Author Topic: The Axis of Oil  (Read 1287 times)

Offline ziggy

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The Axis of Oil
« on: February 10, 2005, 03:00:29 PM »
A third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. A first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself.

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The Axis of Oil
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 04:55:01 PM »
Nice article Ziggy.  

But it's no suprise that other countries are acting in their best interests, and not America's.  Why would we expect them to be any different.

These countries aren't imitating America. They're doing their own economic model based on Communism and control.  The thing is, America does the same thing, but the manipulation is done by money.  The other countries can't do this because at least for now, all major world transactions are done in dollars.  

Since they can't control how we print money, they're doing the next best thing, making side deals based on politics.

As an American you should be fine with this- the money power does not act in our best interests, it acts in it's own.  They turned China into a world manufacturing plant to our detriment.  Our politicians don't do anything about that, because they're beholden to the money boys.  The corporations can't resist running to China to take advantage of their cheap labor.

There's just one problem- Without a sound financial system the whole thing can collapse.  And we don't have a sound financial system.  Not just here in the US, but everywhere.  

Technically, China may be loosing value by selling it's products at such a low cost.  Eventaully, their growth will collapse just like Japan's did, because there is too much supply for the demand.  If Americans don't have jobs, they can't afford to buy stuff from China, no matter how cheap it is.  And, no one else can take America's place as the world's consumer, because these countries don't let their people become rich enough.