To hold a CDL in the US (that is a class A truck driving license, I still hold one, I drove cross country for 18 years) you must be 21 years old, it is federal law, the reasoning is you are not qualified physically to handle an 80,000 lbs tractor trailer. Where does the supreme court have the right to say who a private company can or cannot hire, who are they to say what criteria the NFL can use in its draft, what age limit it must use, what educational requirements, if any, it does or does not have? Next thing you know some safety will sue for the right to interfere with a pass any time they want, don't laugh, it is not that far fetched. This idiot is typical of the spoiled whine dog puke-faced little punks in sports today that feel entitled to anything they want because they can play a sport, I root for his failure, the little punk.