Author Topic: Movie reviews  (Read 1510 times)

Offline Reality

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« on: November 06, 2006, 02:05:18 PM »
Broken Trail 2006 made for t.v. movie
Thomas Haden Church, Greta Scacchi, Robert Duvall.

I really liked it.  Two parter, altho shown back to back.  3 1/2 hours, 4 with commercials.  Also avail on DVD at Sams Club.

Rainy day type movie.  Too much spot violence for the little ones, but a good lesson in loyalty and kindness otherwise.  This one gets the Reality stamp of approval.  

Open Season.  Liked the cast of Martin.  Adam Kutcher was kind of strange but his character called for it so it was a fit, other then a few too weird parts.  Climax was too fast in relation to body of movie, but still good.  A good message for little ones.  Good but not great.

Man of the Year:  Great setup, had its moments, worth seeing.  Otherwise not that great, wayy too much time spent on sideplot of Robbin Williams manager as played by Christopher Walken.  I like Walken as a type actor, but his schtick is old after a while and he gets way to much time in this one. Its like the studio owes him or something.  
Great start and blasts/laughs at the failed U.S. political system, but in the end they pretty much suck up to it (make that condone it) in a disappointing reversal.  

Flushed Away.  My ears are open for reviews.

The Departed*.  Complete piece of crap.  It will undoubtedly gather Oscar-Laker award nominations.  *I was paid to see this.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 02:09:24 PM by Reality »

Offline WayOutWest

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« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 02:18:23 PM »
Broken trail moved too slow for me, it was too much of an Open Range type clone.  I watched some of it but was I easily distracted.

Open Season was good for the kids but I wasn't all that impressed.

Flushed Away was pretty good, there were some gags aimed at adults, overall a better movie than Open Season, Cars and Monster House.  Not as good as Over the Hedge.  My kids are bugging me to take them to see Happy Feet, the little one's have no concept of "Opening Date"!

I can't wait to see Borat, I've heard alot of his non-move clips and they crack me up.  That song "Throw the Jew Down the Well" and the reaction he gets from the crowd is unbelievably funny!
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"

Offline Reality

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« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 02:30:45 PM »

Broken trail moved too slow for me, it was too much of an Open Range type clone.  I watched some of it but was I easily distracted.
Absolutely a slow mover, that's why i said rainy day type.  You have the flu, your flight got cancelled, for you L.A.ers you are stuck in traffic, etc.

Flushed Away was pretty good, there were some gags aimed at adults, overall a better movie than Open Season, Cars and Monster House.  Not as good as Over the Hedge.  My kids are bugging me to take them to see Happy Feet, the little one's have no concept of "Opening Date"!
Okay i will see Flushed Away.  Happy Feet i get a bad feeling about, but will wait to hear.  


Offline Skandery

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« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 03:36:50 PM »
The Departed*. Complete piece of crap. It will undoubtedly gather Oscar-Laker award nominations. *I was paid to see this.

The Departed was an AWESOME movie.  I loved it, great acting all the way around.  I was always of the mind that Pretty Boy DiCaprio always got just a bit too much praise for his craft, but I'll tell ya the dude ACTED in this one.  The plot mires itself in needless convolusion at times but the presentation is superb, right down do the Southside Bostonese.  We're going to have to GREATLY disagree on this one, com-padre, this film is a must-see.  
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."

Offline westkoast

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« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 04:23:31 PM »
Disagree about the Departed Reality.  I too thought it was an awesome move.  Aside from the casting I thought it did a good job of keeping me glued to my seat.

Every single person I know saw Borat this weekend and said it was hillarious.  There are some scenes in the movie that will burn images into your head but they said it was by far the funniest thing they've seen in along time.  Cant wait to go check it out.

Offline Reality

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« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 04:52:11 PM »
Oh Brother....
I'll have more later, here is just a start.

"Less an actor these days than a grinning, dancing clown named JACK!, Nicholson bragged about not doing any research to play Costello (ostensibly based on notorious Boston Irish mob boss Whitey Bulger), and oh does it show.  While Famiga invests a throwaway role with uncanny grace and fierce intelligence—it's practically an insult to see Nicholson caper into his scenes to do his Jack shtick, all mugging and naughty-boy grins. With a clown like this, it's little wonder that scenes with him which should have been either terrifying, blackly comic or that weird admixture of the two which Scorsese long ago patented as his own, come off as neither, just a film going through the motions."


In Scorsese's place are the tiresome hambone antics of Jack Nicholson, and, for whatever reason, Scorsese indulges him completely. If it weren't for the gallery of standout performances by DiCaprio, Baldwin, Sheen and others, Nicholson would've brought The Departed down in the crash and fury of a performance that feels like a varietion on his already stale Witches of Eastwick schtick. Nicholson's meant to exude evil, but there's nothing remotely threatening about the guy; he's so busy hamming it up, all wide-grinned mugging and clowning around, that he forgets that true evil resides within a cool, composed, largely silent exterior. Consider, for instance, the marvelous Ray Winstone as Mr. French, one of Costello's right-hand men, who, merely with a glance, can get a guy to tremble and piss his pants. In all his films (Sexy Beast, Cold Mountain, The Proposition are highlights), Winstone's imposing stature quietly eclipses their lesser qualities. Unfortunately, Winstone is too marginalized a performer here, and time and again I wished that the role of Costello had gone to him. If Nicholson were ditched and Winstone cast as Costello, The Departed could easily have been one of Scorsese's most fascinating treatments of evil (and one of this year's best films)."

Combining the above with the juvinile overbearing swear dialogue scenes that all the talent of a Beaviss and Butthead to muster.......
Like i said,
...It will undoubtedly gather Oscar-Laker award nominations. *I was paid to see this.
Skandery do they have movie theaters in Tunisia?  

Offline Skandery

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« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 05:23:33 PM »
Okay, so it was far from a stand-out performance by The Jack.  Which for one thing, when you go to a Jack Nicholson movie, you know he is not going to be anybody other than Jack Nicholson.  That is the difference between a character actor (Kevin Spacey, Michael Caine, Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe (of old)) and a leading-man actor (Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Russell Crowe (present)).  You could tell Nicholson's half-hearted attempt at the Boston accent lasted for maybe the first quarter of the shoot, then he was just like "ah, screw it, I'm Jack Nicholson, I ain't foolin' no one."

In The Departed, beyond Jack Nicholson playing who other than Jack Nicholson in a movie, I thought the rest of the actors did a masterful job emoting through a gritty and original script.  I have nothing but praise for DiCaprio, Wahlberg, Baldwin, Damon, Winstone, and Sheen.  Scorcese got the best out of these people and he got what he bargained for when he cast The Jack.

...and BTW, they don't have movie theatres in Tunisia

they have Cinema's.  
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 05:24:35 PM by Skandery »
"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."


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« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 09:56:12 AM »
Good point about Winstone.  Along with Sexy Beast I have also seen him as a gangster in a British film and he does have a HEAVY presence.  

By the way the last movie I caught in a theatre was Little Miss Sunshine.  Not too shabby.  A bit cheesy at points and a couple things were rushed to move the plot along but that's outweighed by some excellent acting and some really hilarious lines.  Alan Arkin  is particularly good as the foul mouthed, porn loving grandfather who is living with the family because he was thrown out his retirement home for snorting heroin.  

Offline Reality

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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 03:29:18 PM »
I thought the rest of the actors did a masterful job emoting through a gritty and original script. I have nothing but praise for DiCaprio, Wahlberg, Baldwin, Damon, Winstone, and Sheen.

Did i just read "gritty" and "DiCaprio, Wahlberg, Baldwin, Damon, and Sheen" in the same text?  (Notice I ommited Winstone.)   :rofl: These Hollywood Pretty Bois couldn't emote a milligram of grit if their lives depended on it!  What can they emote?  If their cappacino was not delivered to their set trailer at the proper warmpth?  If their personal assistant did not bring them a copy of Vanity Fair or The Hollywood Reporter and made their nail filing appointment 2 minutes late?  If 14 mirrors were not adjusted just so in their trailers (1400 for Jacked).  A pair of interior designers names Stefon and Stheven arguing over the last silk roll at a West Hollywood or Greenich Village fashion boutique would have 100Xs the "grit" of these cookie cutters.  Sheesh.  You and 'koast are killing me.

As to the juvinile dialogue of ad nauseum swearing, again the aforementioned had zero believability.  Casting directors would have to look as long and far to find such talented actors as, oh say Beaviss and Butthead to have delivered the swear exchanges with all the oomph and ahh of the above.  It was insulting.  And heeeres and idea :ding: , instead of the lame swearing exhanges, why not have some script development.  Esp on the lame final sequence where Score$$Easy has Kill Bill *creativity* and mentality.

Dicaprio certainly did display some acting in a good part of his role, you could not help but pull for him in his role cast and thank goodness someone had him pump iron big time.  His babyface along with the other cookie cutters cast as gang and cop playas in rough n tough streets of Boston.  Ahaha.  As for the only two with true Boston accents, Marky Mark Walberg and Damon so overdid their accents, trying too hard to let everyone know they are really from da hood. :bash:
Alas Dicaps near end high stakes scene where Wrinkleson made rat faces at him (barf).  Dicaps "I didn't dooow it, I rwealwy didn't doow it."  Please.

Winstone has many of us asking why not have cast him as Costello? :ding:   We know why...

Okay, so it was far from a stand-out performance by The Jack. Which for one thing, when you go to a Jack Nicholson movie, you know he is not going to be anybody other than Jack Nicholson. That is the difference between a character actor (Kevin Spacey, Michael Caine, Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe (of old)) and a leading-man actor (Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Russell Crowe (present)). You could tell Nicholson's half-hearted attempt at the Boston accent lasted for maybe the first quarter of the shoot, then he was just like "ah, screw it, I'm Jack Nicholson, I ain't foolin' no one."

Yet the script called, no screamed, no begged for a believable character actor/leading man to play Costello the Tough streets of Boston Crime Lord.  How can you possibly deliver this with Wrinkleson?  Skander we agree, you can't.  He has his place as The Joker and Cuckoos Nest.  In The Departed all we needed was for Maggie Simpson to stuff her pacifier in his mouth 10 seconds into the movie.  Problem solved.  Hey maybe that can still happen as Wrinkleson could get a cameo in the new Simpsons movie.  Now there is a fit.

Scorcese got the best out of these people and he got what he bargained for when he cast The Jack.
Bargained yes.  Only Skander replace the word "bargained" with "sold out", which Score$$Easy did to the 10th degree.

In case any lurkers are reading, do not Depart with $10 per person.  



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« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 03:57:28 PM »
Uuuhhh, Wahlberg actually is from the Boston hood.   Did jail time for assault as a teen.  Damon is also from the Boston area, though he's hardly a down at the heels Southie.  Bill Simmons also included a bit in his column about how believable he and his Bostonian buddies found the accents.  

I can understand the difficulty in suspending your disbelief at seeing these guys do this but hey, that's a problem with any movie involving big names.  Methinks it's especially difficult for you in this case since it involves Laker Jack and pretty boy Leo.  Not sure what you have against Damon, unless you still smell the stale taint of Affleck on him, which actually is understandable.  :D  


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« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 03:59:47 PM »
Aaah, I now see you did include Wahlberg and Damon as Bostonians.  Anyhooo the point is still that they probably no more about the accent than you or I.  

Offline Reality

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« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2006, 04:19:51 PM »
Methinks it's especially difficult for you in this case since it involves Laker Jack and pretty boy Leo.  Not sure what you have against Damon, unless you still smell the stale taint of Affleck on him, which actually is understandable.  :D
I liked Dicaprio in Catch Me If you Can.
He was okay in parts of Departed.

Damon had some okay moments in The Bourne, esp when he broke out of the interogation room where they were about to shoot him.   Well done scene.

Jacks having no place in The Departed is not motivated by my Laker views at all.

Hollywood goes for the names, irregardless of the fit.
It just kills me off because i have been told how many good actors are looking for work, yet how many of the same retread just keep getting richer and richer.
A show you might like that i like, well i used to is Rescue Me by Dennis Leary.
The guys on that crew actually have some "grit".  Surely some of them and many more underworked actors could have made The Departed 100Xs better.
ewwwww look out if you run into Alec Baldwin in a dark alley. B)

This is a classic.  Classic Hollywood ripoff. :nonono:

Yet i realize we all see movies differently.

Little Miss Sunshine i have been tinkering with seeing. :up:
Okay jn, you're up to bat now.

Offline Skandery

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« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2006, 04:44:50 PM »
Leonardo DiCaprio - This is the most impressed with him as I've ever been.  You're selling him short, Reality.

Mark Wahlberg - Ditto

Alec Baldwin - A very Understated (and unsurprisingly unappreciated) turn as the FBI version of the ponderous, dim-witted, but looks great in a suit, Yes-man.  We all know those kind of managers in all facets of the work environment.  I really appreciated the panache he delivered the performance with.  You're selling him short, Reality, but then again, I expect EVERYONE to.    

Matt Damon - He's done better but he played off wonderful performances nicely

Martin Sheen - He did okay but that's much better than he usually does--BAD

Jack Nicholson - Didn't impress, but most of these type of actors never really do.  I agree that you sign him for the name.

When you talk about corniness of a line like:  "I didn't doooow it!"  You're beef is with script-writing.  Leave the acting out of it

...and I used the word "gritty" with respect to the story, not the performance of all the actors.  DiCaprio, Wahlberg, and Winstone's performances were "gritty", the others weren't.


In other movie news:

The Prestige -      A-    

Christopher Nolan is THE MAN!!

Catch A Fire -      C+    

Parallels to modern day western policy towards terror and terrorism very relevant....everything else (acting, script, timing) falls short.

I still have to see

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Everyone's telling me its the greatest thing ever.

"But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in 'reality'. And reality has a well-known liberal bias."


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« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2006, 05:03:54 PM »
Okay I'll give you a quick story on the unknown actor bit.  A few years back I watched a movie called Owning Mahony.  It's about Dan Mahony, a nobody Canadian banker who embezzled millions to support his gambling habit.  Phillip Seymour Hoffman played him, and Minny Driver played his mousy, nobody bank teller girlfriend.  

Hoffman was not a lead at the time.  He was still just that supporting guy who was so good that you looked to see who the actor was in the credits and realized it was him again.  Driver was known from Good Will Hunting and a ton of glamour magazine covers.  Hoffman TOTALLY immersed himself again.  He just nails it as a boring, middle aged guy who gets in over his head.

Driver's acting held up okay until about 2/3 of the way through.  There came a scene where the 80's style wig and big ugly glasses didn't work.  I knew I was looking at Minney Driver.   The effect was especially jarring since she was working with Hoffman, who had never appeared on the cover of People and is so extraordinary and BEING his character.  

So there you go.  I guess you have to work very hard to suspend your disbelief and even then, it can take an amazing actor like Hoffman to help you.  

Also I think problem is worse when you have multiple big names like in the Departed.

Offline WayOutWest

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« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2006, 05:35:51 PM »
You guys sound like a bunch of elitest weenies, like those guys in that movie with the record store.  Jack Black was a supporting and the lead guy went through his dating past to figure out why he's screwed up.  The record store was called Hero's of vinyl or Monsters of vinyl...something like that.

I can understand haing useless stiffs like Ben Affleck, Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise and the like but Jack is a great actor.  Yes he's in the catagory of "Jack who happens to be an actor vs and actor named Jack" ala Al Pachino but they're still great actors.  I still enjoy watching old guys like Jack, Al, Ford, Duval and De Niro.  Yes they cruise through some movies BUT those guys on cruise control are 10X better than 90% of actors.  Do you know how many HACKS there are in acting?  Yes there are suffering diamonds in the rough but that's the buisness.

There I guys I didn't like because I thought they were pretty boy stiffs, ala Brad Pitt, but in certain roles they showed their "chops" (Fight Club & Snatch).  
"History shouldn't be a mystery"
"Our story is real history"
"Not his story"

"My people's culture was strong, it was pure"
"And if not for that white greed"
"It would've endured"

"Laker hate causes blindness"