Author Topic: My Big Night With The Sixer(s).  (Read 1472 times)

Offline RickyPryor

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My Big Night With The Sixer(s).
« on: February 27, 2009, 03:37:25 PM »
As some of you may know (from other Boards), I've been working in New York for many years; in fact, lived here for about 12...where my wife and I raised our children.  Recently we moved back to the Philly area - where my family continues to be rabid Sixers fans.

While living in NYC we bought TV packages every year and watched all 82 Sixers games, as most of you do...often went to the Garden to watch them play the Knicks...  We were not very popular amongst our fellow NYers, as you can imagine.

Last night I got stuck in the city and so my wife came up to spend the evening with me.  We checked into a nice hotel at about 7:30...on 51st and Madison...and made plans to eat at an upscale steak house on 45th.

Imagine our surprise when - who walks into our hotel - but the entire Sixers squad.  Coaching staff...players...administrators.  Everyone. 

Over the years and coincidentally, I've spotted teams traveling from time to time.  I've shared hotels with the Rockets, Lakers and name a few.  My business also dictates that I work with celebrities.  George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, etc etc etc

But I've never been so star struck as I was last night.

One after the next, each player entered the hotel - unknown to every other person in the lobby...except to my wife and me.  They each stopped, signed an autograph for our kids, several even stopped to chat.  We must have hung out with them for a good 15-20 minutes...ultimately spending a fair amount of time with Andre Miller, Willie Green and Sam Dalembert.  We also chatted at length with Reggie Evans and Lou Williams.  A thrill.

So we head up to our room to freshen up for dinner (sharing the elevator with Miller and Sam) and return to the lobby.  As we head toward the door...we overhear one of the (higher profile) players discussing dinner options with the consierge.  He's alone and being directed to "Dallas BBQ", which I know to be a rather lousy chicken and rib joint.  And so, jokingly, I ask him to join my wife and me.

To my surprise and genuine delight - he tells us he'd love to.  "That'll be fun," he says.  And so off we go... the three of us...

I have to say that, when you see these guys in situations like this, you come to realize that - despite their being paid millions, and generally living an incredible lifestyle - all that traveling seems awfully lonely for these guys.  They all seemed...I dunno...vulnerable.

Anyway, long story short, we three enjoy a fantastic dinner and chit chat for almost 2 hours, and then return to the hotel where we spot a couple of the players again.  They treated us like old friends.

It's in that spirit that I choose, by the way, not to name our dinner guest.  He was so nice and genuine that I'd feel less than gentlemanly if I were to divulge his identity.  There's no reason for me to.  Suffice to say, we got to know one another quite well and I expect to stay in touch with him.

But we'll never forget our night with the Sixers.  Good guys all.  Just regular folk it turns out. 

I know we'll continue to be gigantic Sixers fans from here on out.  But now...maybe in a slightly different way.

By the way - they say they expect to kick the Knicks ass tonight. :)

Offline tk76-

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Re: My Big Night With The Sixer(s).
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2009, 03:49:55 PM »
Good to here they are not a bad group of guys.  BK always talked about getting the "culture change" and they appear to be relatively good character guys, but who knows in sports these days.