Author Topic: THE REAL JOHN KERRY  (Read 3720 times)


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« on: February 05, 2004, 04:00:31 PM »
February 5, 2004 -- BOSTON

ONE of the surest ways to get the phones ringing on any Massachusetts talk-radio show is to ask people to call in and tell their John Kerry stories. The phone lines are soon filled, and most of the stories have a common theme: our junior senator pulling rank on one of his constituents, breaking in line, demanding to pay less (or nothing) or ducking out before the bill arrives.

The tales often have one other common thread. Most end with Sen. Kerry inquiring of the lesser mortal: "Do you know who I am?"

And now he's running for president as a populist. His first wife came from a Philadelphia Main Line family worth $300 million. His second wife is a pickle-and-ketchup heiress.

Kerry lives in a mansion on Beacon Hill on which he has borrowed $6 million to finance his campaign. A fire hydrant that prevented him and his wife from parking their SUV in front of their tony digs was removed by the city of Boston at his behest.

The Kerrys ski at a spa the widow Heinz owns in Aspen, and they summer on Nantucket in a sprawling seaside "cottage" on Hurlbert Avenue, which is so well-appointed that at a recent fund-raiser, they imported porta-toilets onto the front lawn so the donors wouldn't use the inside bathrooms. (They later claimed the decision was made on septic, not social, considerations).

It's a wonderful life these days for John Kerry. He sails Nantucket Sound in "the Scaramouche," a 42-foot Hinckley powerboat. Martha Stewart has a similar boat; the no-frills model reportedly starts at $695,000. Sen. Kerry bought it new, for cash. Every Tuesday night, the local politicians here that Kerry elbowed out of his way on his march to the top watch, fascinated, as he claims victory in more primaries and denounces the special interests, the "millionaires" and "the overprivileged."

"His initials are JFK," longtime state Senate President William M. Bulger used to muse on St. Patrick's Day, "Just for Kerry. He's only Irish every sixth year." And now it turns out that he's not Irish at all.

But in the parochial world of Bay State politics, he was never really seen as Irish, even when he was claiming to be (although now, of course, he says that any references to his alleged Hibernian heritage were mistakenly put into the Congressional Record by an aide who apparently didn't know that on his paternal side he is, in fact, part-Jewish).

Kerry is, in fact, a Brahmin - his mother was a Forbes, from one of Massachusetts' oldest WASP families. The ancestor who wed Ralph Waldo Emerson's daughter was marrying down.

At the risk of engaging in ethnic stereotyping, Yankees have a reputation for, shall we say, frugality. And Kerry tosses around quarters like they were manhole covers. In 1993, for instance, living on a senator's salary of about $100,000, he managed to give a total of $135 to charity.

Yet that same year, he was somehow able to scrape together $8,600 for a brand-new, imported Italian motorcycle, a Ducati Paso 907 IE. He kept it for years, until he decided to run for president, at which time he traded it in for a Harley-Davidson like the one he rode onto "The Tonight Show" set a couple of months ago as Jay Leno applauded his fellow Bay Stater.

Of course, in 1993 he was between his first and second heiresses - a time he now calls "the wandering years," although an equally apt description might be "the freeloading years."

For some of the time, he was, for all practical purposes, homeless. His friends allowed him into a real-estate deal in which he flipped a condo for quick resale, netting a $21,000 profit on a cash investment of exactly nothing. For months he rode around in a new car supplied by a shady local Buick dealer. When the dealer's ties to a congressman who was later indicted for racketeering were exposed, Kerry quickly explained that the non-payment was a mere oversight, and wrote out a check.

In the Senate, his record of his constituent services has been lackluster, and most of his colleagues, despite their public support, are hard-pressed to list an accomplishment. Just last fall, a Boston TV reporter ambushed three congressmen with the question, name something John Kerry has accomplished in Congress. After a few nervous giggles, two could think of nothing, and a third mentioned a baseball field, and then misidentified Kerry as "Sen. Kennedy."

Many of his constituents see him in person only when he is cutting them in line - at an airport, a clam shack or the Registry of Motor Vehicles. One talk-show caller a few weeks back recalled standing behind a police barricade in 2002 as the Rolling Stones played the Orpheum Theater, a short limousine ride from Kerry's Louisburg Square mansion.

The caller, Jay, said he began heckling Kerry and his wife as they attempted to enter the theater. Finally, he said, the senator turned to him and asked him the eternal question.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah," said Jay. "You're a gold-digger."

John Kerry. First he looks at the purse.  


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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 04:00:48 PM »
too bad he is leading the demo charge for this election...

they keep saying he CAN beat bush. I dont see it. maybe its just biased, but maybe it is also hearing veterans talk about how Kerry REALLY got his purple hearts, how he has used actors to give testimony of some of his war time heriocs. I heard one person who was in the same unit with Kerry saying that Kerry did once save a fisherman or something like that in combat, but most of the other stuff about Kerry's tour was not valid. this guy is not the Demo's best choice IMHO. but hey, if this is the guy they choose, so be it. good luck.


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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2004, 04:01:11 PM »
I'm a demo and I would refuse to vote for Kerry, despite my dislike for some of Bush's policies.

Congrats GB, on your re-election


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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 04:01:32 PM »
I gotta tell you, everything I've read recently has completely changed my perspective on Kerry. I used to like him better than Dean. But at least Dean for all of his blustering buffoonery, seems a bit more real than Kerry. How much do politicians suck??

Kerry is a total fake.
Dean is an emotional time bomb who tells false stories about his time as a doctor.
Bush is spend happy deficit hound bent on keeping America safe by having a perpetual state of war.

Whaddaya gonna do?


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« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »
It would not surprise me to learn that the Republicans were secretly funding part of Kerry's campaign. Some of the other Democrats certainly would pose a bigger re-election problem for Bush then this guy. If I were the Republicans, I would want Bush to face off against someone they might be able to defeat for president.


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« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2004, 04:02:25 PM »
"If I were the Republicans, I would want Bush to face off against someone they might be able to defeat for president"

how on the list of candidates COULDNT he beat at this point??

every single one of them has something lacking that would make them a solid presidential contender.


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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2004, 04:03:16 PM »
Despite his idiot yelling on that one incident, Dean is the only candidate that has actually accomplished something. He's the only non Washington insider who has state government experience balancing budgets, providing healthcare to the majority of his citizens, etc..

If you look at Deans record, he raised like $40 million dollars on donations of people who gave $100 or less. I admire that. Edwards is just TOO positive for me, but he is likeable albeit somewhat fake.

And Kerry. I just flat out don't like him.


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« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2004, 04:03:31 PM »
dean WAS the only one who had a chance until his Martin Luther King Jr day "I have a Scream" speech. and now he has changed his image like what twice??? once after the speech, then again recently after getting new campaign management. oh and that "at home interview with his wife didnt help in my opinion. who wants a first lady in office that the "Fab Five" or "what not to wear" crews would LOVE to remake. can you see how she would decorate AirForce 1?? furniture from goodwill and salvation army up the ying yang in that mug. dean could have kept some momentum if he kept on with the crazy speeches, people might gotten used to that - maybe - atleast they wouldnt have seen him change face three times, now they dont know who he is. too bad for the Demo's future if these guys are the best they got....i mean think about, what did Dubya do to help further the slump the Demos are in??? nothing - they did it all on thier own!! damn what a joke that is....


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« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2004, 04:03:45 PM »
CBS news, CNN and a few other network stations apologized for the Dean coverage. Admittingly, he looked like a complete raving idiot when they showed those clips, but what they DIDNT SHOW was that they were taking the audio from his pinned on mike.

They have since played the same rally from a camera that was fixed into the crowd, and it was so SO LOUD in there, Dean could barely hear himself speak. If you see THAT video, with the screaming crowd, then he dosen't come across as bad as they made him out to be. Just as a guy trying to rally his troops.

But thats neither hear nor there, public perception is everything, and everybody see's him as this out of control character, it dosen't matter anymore


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« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2004, 04:04:25 PM »
I think it's hilarious that Kerry keeps espousing himself as a man of the people -- keeps touting those "humble" beginnings and tries to make people think that he is a "self-made man" -- when in reality he married into everything he has. He doesn't understand the plights of the middle-class as he tries to espouse and he keeps pointing to Bush calling him a man of privilege while holding the golden spoon behind his back like he is actually fooling anyone. Okay, I imagine that he is fooling a few but everything he says smacks of hypocrisy.

Oh yeah, to be fair, he did serve in Vietnam and he wants to make Bush look bad because GW only served in the National Guard. Umm, doesn't anyone remember the fact that the last president before GW was a draft dodger? I guess if you don't have anything else to stand on -- better polish up those war ribbons.