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Messages - Mozy-76er Fan

Pages: [1]
Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Iguodala's PPG w/ Brand
« on: July 12, 2008, 10:43:43 PM »
I think Iggy will be in the 17 - 21 point range.  I think his PPG could increase even with Thad scoring more and Brand scoring a lot because the 76ers as a team will be scoring a lot more points.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Roll call
« on: July 12, 2008, 10:41:35 PM »
This is my Pixar rankings - they are all good especially the top 4 or 5:

1.  Incredibles
2.  Toy Story
3.  Toy Story 2
4.  Wall-E
5.  Monster's Inc.
6.  Cars
7.  Bug's Life
8.  Ratatouille
9.  Finding Nemo

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: How Much Is LouWill Worth?
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:50:17 AM »
I want Lou happy.  I'd be willing to go just over the MLE for $6 mi// 5 year deal.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Roll call
« on: July 09, 2008, 06:41:24 PM »
Name:  Mozy-76er Fan
Names at other boards:  Mozy-76er Fan
Age:  37
Original home:  Rochester, NY
Current home:  Boston, MA
Other Boards: Real GM
Other:  Been a huge 76er fan since I was little kid during the Dr J era (started following the in the late 70s early 80s).

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers get Brand... Now What?
« on: July 08, 2008, 11:06:52 PM »
I have not given up the fact that some of our own guys could develop good 3 pt shots.  Lou, Thad, and Jason Smith are all real young and good develop sweet outside strokes - they have decent shots.  We need to be patient.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers get Brand... Now What?
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:56:37 PM »
but for all of the good Iguodala has done, he came up extremely short when it mattered and I don't believe anyone is convinced he's an actual 2 guard. As for getting someone who can shoot 40% and up from 3, that's fine. I hear that Ben Gordon guy is available and yes, he's a better fit at the 2 than Andre Iguodala is for this team at this point.

1st off - I think you and others are putting WAY TOO MUCH emphasis on that one series against Prince.  Iggy is young and smart.  He will learn and grow from that experience it doesn't define him. 

I think Iggy was a lot more valuable than Gordon.  Gordon is too one dimensional and Iggy does everything else better than Gordon except outside shooting.  If we trade for Gordon and give them Iggy we would have to get a more in return. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Do you think he Sixers should trade Iguodala
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:46:53 PM »
I say keep him - Iggy is a perfect fit this team - great D, athletic, good leadership, good all around play.  His penetrating is great and his shooting is so-so.  He might get to be a better shooter in time.  If we trade him for a shooter that shooter better play real good D as well.

Pages: [1]