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Messages - Mr. Meaner

Pages: [1]
NBA Discussion / Boozer potentially to the Lakers
« on: February 21, 2005, 10:54:47 PM »
Yesterday's (Sunday's) Sacramento Bee had an article about a potential trade between the Kings and Lakers. The mere thought makes me gag, but they said that Kupchek contacted the Maloofs and Petrie (who is in Spain on a scouting trip at the moment) about a trade of Lamar Odom for Peja.

The Maloofs turned it down flat. It does not work on a salary base either, since Odom makes about 3 million more then Peja, so another player from the Kings would have to be involved.

NBA Discussion / Sixers beat Dallas!?
« on: January 30, 2005, 06:15:36 PM »
It's not that he doesn't get his teamates involved, but that without him in there to rely on, they all seemed to take more responsibility for makeing something happen. I don't think they'd win more without him, but they'd become better players playing without him.

Rick -

Sometimes the NBA game is hard to figure. The Sixers look like a solid team without Iverson against a tough road team like Dallas.

Then today, the Kings go into Minneapolis to play the Wolves, with a five game regular season losing streak against them and the Wolves with a five game winning streak otherwise; and they have to play them without both Peja and Webber, with Mo Evans and Bobby Jackson already sidelined.

No hope in hell, right?

Turns out, bench guys like Matt Barnes and Darius Songaila are too tough for the Wolves to handle. Brad Miller goes off and Bibby kills the comeback of the Wolves in the fourth. But it is Mobley who truly makes the difference.

Where did THAT defense come from....and the rebounding?

94-84 Kings. This game adds a level of comfort zone for the Kings that was sorely missing before.

Did we miss Peja? Not really, as the Wolves routinely shut him down anyway. Webber? Well, Chris essentially created the previous win the Kings had in Houston, hitting a three pointer with 1.3 seconds left to send that game into overtime, and he played his heart out in that game.

But Garnett creates a unique problem for Webber. Mainly, he just cannot control him with his limited defense these days and Kevin gets 20 + boards every time he goes up against him.

Maybe the problem the Kings have had against the Wolves is that their stars don't play like stars when they play the Wolves, but Minnesota knows nothing of the King's bench guys Adelman had to play today.

NBA Discussion / Happy Birthday JoMal
« on: January 30, 2005, 06:03:40 PM »
You guys are lucky I'm reading this at home on a Sunday, where I am sure you all expect me to forget about all this come Monday, when I revert to my secret alter ego JoMal at work.

Well, I guess it is official....... I am now the oldest MF on this board, and it is unlikely any of you will be catching up with me any time soon.

I just wish even one of you has a hope in hell of looking as good as Mr. Meaner when you wake up one day as old as he is.

JoMal, on the other hand, could use some cosmetic sledgehammer work....

And BTW, thanks, guys. If any of you plan to go to the Sonoma County barrel tasting events March 4th, 5th, and 6th, I could wake JoMal up from his all-day nap and have him buy you all a glass of wine at Mazzocco, or Lambert Bridge.

...HE doesn't need to know the tastes are free.

NBA Discussion / Latest Shaq Rumor
« on: June 26, 2004, 05:58:58 PM »
Not from what I've read, Reality. The Maloofs say the price the Lakers want for trading Shaq is too high and would gut the team. That plus the fact that Shaq is on the downside of his career would make this a big mistake for the Kings. Petrie would never agree to a deal that would gut the youth of this team for an aging "superstar". They've already got one aging star too many.
As Jerry West stated, you never trade superstars within your own division. If the Lakers do trade Shaq, and that is questionable to begin with, he would most likely go east.

I expect Dallas to make the most Shaq noise in the Western Conference. Cuban is nothing if not a whore to dramatic trades. As for the Maloofs and Shaq, O'Neal has said publically that he likes and admires the King's owners, and the Maloofs have expressed similar sentiments regarding the Laker center, but Geoff Petrie rightly states that the asking price for the aging, injury prone, and perminantly out-of-shape O'Neal just would not be worth what the Lakers have suggested.

Yes, that means that the Lakers and Petrie have talked about the trade possibilities.

And hi everyone. Just got back into the U.S., and believe it or not, I only learned who won the NBA championship about a week ago. Travel is tough.

NBA Discussion / Great win by SA . . .
« on: March 20, 2004, 06:39:16 PM »
4 HOFlamers   :lol:  :lol:  

NBA Discussion / LAker coaching change a'comin?
« on: February 12, 2004, 08:53:35 PM »
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Word comming out of LA is that it's strictly a money/ego issue. The Lakers offered PJ the same deal he currently has, which is unheard of for the Lakers coach. PJ wasnts more money than Larry Brown and George Karl.

I say give it to him. There is currently no coach with as much succes, let alone more, the PJ. Heck there is no coach in NBA history with more succes tha PJ. Give it to PJ before the whole team falls apart. Kobe, GP, Fisher and Malone are all FA's this summer, PJ COULD be the first thread that unravels the whole thing.

I will tell you all this: if Phil goes, Kobe is also gone. It might be why he said he does not care if Phil stays or goes, being that he plans to leave this summer regardless. But no Phil in LaLa land means no chance for Kobe being there either.

If Kobe really plans to leave, and Phil knows it, I wonder if just Shaq alone would even entice Jackson to stay and work out an extention. He apparently thought that extention was in the works, but if they are trying to jerk him around, he may not be the happiest camper afterwards.

If they aren't willing to pay him what he feels he's worth, the team is doing exactly what would make Phil exit without it looking like it's the team's fault. Clever.  

NBA Discussion / Kobe on PJ's contract situation: "I don't care"
« on: February 12, 2004, 08:40:14 PM »
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oh, not a good sign -- and definately a sign that PJ is on his way out. Perhaps they will trade Shaq after this season. Hmm, who could we get for Shaq? The entire starting line-up of the Sacramento Kings? Nah, they would have to throw in their next 10 years of draft picks and cash for Shaq -- hmm, perhaps the entire Dallas squad? Maybe, as long as they keep Antoine Walker and Nelly!
Except Shaq is slowly losing it, Kobe is more likely to leave before Phil, and Phil probably has no interest staying if Kobe leaves and Shaq starts to further deteriorate.

And for my money, Peja alone is worth more then the balance of that aging Laker team, sans Shaq, even with those HOF'ers limping around Staples.  With Shaq, we might consider throwing in Vlade, but only if that middle-of-the-pack first round draft pick is thrown in that the Lakers appear to be working hard to wrap up before the trading deadline.

Actually, that poor King's team is struggling along just fine.

NBA Discussion / Rickortreat returns
« on: February 12, 2004, 11:48:25 AM »
If only you would use your speculation skills for the enhancement of goodness and against evil.

Welcome to dabod's new forum, which seems to be collecting old msnbc posters by the bushel. More then a mere basketball forum, we discuss REAL issues of hardhitting topics ripped from today's headlines, such as who got to Tivo Janet Jackson's boob, and would 55 hours of marital bliss with Brittany Spears be worth it.

And not to suggest you are putting all your eggs in one basket, but what if you get fired from this job? Your new boss may not even LIKE the Sixers.

Take JoMal and me. ..we argue all the time. He thinks Adelman is doing a great job with the Kings, while I righteously think he should be resting his starters more frequently so they are fresh for the playoffs. JoMal also argues that Bibby is not playing quite up to par all the time, while I simply cannot believe he was left off the All Star team and that stiff Francis was even ON it, let alone voted in as a starter.  Does your new boss even FOLLOW basketball?

Your new boss already sounds like a jerk. You don't need this! Demand that he respects your opinion and that you deserve compensation for all your hard work, not just empty promises.

If you need any moral support during this trying time, Rick, just let me (us) know. JoMal and I are here for you. We've been through this, so we understand how your feelings might be split and can help you through it.    

NBA Discussion / Brad Miller abuse in Det-riot
« on: February 12, 2004, 11:30:12 AM »
To Brad's credit, he did not let all the extra activity deter him from his game. I have noticed that Miller appears to be just about a perfect fit with the Kings. Who would have guessed that he was such a good passer.

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