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Messages - RolandoBlackman

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NBA Discussion / Predictions for 5/26
« on: May 26, 2004, 09:10:45 AM »
Hey Lurker!  

Before I present my choice for tonight's game-winner, I finally remembered what Tayshaun Prince's block on Reggie the other night reminded me of!  

Do you remember a few years back in an NFL game when after a field goal was kicked, a fan appeared out of nowhere and snatched the football out of the air as it sailed past the uprights?  That's the one!

Pistons in a rout.


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / Props to Lakers, curses to Danny Crawford.
« on: May 26, 2004, 09:00:11 AM »
Hey jn!

I give the T-Wolves major respect for coming back in the 4th 1/4 to challenge "Our Heroes" for the win - can you imagine the shock that would have occurred if KG & Co.  HAD whupped "Our Heroes" after being down by 17 in the 3rd?  That would have registered in a major way on the Richter scale, you can be sure!

At first I wanted to go along with what wk said about the T-Wolves not really being as competitive with the LAL as SA was...however, one must remember that the T-Ws do not have their starting QB's services available to them for the most part.  No way can Darrick Martin fill Sam Cassell's shoes here - in the 4th, Martin put up a few bricks that I thought Cassell would have stroked if he were healthy.  However, as we all know, "Them's the breaks" of the imperatives of "winnin' time" is to have all of a team's players healthy and primed.   wk, if TP were hurt, do you think SA would have done as well as they did vs. the LAL?  Methinks not...

I agree with Flip's Hack-a-Shaq strategy - let's face it, it was effective for the most part!  I'm wondering what the hey Shaq was talking about when he mouthed to Flip, "It won't work" - yeah right.   Pachy, you were 1 for 12 at one point in the game. However, the newest proposal to be presented by LAL reps to the rules committee later this year will eliminate this this pesky problem - the "Designated Free-thrower" (DF).  Think about it...this will extend the careers of some players (Steve Kerr immediately comes to mind) to well into their 50s, or beyond.  I guarantee that the Player's Union will go for it!

Poor Mad Dog...having him guard Shaquille is like having a chihuahua guarding Fat Albert.  Mark never gave up, though - give him credit.   'Our' Mad Dog will never be forgotten by TrueLakers - no matter whose uniform he is wearing!


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / This board has gone to hell in a hand basket.
« on: May 26, 2004, 08:38:50 AM »
Hey Tedly!  

Howzit, brah?  It's good to reply to one of your posts again.

Political and social issues, when discussed amongst persons of widely disparate viewpoints inherently lead to edgy repartee - this is what helps us define where we stand more clearly, IMHO.


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / Props on the win JN
« on: May 24, 2004, 10:32:42 PM »
Hey jn!

The T'wolves put their stamp on "winnin' time" with a sound thrashing of 'Our Heroes' - now, they MUST take one from the Lakers at Staples.

It's definitely on, jn...oh yeah!

I hate to admit it, but if this game had been played in L.A. with the same results, the parking lot at Staples would have been empty by the start of the 4th quarter.  Not even close.


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / The second half should be a lot of Kobe.
« on: May 21, 2004, 10:53:31 PM »
Hey jn!

Did my "Milk Money" prediction come true or what?  The deluge of 3s by D-Fish at the end of the 3rd 1/4 was awesome - and, very much reminiscent of his performance vs. SA during the record-setting 17-1 playoff run in 2001.  This defeat will be tough for the T-wolves to shake off.  However, this crow won't start cackling until after Sunday's game is complete with a similar result! C-ya!


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / OT: Ro, about your kid trying to get into Stanford
« on: May 21, 2004, 07:53:28 PM »
Hey WoW!!!

Yes, we fully intend to send him to one of the SAT prep centers - nowadays, the young'uns have the SAT2 to take as well!  I do my best to leave nothing to chance - I know my son quite well, and though he is supremely intelligent he uses his ingenuity to do as little as possible with minimal effort.  I am not one of those parents who thinks his little angel can do no wrong - far from it.

Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / SA article on Lakers-Wolves
« on: May 21, 2004, 11:45:34 AM »
Hey JoMal!

I agree with you 100% that Phil is a master strategist - however, it is sometimes forgotten that as well as the 'triangle' offense, the defensive prowess of the Jackson-led teams is one of the (if not THE) major factors that has resulted in 9 NBA Championships for teams headed by the 'Zen Master'.  A perfect example of this is the last 4 contests (swept by the LAL) of the 2004 WC Semi-Finals, in which the Lakers defense held SA to an average of 80 points each game.

And as I mentioned in a previous post, I am glad that the Kings are history for 2004.  Vlade's ability to take it to the hole with his unusally strong ball-handling prowess (for a 7-footer) and his jump-shooting always gives 'The Daddy' fits.  IMHO, Vlade will probably be around for at least 3-4 more years - he is still one of the better centers in the league, regardless of his age or his shortcomings.


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / SA article on Lakers-Wolves
« on: May 21, 2004, 10:46:41 AM »
Hey Lurker!

First of all, thanks for the greetings - it's good to BE back!!

Secondly, I appreciate your congrats on 'our' academic performance - this is definitely a thankless task, by all accounts...even his Mom thinks I am too exacting.  So far though, my son has the straight-A transcript that is necessary for entry to the high-end colleges - and, I am determined that things remain static in this area!  I am quite aware that he does not have the experience in life to realize how important it is to attend one of the acclaimed institutes of higher learning.  Sadly, he does not understand WHY I am pushing him so hard to do his best - I am his worst enemy in the world at this point, as far as he is concerned.  However, when he is doing the Johnny Cochran thing in the courtroom raking in the acclaim and $$$, he will remember and appreciate what his old man has done for him - I hope...

And jn - I feel ya, mon...I really DO respect the T-wolves.  Honest.


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / SA article on Lakers-Wolves
« on: May 21, 2004, 10:20:57 AM »
Hey wk!

"Bandwagon Juice" - that's good one!  Sounds like a hard-core rap by Snoop Dogg...LOL

Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / SA article on Lakers-Wolves
« on: May 21, 2004, 10:10:23 AM »
Hey Lurker!

You may be unaware of this, but the Lakers are originally FROM the 'Land of 10,000 Lakes' (and it IS awesomely beautiful there this time of year - I  have seen it for myself).  So  it's not that amazing...actually, I have already predicted that the LAL will have their 'retro' uniforms on to show some love to the Minnesota fans.
You've got to respect this SA sportswriter for this article (although he needs to forget about the Pacers beating the LAL) - you know how much it must have pained him to predict a sweep of the T-wolves by 'Our Heroes'.  I have to say that I expect this series to be 'Milk Money II - The Sequel', starring Shaquille O'Neal in a command performance.  To complete the scenario, I picture KG riding the pine in the 4th quarter of Game 4 with a dejected look similar to that exhibited by TD when Shaq put it on SA during the record-setting 17 - 1 playoff run in 2001.  No, jn - I did not go to an 'Other Ones' concert last night...


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / Congrats to Lakers, Condolences to Kings.
« on: May 21, 2004, 09:53:33 AM »
Hey Gaither!

It has been a while since I have been able to post this:

"DREAM ON" (sound of Steven Tyler screeching)

Let's face it, the whole world expects the T-Wolves to be on the receiving end of a whisk broom.  No disrespect, jn - this is simply 'Reality' ...


Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / That by far was the best single player performance
« on: May 21, 2004, 04:12:42 AM »
Hey JoMal!

You have nailed the #1 reason for the Kings getting beat by the T-Wolves IMHO - the mysterious disappearance of Predrag Stojakovic's game almost throughout the series.  I have to tell you that it seemed like Peja wasn't really even in the game for most of the series.  Four-on-five at the Pro level usually means an 'L', as it did in this particular instance.

Obviously, Flip divined that Peja would be a non-factor in Game Six, and settled on the "Stop Bibby"-centered defense as the means of stifling Shaq-ramento's point production.  Due to the ineffectual Peja, this plan worked like a charm - still, the Kings challenged KG & Co. right to the buzzer.  I was SURE Webber's shot was in! Shades of Robert Horry in the pivotal 2003 Game 5 LAL-SA playoff game...

Actually, I (and may I say it, most TrueLakers) would much rather see "Our Heroes" face the t-Wolves than the Kings.  The Kings match up MUCH better against "Our Heroes" than do the T-Wolves.  'The Pachyderm' is going to go nutz on them...Ervin Johnson?

And jn and WoW, FYI I have been totally immersed in preparing my son to gain admission to Stanford University.  He is in 10th grade now (jeez, when I first joined this group he was in 5th grade!), and has a demanding Advanced Placement-packed curriculum.  I have been providing non-stop mentoring and 'motivation' to help him attain and maintain the high level of academic performance that will be required for him to become a student there.  Your parents are educators jn, you know what I am talking about.   As you can imagine, my son is not exactly enamored of the amount of work and effort this involves, he being 15 years old - thus, the 'motivation' I mentioned earlier.  This has taken up nearly all of my time that is not already allocated to my new business (which performs PC system installation (Linux, Windows) implementation, administration, and maintenance for small businesses) and my heavy involvement with the Democratic Party (hey, it IS a presidential election year - and, 'The Usurper' must be ousted).  As you might surmise, I'm kinda busy these days!

Not only that, when Dabods first changed to a new ISP I could not use my RB handle for some reason.  I kept trying to make it work (hey, after all I AM an IT Professional - my inability to get things functioning correctly really offended my sensibilities), but failed until now.  If you do not believe me, just ask, I'm not front-running!  Besides, how can anyone living in the greater Los Angeles area be labelled a front-runner, when the circus-atmosphere season "Our Heroes" have had this year is considered?  Here in content-starved 'La-la Land', the LAL have been providing the media with enough fodder for any four other teams - we are literally inundated in Laker-related news (how's that for an apropos metaphor?).  There is no way that any TrueLaker could have just ignored the LAL goings-on that this season has encompassed.

Anyway, the school year is drawing to a close, and we've (LOL) taken all of the AP Exams now, so my overburdened schedule is somewhat lighter now...just in the nick of "winnin' time", too!  So, expect me to be posting quite a bit now for the next few months - that is, until school starts in September.  For us (LOL again), the 11th Grade will be OUR "Winnin' Time" - we are aiming for National Merit Finalist, and are already in preparation for it.   That scholarship money will be sorely you know how much it costs to send one of your progeny to Stanford?  Dang.

Laterz, braddahs...

Shaq #1

NBA Discussion / That by far was the best single player performance
« on: May 20, 2004, 01:34:43 AM »
Hey wk!!!

First of all, I'M BAAAAAACK!!!  (sound of Steven Tyler screeching)

And yes, KG did it all tonight...but, the contributions from "Wally World" cannot be overlooked.  His 'spree' (LOL) of buckets in the 2nd quarter helped keep the "Queens" on the ropes.  

As I have said in previous "winnin' times", the victory is sweetest and the renown of the victors is greatest when a worthy opponent is vanquished - this year, IMHO the T-wolves are that opponent.  I, for one, am glad that 'Our Heroes' get to face the T-wolves...they've already kicked the Kings around enough in the past (Richard Nixon, take note...)!

Congratulations, jn...enjoy the warm glow while it lasts (until Friday, that is)!


Shaq #1

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