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Messages - gaither

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NBA Discussion / When it rains it pours. Rick Fox in BIG trouble!
« on: June 25, 2004, 09:22:29 PM »
I heard talk about this a few months back so I'm not too surprised. Marriages between "celebrities" rarely stand the test of time for more than a few years...some not even that long.

NBA Discussion / OT: Some new Bush quotes
« on: June 20, 2004, 08:46:39 PM »
No wonder most of the world, not to mention a good percentage of US citizens, think the man is a moron. One has to wonder why a man of his age and stature has not learned to THINK before opening his mouth. Half the time he is actually stating the very opposite of what he meant to say.

NBA Discussion / The off-season move the Kings need to make
« on: June 20, 2004, 08:36:35 PM »
You fail to address why Detroit would want the overpaid, always injured Webber.  I would think they'd actually want to improve their chances of winning another championship, not decrease their chances. Nope, I'm afraid Sacramento is stuck with Webber.

NBA Discussion / sloans wife died??
« on: June 18, 2004, 06:12:43 PM »
Very sad to hear, indeed. My condolences to the "coach" and his family.

NBA Discussion / I'm still puzzled over the MVP thing
« on: June 18, 2004, 12:23:19 PM »
I think that's what the rings and trophy are for ;)
Oh I don't know, DB. One can never have too many trophies...or money...or both. Though it really does cheapen the concept of having an MVP to have more than 1 player (not to mention an entire team) win. Still, of the starting five for the Pistons, I would probably have written Billups in as 3rd runner up.

NBA Discussion / Joe V
« on: June 18, 2004, 08:02:35 AM »
I'm glad you "came home" as well. This board needs your analysis and candor...even your diplomacy.

Tell Skander I send my congratulations on his impending marriage. These are exciting days for Skander: launching his new career and embarking on a new path with his soulmate for life.  

NBA Discussion / I'm still puzzled over the MVP thing
« on: June 18, 2004, 07:47:09 AM »
No doubt, Joe, Prince had a pretty awesome series. I think you could make a case for every one of the starters to have gotten the MVP award based on things they "did right" to win this series. It's too bad the award can't be awarded to a team, not just an individual.

NBA Discussion / I'm still puzzled over the MVP thing
« on: June 16, 2004, 06:47:38 PM »
Still think Big Ben should have gotten the nod over Chauncey Billups. Although, with a team that plays like the Pistons, in which the star of the game often changed from night-to-night, it wasn't an easy decision.

Guess Minnesota wishes they'd held onto Billups, though I suppose he was demanding too much money as a free agent.  

NBA Discussion / A joke for all you Bush supporters
« on: June 16, 2004, 02:14:43 PM »
Amazeing that you still believe that the President gets chosen by the public.  I think the scuttling of the Dean candidacy proved that.  Our choice this time around is between to Bonesman, and it isn't a coincidence.

What is important is that they and most of the politicians in Washington could care less about what you think. Most voters don't think, or a looser like Bush would never have been elected!  As long as they can get your support, without being accountable this is what you get: They're taking away your jobs and your freedom and you should be pissed off about the demise of America.  It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with money and power.  

Factories in China are financed by US taxpayer credit.  All so the rich in this country can make even more money while you slowly go broke.  :nod:

Did any of you watch the lovefest between Congress and Greenspan?  No inflation threat my ass!  Note how they've held back the PPI report again and again?  The weakest link in a Democracy is a disinterested public.  We trust our leaders to do the right thing, and they never do.  The more I think about it, the more I want to  :puke:
Wow, Rickortreat, don't hold back! Tell us how you really feel.   :D

But, for the most part, I share your cynicism. Politics has become to encumbered with money and special interests...and it seems to get worse with every election year. I don't know how it can be turned around.

NBA Discussion / Condolences, Laker fans.
« on: June 16, 2004, 01:14:41 PM »
Gee, so sorry to hurt your feelings, LakerFan. That was such a mean thing for me to say, wasn't it.  :D

You're right, I don't have to be gracious, LF, because Detroit isn't my team. Yes, I rooted for them in this match-up because I'm tired of hearing people harping on how bad the EC is, and I happen to like the Piston's coach and a couple of their players. But I'm not a bandwagon fan; if I were, you could be sure I'd have been rooting for LA or SA, teams who have already won championships. In fact, on the subject of bandwagoners, I don't think there are any bandwagon fans on this forum, which is a good thing, IMO.  

I have actually been very restrained in my comments on the outcome of this series. The smack (some of which has been quite mean-spirited) being exchanged on this site for the past 4 weeks has been nauseating, to say the least. I am glad that Detroit won, and I won't bother to disguise that. And since I can't do so with any sincerity, I'm not going to offer condolences to the Lakers and their fans. I think the 3 championships that this Laker team has won in recent seasons should be consolation enough.

I stand by my opinion that this series got more attention than last year's series did because LA was in it. I've had co-workers tell me as much. Last year's series lacked the "Hollywood" drama that a series with LA brings, a co-worker told me. I actually think basketball is dramatic enough to not need "Hollywood" drama to make it palatable. But I think I'm in the minority on that opinion. If this had been a Minnesota vs. Detroit (or even Indiana) series, I've no doubt that viewership would have been it was in the SA vs. NJ series last year.  

NBA Discussion / The better team won
« on: June 16, 2004, 12:05:31 PM »
You truly do live in lalaland if you haven't figure out yet that there is no way that Shaq and Kobe can effectively play together for a whole playoff season...let alone a whole season.
Three rings say otherwise in LaLa land.  They've shown they can get it together in the playoffs in the past.  There is not doubt there are problems between the two but they've been able to handle it, you'd have to go back to MJ/Pip to find a pair that's had as much success as the Lakers.  Champs like SA and Detriot can't say as much and pretenders like Minny, Sac and Dallas can't say anthing at all.
Perhaps I should have qualified my comment to say "can effectively play together for a whole playoff season anymore". They've won championships in the past because Kobe has been willing to yield leadership to Shaq, as he has been instructed to do so for the good of the team. But I think Kobe is fed up with yielding leadership to a guy with the work ethic of Shaq.

You can live in the past, if you like. The Lakers do have a rich history of do the Celtics and the Bulls. Their fan should relish those victories, but they are still in the past. I'm talking about the future. Teams like San Antonio and Detroit are only beginning to build their histories. And while I think Sacramento and Dallas have played like wanna-be champions for the past 3 seasons, without bringing the defense and disciplined approach that is needed, I would not put Minnesota in that group. I think they are a genuine contender in the WC and will be for seasons to come. To go from first-round knock-offs to playing in the WC finals this season was still a BIG accomplishment for Minnesota.  

NBA Discussion / A joke for all you Bush supporters
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:45:26 AM »
Sorry Joe but you are a white in America, market research proves you're not "white America".  Much like Randy you THINK you are the norm when in fact you are the exception.  Black and President are not two words white America is ready to use in a contiguous block.

No offense but that's the truth.
I think "white America" is more ready than you think, WOW. But so far the only blacks who have thrown their hat in the ring are political lightweights like Jackson and Sharpton, neither of who were qualified. But even as lightweights, I do think they are laying the groundwork for the future. I could see a black president being elected within the next 4-8 years, provided that a qualified one makes the run. I believe a lot of folks would support Powell running for office, if he had ambitions to do so.

What won't happen, at least not anytime within the next 50 years IMO, is the election of a female president.

NBA Discussion / The better team won
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:27:10 AM »
You truly do live in lalaland if you haven't figure out yet that there is no way that Shaq and Kobe can effectively play together for a whole playoff season...let alone a whole season. Kobe won't continue to play in Shaq's shadow, and Shaq is never going to yield his role as #1 to Kobe. They may make up and play nice for a while, but the truth is these two players resent each other. Too much has been said and done over the years. One of them has to go, and ultimately, I think Kobe will walk because the Lakers are not going to let Shaq go yet. Shaq may not be the best (skills-wise), but he is still the most dominant, big man in the game.

If Shaq has gotten fatter, lazier, and more apathetic with each progressive season, it's because the Lakers (and Phil Jackson) have enabled to him to do so. They've made the 82-game regular season into a 60-game one for him based on his sham injuries. (Sure didn't look like he was having any toe problems this season, did it?)  

NBA Discussion / A joke for all you Bush supporters
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:06:02 AM »
Not to fear! Maybe we can persuade Ross Perot to dust off his old campaign duds and run again. As nasty and humorless as this political campaign has gotten already, I'm sure we could all benefit from some of Perot's homespun political corniness. Maybe he could persuade Ralph Nader to take a hike.

NBA Discussion / Condolences, Laker fans.
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:00:27 AM »
Ha ha!  The Lakers lost.  Those selfish egotistical self-absorbed brats deserved to be punked.  What a great day for TRUE basketball fans everywhere.  All those Laker jock kissers finally got what they deserved.    :nod:

j/k..... forgot which board I was posting on for a minute.

:cheers: to the classy Laker posters we have here.  Tough way to lose the finals after fighting through tough series in the west.  IMO the Lakers played their best ball against the Spurs.  They were at their most active defensively and the role players stepped up when needed.  One can only wonder what would have happened if that 1/2 second turned out differently.

Then with Minny missing their 2 point guards the Lakers still had enough to pull out that series.  Malone proved how valuable he was vs KG & Duncan.

The age of the core team (reflected in stamina & injuries) as well as lack of experience by many reserves finally caught up with the Lakers vs Detroit.  They fought hard at times but it was obvious just couldn't hang with a deeper, more athletic Piston team.

Side note:  Last year when SA shut down NJ defensively it was a boring series to watch.  This year Detroit shuts down LA defensively and no one complains about boredom.  Hmmmmm?
Haven't you figure it out yet...the championship series is only boring when the Lakers aren't playing. After all, everyone expected the Lakers to win. San Antonio is too smalltime to compete with the likes of glamorous (cough-cough) LA. It has to do with demographics.

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