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Messages - The Sixer Fixer

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:27:02 PM »
So we get a 2nd rd pick in return.  It's Minnesota, so maybe that pick winds up being only a couple picks lower that the 1st rd pick we trade away.  Could be a near wash pick wise if true.

The 76ers will throw in reserve forward Calvin Booth, and acquired a future second round draft pick and Minnesota?s $2.8 million trade exception gained in a 2007 deal with Miami.;_ylt=AtVM_BNK8VeK25E3aU1LSte8vLYF?slug=ap-timberwolves-76erstrade&prov=ap&type=lgns

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:05:25 PM »
Per Eskin:

"Very close, almost done"

Regarding Brand to Philly

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 04:53:08 PM »
Does anyone think we are pushing strong for Brand because maybe Smith told us last week that his preference is to stay with Atlanta.  He might have said if they offer me something close to what you guys offer, then I'm going to stay there.

Whatever Smith said, I think Brand is a much better option over the next 5 years, and that's what is driving this.

Smith is option 2...and according to reports, he knows it

I agree that Brand is a better player AND better for this team.  I'm just saying they went to a lot of trouble with bringing Smith in last week and it seemed he was the primary target.  I guess it may have been to show they are really interested just in case the Brand thing fell though (which was probably a long shot when the process started).

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 04:47:48 PM »
Does anyone think we are pushing strong for Brand because maybe Smith told us last week that his preference is to stay with Atlanta.  He might have said if they offer me something close to what you guys offer, then I'm going to stay there.

Just seems odd that they went to all that trouble to woo him and now it seems our primary target is suddenly Brand.  Maybe we didn't think we had a legit shot at luring Brand from LA, but I would have thought we would have heard more about Brand early on if he was the primary guy.  Maybe they think their chances at Smith are extreemly low and this is all being done to not miss out on the other premiere PF on the market.

Obvioulsy I'm doing a lot of specualting here since no one from the Sixers has said that this trade is being done for Brand.  I guess it could still be for Smith as the #1 option.  

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 04:38:38 PM »
How does that even make sense?  The Clippers are in the situation where Brand will either have to take a pay cut, or they'll have to renounce Brand, to make room for Baron.  The Sixers can't be "played" because the Clips don't have any more cap room to offer.  There's nothing left to squeeze.

Unless he's talking about playing the Sixers to increase GS's offer.

Unless he's trying to get the Clippers to make a trade with Memphis or another team with cap sapce to "clear" some extra space to offer Brand more (similar to what we are reportedly doing).  LA also still has the option to renounce the qualifying offers to guys like Marcus Williams and Nick Fazekas to free up a bit more space without doing a trade.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 03:56:50 PM »
BTW, I'm hurt the Fixer posted that at RealGM before here.  Betrayed :(

Haha, sorry about that.  Sometimes I'm reading that board and other times I'm here...if I hear something, I tend to just post where I'm reading at that given second.  I will try and be better in the future....don't hold it against me.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:09:47 PM »
Since we would be under the cap when we sign Iguodala, I thought that means he would not be tagged as a BYC player.  If we go OVER the cap in signing him, does that negate that rule?

I'm pretty sure if we sign brand first and go over the cap, that negates the rule.  I'll try to look it up today.

But we can't sign Brand and go over the cap.  We can only sign Brand with what we have under the cap.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:04:14 PM »
Most sign-and-trades are to a team under the cap that I can think of. I am trying to remember how a guy like Eddy Curry was traded.

A s&t with Iggy and his upcoming BYC status would almost need to go to a team with cap room, or a large exception.

Since we would be under the cap when we sign Iguodala, I thought that means he would not be tagged as a BYC player.  If we go OVER the cap in signing him, does that negate that rule?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:01:45 PM »
Agree, on JR Smith, but I think the Sixers are focused on avoiding "problem" players.  Granted much of Smith's issues may be over hyped by the media, but usually there is truth to it.  He was basically given away by one team and ripped constantly for his selfishness by another.  

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 12:58:25 PM »
I have convinced myself, my trade target would be Jason Richardson. 

He shot like 7 3's/gm last year and hit at nearly 41 %.  You aren't going to find many guys who have a better % when shooting that type of volume.  He would fit the need of having a legit 1b option (along with Brand as a 1a). 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 12:45:05 PM »
Smith's max would still be over $76 mil...which may be a lot for the ATL ownership to swallow.

I think if either of these scenarios comes to pass, Iguodala may be gone - both for shooting/floor spacing as well as (in the case of signing JSmooth) contract envy.

Just for the sake of shaking up the chat, besides Redd what other shooting guards would be GREAT fits with Brand and Miller?

In a possible trade involving Iguodala...

Vince Carter - too expensive
Jamal Crawford - I like him a bit (can play some point too) - streaky shooter though
Rip Hamilton - would love to get him, but still not an elite 3 pt guy
Joe Johnson - not available
Ray Allen - not available and too old
Jason Richardson - could be a good fit and may not be a Larry Brown guy
Jason Terry - undersized and getting a bit old
Ellis - would love him, but not a 3 pt guy yet - S/T candidate? not likely
Dunleavy - not an ideal fit...more a SF
Mike Miller - can't be traded right now
Kevin Martin - not available
Brandon Roy - not available

I'd say Richardson and Rip would be the best options out of what could be available via trade.  Crawford a possible option too?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 07:44:43 AM »
It's sweet to read some new reports but I'm still confused... if we're offering $14MIL and the Clippers are offering $14MIL... why is Brand leaving LA when they just got the player he told management that he wanted to play with?

Well, if the report about Brand and his agent having a secret meeting with Stefanski last week was accurate (and that was rumored to have been them that initiated contact with Ed), then maybe the Sixers were Brand's #1 option all along.  He may have said if you can offer me 'X' then I will come there. 

Having said that, if Brand does leave LA, does anyone thing there is a chance that Baron Davis changes his mind about LA and pulls out of that verbal agreement with LA?  Would be a bold move, but what if his deal was contingent on them also signing Brand?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 07, 2008, 10:16:13 PM »
TGP - where did Blount come from in your post?

I assume you meant Booth?  Come on, how can you mess up Calvin Booth...he's such a key piece to this team.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 07, 2008, 07:49:24 PM »
If you are the Clippers do you make that trade with us or do you just renounce the qualifying offer to 2nd year guys like Marcus Williams and Nick Fazekas?
If I'm them I keep Jordan and let those guys go.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Board Guidelines/conduct
« on: July 07, 2008, 04:43:09 PM »
Given the current climate of Realgm right now, there are a few posters that were left for dead back there who seem to be working diligently to discuss Sixers basketball in a civilized manner.... the problem is that they are now misfits in that regard.  Without private message capabilities, is there any way to privately get JUST A FEW long time veteran posters to join the crew over here?  I was thinking of including the following: 

The Sixer Fixer
Sixers 610
Sixerscan (if he's still alive)

If anyone is against spreading the love, then its all good.  Personally, I've never had any problems with those listed above. 

I really do believe Sixer Fixer needs to be thrown a lifejacket and saved from drowning on realgm. Aside from a PM, is there a way to do it without attracting the unwanted?

I just sent Fire Bk and Sixer Fixer PM's.

Thanks for the invite guys.  So is this the preferred message board for people now?

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