Author Topic: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate  (Read 2113 times)

Offline westkoast

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USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« on: January 16, 2007, 05:12:47 PM »

The Team White America Loved to Hate
USA Basketball in Black and White!

How many times do we hear fans try to assign wild-eyed political symbolism to sports teams? My friend Zeke is convinced that "If the Yankees win that's good for Bush!" I've also heard, "The Detroit Pistons beating the LA Lakers will give confidence to blue collar workers around the country." Or my favorite irrational analysis, "I bet they fixed the Super Bowl so the 'Patriots' would win--you know....because of the war."

But the Olympics are a different beast. The US as the world's lone superpower lord over the Olympics like Alexander the Great. Our defeats are celebrated as dents in the armor. Rooting against the US outside this country becomes as natural as cheering for Rocky Balboa.

But a new layer of people inside the Unites States rooted against one US team in particular this Olympics, and for all the wrong reasons. The bronze medal winning US basketball squad became the team fans in the United States loved to hate. According to a national poll, 54% of fans said they wanted to see the team of NBA superstars lose--with another 20% reporting that they "kind of" wanted to see them taken down.

Some of this animosity is more racist than a Bob Jones University course syllabus.

As sports writer Jason Whitlock wrote, it is as if White America got a memo that read, "[You] do not have to support a group of black American millionaires in any endeavor. Despite the hypocritical, rabid patriotism displayed immediately after 9/11, it's perfectly suitable for Americans to despise Team USA Basketball, Allen Iverson and all the other tattooed NBA players representing our country. Yes, these athletes are no more spoiled, whiny and rich than the golfers who fearlessly represent us in the Ryder Cup, but at least Tiger Woods has the good sense not to wear cornrows."

The confederate confines of talk radio have been the breeding ground for this anger. On one show, a caller who identified himself as a former member of the American military, said he hates Team USA because they don't "represent the America he fell in love with." When asked to describe this America he fell in love with, he said, "It was a country you could walk the streets without worrying about being mugged.

Another ESPN morning radio host--in an over-caffeinated frenzy--even called the players, "uppity"--this being the classic slur for Black people who "don't know their place."

Normally the code is subtler: this team is "too hip hop". They "don't care" or they have "too much attitude and swagger" are more popularly used. But "uppity" is about as subtle as a Bush campaign ad.

The racial slings and arrows are easier for the sporting public than the uncomfortable truth. The straight dope is that the US no longer owns a patent on the game of basketball. Unlike 1992 when the first Dream Team of Magic, Larry and Jordan posed for pictures and signed autographs for opponents and then won by 40, the teams of Argentina, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, and even Puerto Rico, now play an equal or superior brand of basketball. They weave around the court like it's the beautiful game of soccer, with back door cuts, infectious flair, and libertine emotion. It's no coincidence Argentina won the gold in both basketball and soccer. They play both sports with a joy and teamwork that is a wonder to behold.

But instead of analyzing why Argentina won, we get the gutter analysis of why the US lost. Forgotten is that the US players are playing against international teams that have been together for a dozen years. Forgotten is the fact that these so called "lazy" players, agreed to come while the top NBA stars refused to play. Forgotten is that the NBA is now an international league with players from Puerto Rico's Carlos Arroyo to Argentina's Manu Ginobli, to China's Yao Ming. Most importantly, forgotten is that International Basketball bears about as much resemblance to the NBA as Tai Chi does to Judo.

International ball is a game of constant passing, three point bombing, sharp shooting goliaths, packed in Zone defenses and a paint that is shaped like a geometrists nightmare--some sort of trapezoidal rhombus.

As former NBA coach Dr. Jack Ramsey wrote, "It may be just about impossible to teach the international game to a group of NBA players in the span of a couple weeks. Coach Brown, and assistants Gregg Popovich and Roy Williams, are among the top coaches in the game today. [and] they haven't gotten the job done."

The US lost because USA Basketball--not the players--were arrogant enough to think they could roll the balls on the court and other teams would genuflect in front of the NBA's marketing might.

Count me as someone who is glad the US lost--it's always good to see William "Braveheart" Wallace stick it to Longshanks--but the racist scapegoating reveals all that is bankrupt about the so called Olympic spirit. Face the facts: Argentina is on top of the basketball world because they can pass, shoot, and run, better than anyone in the world. They have taken down the master's house with the master's tools.

Offline Reality

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2007, 05:33:04 PM »
As credible as Al Sharpton.

Offline westkoast

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 07:22:30 PM »
As credible as Al Sharpton.

Did you read the entire article or just the title?

Offline WayOutWest

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2007, 09:05:08 PM »
Overly sensitive if you ask me, other than the "uppity" and "hip hop" comments.

Then again you know how those people are!
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2007, 02:59:32 AM »
As credible as Al Sharpton.

Did you read the entire article or just the title?

Offline rickortreat

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2007, 10:08:01 AM »
It's a bunch of crap, we hate them for not doing what the best b-ball players are supposed to do, which is win.

Their winning is a metaphor for our winning- winning because of our superior lifestyle and the American way, which encourages the cream to rise to the top in any endeavor.

Their affectations and their character and their color don't matter.  They're as much a part of America as anyone else. 

But they did the one thing that no-one can do:  Loose!

Overpriced athletes without pride in their country.  Yeah, I'll take their money and put on a show, but I ain't getting up for no damn 'lympics' I'm chillin with my familly, they gotta pay me for that shit, know what I'm sayin'.

That's why we hate them.  If they were white and had the same attitude we'd probably hate them even more.

It's true that there still is racism in this country, as there is everywhere, and that some people's opinions and thoughts are constantly revolving around racist issues to the point where people assume racial hatred is at the heart of their behavior.

But my opinion is that that group of stupid small minded people is a minority in the population, and most of the rest of us aren't influenced at all by their perspective.

Judging a man by the color of his skin is no way to evaluate anyone.  I've seen stupidity in every hue!

Offline westkoast

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Re: USA Basketball - The Team White America Loved to Hate
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 11:33:15 AM »
It's a bunch of crap, we hate them for not doing what the best b-ball players are supposed to do, which is win.

Their winning is a metaphor for our winning- winning because of our superior lifestyle and the American way, which encourages the cream to rise to the top in any endeavor.

Their affectations and their character and their color don't matter.  They're as much a part of America as anyone else. 

But they did the one thing that no-one can do:  Loose!

Overpriced athletes without pride in their country.  Yeah, I'll take their money and put on a show, but I ain't getting up for no damn 'lympics' I'm chillin with my familly, they gotta pay me for that shit, know what I'm sayin'.

That's why we hate them.  If they were white and had the same attitude we'd probably hate them even more.

It's true that there still is racism in this country, as there is everywhere, and that some people's opinions and thoughts are constantly revolving around racist issues to the point where people assume racial hatred is at the heart of their behavior.

But my opinion is that that group of stupid small minded people is a minority in the population, and most of the rest of us aren't influenced at all by their perspective.

Judging a man by the color of his skin is no way to evaluate anyone.  I've seen stupidity in every hue!

Aside from all the racist mumbo jumbo don't you believe the point made about the arrogance of USA Basketball and US basketball fans??  I mean honestly, I think that is a very valid point.  We cannot just put together a super all-star team then expect them to wax the floor with everyone as if this is the early 90s in Barcelona.  Things have changed.  The game has evolved overseas much like it has evolved since the 80s.  With all the quality scouts in this league you are telling me they couldn't figure out a lineup that would work well together, not just the most popular players.  To me it seems like it is a popularity contest as much as anything.  If they can't get all the top players they go for the second tier popular players.

And I would say hating them is a little much.  Dislike what they did on the court and how they conducted themselves, sure.  Hate them for it?  Seems like a little much.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 11:35:19 AM by westkoast »

Offline Rolando Blackman

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America loves a winner - no matter the color
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2007, 04:06:43 AM »
Team USA is reviled because it lost - no other reason.
America is all about 'victory', as Bush likes to state - we don't lose.  And if we did, it's because of those damned pacifist hippies on drugs supporting 'The Terrorists' (Communists, Islamo-fascists, whatevah)!
The females I know (most of them 99-44/100%) generally think that Iverson is quite attractive, cornrows, tats, and all - so I think the 'race card' angle is not apropos in this instance.
This subject made me think of another related topic, however - if I get it together I will post.
- Rolando
Shaq #1 forever
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