Author Topic: Michael Turner and LT  (Read 677 times)

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Michael Turner and LT
« on: October 12, 2007, 02:14:53 PM »
Should Chargers RB Michael Turner be given just as many carries as Ladanian Tomlinson?

Teams are so onto Norv Turner/Martyballs force handoff to LT that his average has dropped to 3.4  And that is up after last week.  Now granted, LT is going to bust loose on some runs sooner or later, in fact has already has a couple.  But so is Turner.  Make that Turner already has.  No fluke whatsoever, he's done this several games already over the past 2 1/2 seasons when he got the chance.  MTurner is super consistent.

GM AJ Smith keeps bumping his gums that he will not extend MTurners expiring contract since he will get a 15-20 million dollar signing bonus.  Many teams figure MTurner could get 1500 yds as a starter and AJ does not dispute that.  Yet he does continue to refer to MTurner as nothing more then "an insurance policy if LT gets hurt"

I say bullcrap.  Play MTurner now along with LT.  In fact last year Cam Cameron had them in at the same time occasionally and it worked almost every single time.  Chargers would swing LT out before the snap as a 4th reciever and defenses did not know what to do.  In fact MTurner out of this rotation got a key 1st down in the playoffs vs Pats.  Anywho far from being a one time anomoly play, check his stats above.