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Messages - sixerscan

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: July 29, 2008, 04:10:53 PM »
All the 3 point shooters in the world and you go with Bowen and Bell?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN reporting Okafor - 6/72...
« on: July 29, 2008, 11:22:29 AM »
If you were an NBA GM, and you were picking first in a pickup game where the losing team's GM's family is killed, and the two best players in the game were Okafor and Iguodala, who would you pick?

I pick Emeka.

Here's another scenario...let's say that we did NOT get Brand, and both Okafor and Iguodala were signed to similar contracts...LB calls Stefanski and asks if we would trade Iguodala straight up for Okafor.  Would you do it?

I would do it in a nanosecond.

So, in my mind, there is no way the Sixers should pay Iggy more than Okafor...although I guess I could live with 6/73 (just to make the Sixers' new drama queen happy).

If Okafor is better and he has Gerald Wallace and Jason Richardson on his team how come the Sixers made the playoffs and the Bobcats suck?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: July 28, 2008, 09:56:57 PM »
I don't think Ross is going to sign for the minimum.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: July 27, 2008, 11:44:47 PM »
This is solid, nothing major but he'll probably win a game or two when he gets hot and otherwise we'll never hear from him.

This and the Ivey signing is exactly why it's so freaking stupid to give Willie Green a 5 year deal. You can pick guys up at around the same level for pennies.

Well that is extremely depressing.  Can you delete this topic now? >_>

We got Elton Brand instead. Feel better?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Game Thread- 7/11 Summer league
« on: July 11, 2008, 09:02:24 PM »
Thaddeus Young is my homeboy

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 11, 2008, 08:55:51 PM »
If Gordon would come here for a reasonable contract I'd love to have him. A contract starting at $8 million for a guy who would come off the bench for us isn't very reasonable though.

TK where did you find that picture of brand and miller?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Roll call
« on: July 09, 2008, 09:13:41 PM »
Name: Matt
Names at other boards: same
Age: 20
Original home: Philadelphia
Current home: Philly but New York during the school year
Other Boards: realgm, ccc, philaphans, posted on a few times
Other: I watched Gladiator today for the first time in a while. Good movie.

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