingness to adjust to Detroit basketball had as much with his hurried leaving as anything.  It's time for a change in LA -- and I hope that this change includes Shaq as well as PJ.