Those are fair questions - and ones that I think the NBA needs to take more seriously than they have been.
Do I believe games have been fixed? ABSOLUTELY. Phoenix/Milwaukee in the late '80's. Some of the players implied to have been a part of that are TODAY assistant coaches in the league. One was actually a head coach for a while. And no big stink was made about it back then. Everyone closed their eyes and pretended that it all went away.
Were all the championships since then "scripted?" No. No way. No way at all.
Were *ANY* of the championships "scripted"? I don't believe so. I certainly hope not. If any was, it was the Dallas/Miami one in 2006.
Were any of the GAMES along the way scripted? I'm starting to think they were, or at the very least, could have been.
Was any SERIES altered by the league office? In my opinion, ABSOLUTELY. Phoenix/San An last year. They ask us to believe that it was all according to the rules - rules which have not been as rigorously observed before OR SINCE. That makes me disbelieve what the league office says.
The NBA is losing credibility. Their handling of the Donaghy situation damaged their credibility further. Their nowhere-close-to-stated-policy handling of other referee gambling ought to really tick off those Suns fans who were told, "We've got to do it by our stated policy" last year. Their message is inconsistent. It's one thing to be unfair to EVERYBODY - it's another thing entirely to SOMETIMES be unfair. The latter is too easily corrupted, and everyone knows it.
Let me put it another way: I've always said that if I had billions of dollars, I'd try to buy an NBA team. It's up there after buying up Surfside Court, demolishing one house to put an indoor basketball court with professional style locker rooms in, connecting the all the houses around do it via underground tunnel, and then giving those houses to my closest friends and teammates - so you can see that this is more fantasy than anything. But RIGHT NOW, were I to have those billions of dollars, I *WOULDN'T* try to buy an NBA team. I'd want to check into it and make sure everything was on the up-and-up - because if I had that kind of money, I wouldn't be worried about trying to make more money...I'd be in it because of love for the sport. Now, I'd want to be sure the games would be fair - that if I put my money into trying to build a contender and then a champion, it would be *POSSIBLE* - before I'd consider it. I'd have to know that, as an owner, it would be on ME - not on my standing with league offices, criminal organizations, player agents, or anything like that - to determine how well my team could do. Right now, I question that. And that's a huge change from where I used to be.
I love NBA basketball. Probably always will. But I don't trust the officials or the league office. They've got to rebuild that trust.