Author Topic: Previous Piston fan troubles.  (Read 1297 times)


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Previous Piston fan troubles.
« on: November 22, 2004, 11:12:31 AM »
The Mpls paper mentioned that Detroit fans threw objects at the TWolves bench earier this year, during an EXHIBITION game! Great great fans.  

There are no winners here.  How unvelievable is it that the peacemakers in this incident were Rasheed, Rick Mahorn and Chuck Person?  

Offline westkoast

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Previous Piston fan troubles.
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 11:28:52 AM »
They dont ever get in trouble so why should they stop?

I love how everything is being pinned onto Ron Artest like he started everything.  Ben Wallace, IMO, is the one who started everything by overracting to a mild foul.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2004, 11:29:18 AM by westkoast »

Offline Reality

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Previous Piston fan troubles.
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2004, 11:57:26 AM »
The Mpls paper mentioned that Detroit fans threw objects at the TWolves bench earier this year, during an EXHIBITION game! Great great fans. 

There are no winners here.  How unvelievable is it that the peacemakers in this incident were Rasheed, Rick Mahorn and Chuck Person?
To me, this is where Stern is a weasel.  Throwing things at players has happened before.  You can't tell me in this day and age of mini/hidden cameras, that the Billionaire NBA Club cannot *afford* to tape fans and see who is throwing what.  At least some of them.  Also drunk beer sales going on till the end of the game.  Stern has known good and well all along this happens.  No spine to stop the beer markup profits.

True you will never stop 20,000 from throwing anything, but, with camera convictions you know people would begin to think twice.  Esp the ones who throw coins, and that includes those Jazz goes does it not Ted?  I thought in Utah it was somewhat ritual that opposing teams benches got coins tossed at them regularly.

Artest had been hit by a coin last year while on the court playing.  I bet the cup hitting him on the forehead might have brought back memories.

Nonetheless bottom line is BenWa kept it on the court, Artest sadly chose to take it the fanstands.

I also got a kick out of Mahorn being peacemaker.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2004, 12:03:10 PM by Reality »

Offline westkoast

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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2004, 12:31:59 PM »
You know why Mahorn was the peace maker?  Because when he played for the Pistons the foul Artest made on Ben Wallace would have been a touch foul.

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Previous Piston fan troubles.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2004, 03:09:04 PM »
Not saying Wallace didn't overeact here Koast, but Wallace NEVER left the floor and went into the stands.

Artest continues to demonstrate that he is nothing but a punk and a thug, and that night he added coward to that list, when Wallace came after him he backed off like the cowardly little punk he is, funny how he had sense enough and presence of mind enough to avoid mixing it up with the much bigger, much stronger Ben Wallace, but he sure turned on some idiot fan who is smaller and weaker than he in a hurry didn't he? And it fact, according to the eyewitness accounts I've read and heard, his first target wasn't even the moron who threw th beer!!

As far as Jackson is concerned, spare me the he was defending his teammate nonsenes!!!! The moron who threw the coke in that instant was other than getting Artest a little wetter in no way desrving of getting cold cocked and beat down like that by someone who should have kept his stupid sorry butt on the floor.

The fan on the floor should have been arrested like all the other thug fans that must make Detroit so proud, but he didn't to my view do ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to provoke Artest to sucker punch him and continue after him like that, he started to react from what it looked like to me defensively to Artest coming after him, but he never threw a punch, he never charged Artest, he stood there and took a round house punch from a coward who was completely out of control.

To me, the cat who got off light is Jackson, he should have been suspended for the season as well, and O'Neal to me deserved at least 30 games. From everything I've heard Reggie Miller was fanning the flames long before the melee started, )I know, it's hard to believe Reggie would trash talk or encourage cheapshots but there it is). As far as Wallace is concerned what he started by overreacting could have very easily stayed on the floor where it belonged had Artest not been an idiot, and to me 6 games for him is somewhat harsh but then Stern has never been a model of consistancy anyway.

All that being said, what is disturbing to me is I've yet to hear of one fan involved being arrested and charged with assault. No way their behaviour justified the player actions but these punk that think the purchase price of a ticket entitles them to be stupid idiots, they need to be arrested, charged, and banned from the venue.

In all my years of watching sports, I don't remember ever seeing so many player so completely over the top out of control, disgusting!!!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2004, 03:10:27 PM by Laker Fan »

Offline westkoast

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Previous Piston fan troubles.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 04:15:16 PM »
Not saying Wallace didn't overeact here Koast, but Wallace NEVER left the floor and went into the stands.

Artest continues to demonstrate that he is nothing but a punk and a thug, and that night he added coward to that list, when Wallace came after him he backed off like the cowardly little punk he is, funny how he had sense enough and presence of mind enough to avoid mixing it up with the much bigger, much stronger Ben Wallace, but he sure turned on some idiot fan who is smaller and weaker than he in a hurry didn't he? And it fact, according to the eyewitness accounts I've read and heard, his first target wasn't even the moron who threw th beer!!

As far as Jackson is concerned, spare me the he was defending his teammate nonsenes!!!! The moron who threw the coke in that instant was other than getting Artest a little wetter in no way desrving of getting cold cocked and beat down like that by someone who should have kept his stupid sorry butt on the floor.

The fan on the floor should have been arrested like all the other thug fans that must make Detroit so proud, but he didn't to my view do ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to provoke Artest to sucker punch him and continue after him like that, he started to react from what it looked like to me defensively to Artest coming after him, but he never threw a punch, he never charged Artest, he stood there and took a round house punch from a coward who was completely out of control.

To me, the cat who got off light is Jackson, he should have been suspended for the season as well, and O'Neal to me deserved at least 30 games. From everything I've heard Reggie Miller was fanning the flames long before the melee started, )I know, it's hard to believe Reggie would trash talk or encourage cheapshots but there it is). As far as Wallace is concerned what he started by overreacting could have very easily stayed on the floor where it belonged had Artest not been an idiot, and to me 6 games for him is somewhat harsh but then Stern has never been a model of consistancy anyway.

All that being said, what is disturbing to me is I've yet to hear of one fan involved being arrested and charged with assault. No way their behaviour justified the player actions but these punk that think the purchase price of a ticket entitles them to be stupid idiots, they need to be arrested, charged, and banned from the venue.

In all my years of watching sports, I don't remember ever seeing so many player so completely over the top out of control, disgusting!!!
Laker Fan...yes he did.  When he was that Artest bolted for the stands he ran up into the stands, once he saw he was going after a fan (and not trying to rumble with Wallace in the stands), Ben Wallace returned back to the court.  I have the video saved on my laptop at home, ill kindly upload it for everyone on the board.  Wallace went out of the player area himself, yet it has been overlooked for some odd reason.  I guess he is the blue collar poster boy of the NBA and they need that image more than a street punk from the Queensbridge projects.

I refused to talk about Jackson and O'Neal.....they are morons.  Nothing can be said about them IMO.  Artest had a reason, a petty one, but he had a reason.  Dunno what they were thinking.  Especially with that half court running punch by Jermaine.

Im disgusted with the players BIG TIME.....but its idiot fans who have ruined games for me before also.  Not just at the Laker games (god I hate the drunken bandwagon Laker fans at Staples) but at Rams games, Ducks games, and Dodger games.  Just because fans pay players salaries DOES NOT mean they are entitled to be idiots, harm people, or destroy things.  We pay cops salaries and you dont see people throwing beer on them or shouting out racial slurs.  The heads of the company I work for pay my salary but if any of them disrespected me like the fans did to the Pacer players, I would beat them something serious.