Author Topic: Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?  (Read 1178 times)


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Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?
« on: May 26, 2004, 10:43:18 PM »
Not that they played a great game. Wasn't thrilled with Carlisle's coaching, or his rotation.

But with all that, they were in the game at the end on the road, right where they wanted to be.  The officials gave every stinking call to the Pistons, and blew several calls at the end, including Richard Hamilton's FOUL on Reggie Miller at the end.

If they want them to play, then don't let contact go at one end, and then call a ticky-tack foul on the other.  If you're going to call it tight, call it on both ends of the floor.

And, what was it with the 3 official pow-wow in the middle of the floor after a time-out with Indiana waiting to throw in-bounds?  It was a nice defensive play, but there was no excuse for a meeting like that right after a full time-out by Indiana.  It ruined their rhythm and gave the Pistons an extra breather when they needed it.

This is not to suggest that the Pistons shouldn't have won the game, but without the assist by the refs, I doubt it would have happened.  

Considering how poorly Indiana played through most of it, they should feel pretty good about their chances in the next one.  And, they should be pissed off about the biased calling by an experienced team of officials.  Hey refs it's only Larry "vagabond" Brown, there's no need for   :hail:  

Offline westkoast

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Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 12:38:42 AM »
I didnt get to watch the whole game but I think the only people who screwed Indy over was Indy.  Sure they made a run towards the end but they rushed a number of shots and the matchups down the stretch left me  :huh:   Why would you have Croshere guard Rasheed Wallace (who happens to be having a good game) and if it was for offense/defense purposes why didn't someone come to help him in the post?

Reggie.....uhh.......buddy.....learn the pump fake.  It works wonders when you are the all-time 3 point shooter in the NBA.

Offline Reality

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Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 01:32:58 AM »
Got to see the last qtr.  Parts uninterrupted, parts interupted.  
I always like to see what kind of OFFENSE the team with the 10 point 4th qtr lead plays.  Sad to say most NBA teams go into slow down mode either phys or mentally or both and it drives me nuts.
Sure enough from 3:30 on down while Detroit kind of plays O you can tell they are trying to milk the lead and defend their way to the win.  Bye bye 10 point lead.

After Croshier scored to cut it to 76-75 his D on 'Sheed looked fine.  Props to Sheed for hitting the turnaround baseline jumper but i didnt see the foul that ousted Croshere.  Did you see the replay?  Big call.
Sheed hits the FT for 79-75, 1:30 left.  At this point i thought the Miller 26 foot attempt was very ill advised.  Trying to be the glory hound again.  A two would have been just fine there.  Dertroit hits both FTs for 80-75 then Al H bails out Millers butt with the clutch huge 3 for 80-78.  Here comes another key play.  Detroit misses but BWallace gets the offensive putback.  Ouch.  82-78.  19 seconds.  Here i still think Indy has plenty of time for a two then foul.  Instead Al H hoists the three attempt, clank and its over.  Hard to fault Al since he just hit but i think Detroit would have given up the easy two pointer.

Now near the end at :12 the Reggie three pointer attempt, oh yeah he got fouled.  Defender went for the fake all the way, completely airbound when Miller waited till the right time to jump into him.  That is a case where an end of game call should not be let to slide, even tho Miller was Jonesing for it he should have been awarded 3 FTs.  Potential to hit all three for 83-81.  Miller went over to plead his case but the ref kept shaking his head like "no way".

Long answer RT.  In short I'd need to see the replays but i cant see where Indy got too hosed in realtime.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 02:00:35 AM by Reality »


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Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2004, 10:14:04 AM »
No, you've got it dead right.  Agree with everything you both said.  Indy could have done a much better job.  Carlisle needs to coach better.  If he's going to use Reggie that much, then get him going early to open up the inside and give JO room to work.

Play Croshere more, guy works hard out there.

Have to look at the foul totals, seemed like Detroit was getting the vast majority of the calls.   Ref was a complete ass not to call the foul at the end, after bailing out Detroit so many times. Would have made for a much more exciting game.  

Offline westkoast

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Anyone else think the Pacers got jobbed?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 10:20:01 AM »
No, you've got it dead right.  Agree with everything you both said.  Indy could have done a much better job.  Carlisle needs to coach better.  If he's going to use Reggie that much, then get him going early to open up the inside and give JO room to work.

Play Croshere more, guy works hard out there.

Have to look at the foul totals, seemed like Detroit was getting the vast majority of the calls.   Ref was a complete ass not to call the foul at the end, after bailing out Detroit so many times. Would have made for a much more exciting game.
Croshere works hard but he is undersized.  Great offensive game no doubt but when you are loosing and the other team is draining shots, you need stops.  I do not believe that Austin can guard Sheed in the post.  Even on an off night for Wallace.

I know Reggie has hit plenty of big shots in his career but I would just love to see him pump fake Rip out of the play and come in 2 feet.  They were only 2 possesions away from the tie so there was no need for a rushed 3.