Author Topic: Top 5 revisited  (Read 12233 times)


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Top 5 revisited
« Reply #90 on: January 26, 2006, 04:13:57 PM »

It's pretty funny that you make this comment:

And by the way, bluntly stating that Howard is "definately capable of being a #1 option" while deeply questioning whether Lamar Odom is a capable #2 option is utterly preposterous. I'm not going to even dignify that with a statistical analysis of the player contributions to their teams, not to mention the fact that Odom WAS A #1 OPTION on a playoff bound team. rrrrraaaaaauughhhh!!! (as Reality would say)

Howard ISN'T a #1 option but Lamar Odom is?  Odom WASN'T the #1 option for Miami -- that was Wade -- even in his rookie year.

However, let's allow the facts to support our case (rather than mere speculation):
 (remember, these stats are based on this year for Howard and Odom's year as the "#1 option" as you claim)

Howard:  34 mpg, 15 ppg, 45% fg%, 36% 3pt%, 2 apg, 7 rpg
Odom:   37 mpg, 17 ppg, 43% fg%, 30% 3pt%, 4 apg, 10 rpg

Wow, so the difference between being a #1 option (as to your not even being capable as such) is 2 more ppg, 2% less fg%, 6% less 3pt%, 2 more apg, and 3 more rpg in 3 more mpgs?  Hmm, didn't realize that a #1 option would score so few points or have so few assists (or shoot such poor fg%).  And I think when you consider that Howard isn't even looked to as a first or second option should help you realize that his numbers aren't that far off from Odom's #1 option numbers, huh?

Oh I'm sure "RIGHT NOW" is a very convenient time for you. You see "RIGHT NOW" Kobe just scored 81 points. "RIGHT NOW" he's averaging 45 ppg in his last 9 games. "RIGHT NOW" the Lakers have a winning record. "RIGHT NOW" things are looking great for Laker fans. An objective observer looks at "RIGHT NOW", "YESTERDAY", "THE DAY BEFORE", and "THE DAY BEFORE THAT" to comment and analyze the best players in the league, how well teams are doing, who is likely to have success, so on and so forth. Posters like you wait for an 81 point record-breaking performance to come out of the woodwork claiming Kobe is the greatest and any opinions to the contrary are illegitimate and un-objective. PUH-lease!!

Do I need to stop and look up the MANY times that I have stated that Kobe is a top 5 player?  Yeah, like I'm "coming out of the woodwork" -- please, you are being pathetic.  Also, please go back and show me where I stated that Kobe is "the greatest and any opinions to the contrary are illegitimate and un-objective."
I won't wait for you to find those comments since we BOTH know that I never made them.  Kobe ISN'T the best basketball player to have ever played the game -- but he IS a top 5 player in the game today.  

And by-the-way, we AREN'T just talking about one game -- Kobe COULD have scored that many points against the Mavs (umm, isn't that the Mavs that YOU say is OVER-achieving?) -- he already had 62 and KOBE decided not to play the 4th quarter since the game had already been decided.

Dallas is over-achieving. One guy remains from the famed big 3 of Finley-Nash-Nowitzki and their pushing San An for the best record in the West. Wake up and smell your un-objectivity.

What difference does it make if one guy remains of the famed big 3 or not?  The fact is that Nash has been gone for 2 seasons and they DROPPED Finley -- why?  Because they DIDN'T need him!  Besides Dirk, the Mavs have Howard, Terry, Daniels and Harris who are averaging double digits per game -- then they have players like Stackhouse, KVH who also are capable of scoring double digits as well.  Dallas is playing solid basketball night in and night out but they DO have some tremendous talent (Terry WAS a #1 option with the Hawks -- Howard has the ability to be one although he is a great combo to team with Dirk as a #2 even though he is a #3 in Dallas) -- they might be young but the reason why Dallas was willing to get rid of Finley was because they WANTED to give his minutes to the younger kids -- they were ready.  

The Clips are over-achieving. Magette has been a non-factor this year, you know it and I know it. Cassell and Mobley have been good additions (and I know Cassell is a surprise to most observers) but honestly did you have the Clippers in the playoffs much less a #6 seed. I mean COME ON!!

Cassell is a surprise to most observers?  No he isn't?  Joey V even made this common speculation -- Sambo is ALWAYS great in the first year to a new team -- it's the second year that he implodes.  Mobley is a solid player and Kaman is definately coming into his own -- Brand is having a great year.  You look at that starting five under ANY other team name and you would DEFINATELY say they had a shot at #6 esp. when you add Maggette to the mix.  They are just getting the benefit of the "Clippers Curse" when you say they are overachieving (they have a LOT more talent and aren't playing that much better than the Lakers).

The Lakers are over-achieving because were the season to end today, they'd be a #7 seed (more than I would've given them credit for) but is it an over-achievement that overshadows Detroit, Dallas, and the Clips' achievements this year. NO!

No wonder you like quoting Reality -- now you are flip-flopping from your earlier position of the Lakers underachieving -- so the Lakers are overachieving with the current roster but not as much as the Clips are (even though they are right behind them in the standings) even when you look at the Clips roster and see a LOT more talent than the Lakers roster.  Interesting "objective" analysis -- sure you have been reading a lot of Peter Vecsey these days?