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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Player Movement Thread (Was Free Agency Thread)
« on: February 07, 2009, 10:34:00 PM »
Vlad Rad and Brown for Adam Morrison today, eh, nothing too exciting.  Let's look at who the sellers and buyers appear to be with the deadline looming:

Sellers and their wares:

Sacramento - Brad Miller, John Salmons, Beno Udrih

Phoenix - Amare, Shaq, Jason Richardson, Barbosa

Milwaukee - Richard Jefferson, maybe Villanueva or Sessions for financial reasons, but they will keep them if they move Jefferson for expirings.

Minnesota - Mike Miller, Rashad McCants

NY Knicks - Nothing anyone wants unless they make Lee available.


Portland -buying a PG and, back-up veteran big man.  Selling Outlaw, LaFrentz's expiring contract, Rodriguez.

New Orleans - Looking for a real big man and expirings because of financial troubles, might sell Mo Pete, Posey, Chandler.

Charlotte - It is MJ and LB anything is possible, expect Felton to possibly be on the move.

Chicago - Would love to move Larry Hughes, some of their young bigs could be had, but probably won't pull hte trigger on anything except a Hughes trade.

Sixers - Could move Miller or Dalmbert, look for help at PF, young PG, shooters, expirings if someone will take Reggie or Wille.

Toronto - Anothe rteam looking to move a guy named O'Neal. expect Bosh to get moved this summer.

Miami - Will they won't they with Marion?  They probably should.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand: Buyers remorse?
« on: February 07, 2009, 10:12:27 PM »
I think Miller needs to sign an extension or be shown the door.  In a perfect world he signs for two more years and we develop a young PG under him in that time from this year's draft.  If he won't sign an extension, it is time to move him.  Letting him walk this summer does nothing for hte team cap-space wise and the chances of getting much back in a S&T are slim.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: V. DWade/Heat
« on: February 07, 2009, 10:08:43 PM »
Great showing by the bench and the young guys tonight.  Ivey is showing that he was a fairly decent pick-up for the minimum.  I recall Stefanski saying that he felt Ivey would compliment Lou very well and it seems to be coming to fruition.  Ivey's development of that spot up three pointer has been a nice surprise.

Speights played a nice game out there, looking aware in more phases of the game than usual.  He seems to play better when Reggie is out there with him, maybe it is Reggie's energy or yapping, but it seems to do Speights good.  Nice win going away down the stretch.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand: Buyers remorse?
« on: February 06, 2009, 10:08:41 PM »
The guy fell down and got hurt.  It was a bad fall and a bit of a freak landing, stuff happens.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: CSN Philly reports Elton Brand is out for year
« on: February 05, 2009, 04:35:22 PM »
Well, that should resolve the question of whether we trade Miller or not.  I was a little surprised that they did not do the surgery when he was first injured.  Move Miller for the Portland package with Outlaw and Rodriguez and maybe get Frye back too. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Team stats
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:17:46 PM »
Thad has been taking wide open 3's- he's just been cold recently.
I missed the New Orleans game and part of a few others, so can you tell me if he is shooting from the same spots.  I noticed earlier in the year he was hot from certain spot-up areas, but could'nt hit a thing if he moved to other spots.  It reminded me of someone who practices a certain shot versus being a natural shooter.  Other than that it is probably a mix of mechanics and confidence for him.  He is obviously capable of hitting the shot with great frequency at times, hopefully that frequency becomes more of a constant than it has so far.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: MRI shows Brand's shoulder is healing
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:12:36 PM »
Sounds like a bump in the healing process only.  Given the type of injury and how a PF uses their shoulder expecting a linear, constantly getting better model for the healing of his shoulder is probably wishful thinking.  A little more time and rehab may be the safer way to go, rather than jumping in and playing again.  The word "healing" sounds like he's on the right track, but definitely not all the way there yet.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Team stats
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:48:07 PM »
The team seems to have gotten away from looking for the three other than Ivey and occasionally Iggy.  A lot of the three's they have shot in recent games look more like end of shot clock prayers, than in rhythm shots.  I do see more defenders flying out at our three point shooters so the scouting reports are probably catching up with us.  Conversely we should be getting more driving lanes inside or other open shooters like on the nice pass Thad made to Miller when they flew at him in the corner near the end of the game.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Thank You and may I have another...
« on: February 04, 2009, 03:47:24 PM »
The bigger question is whether he learned from it.  His response to Fagan was not promising, but I am guessing once the coaching staff broke it down with him, he got the message.  The kid, and he still is a kid by most measures, has his head on straight and he is very bright from all I have heard, read and observed so I am not too worried about him.

As far as all-stars go, Iggy is getting very close with his play of late.  Brand I am not sure about because I have not seen him play healthy here with any kind of system that makes sense.  Early in the year the whole offensive and defensive systems were screwed up.  Brand scored 27 points against a crappy Washington team in DiLeo's first game, then got hurt.  Thad and Speights both have all-star potential too, but it is down the road.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Thank You and may I have another...
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:07:11 PM »
I don't know if this helps Andre Miller's chances of being moved, or if we'd be more inclined to keep him now that Brand is on the shelf for the foreseeable future.  Ed's in a tough position with the Miller situation.  On one hand, Miller's been playing at a high level since he came to philly and he plays well with the group we have going forward this season.  On the flip side, his trade value will never be higher and there seems to be some skepticism from senior mgmt. about his desire to re-sign here after this season.  We probably won't get back any one individual player better than Miller, which will be tough to sell to the fans, but it's an opportunity to get some nice young pieces and/or draft picks.  I do have a feeling something will happen before the deadline. 

If Brand won't be at full speed this season and Miller likely won't re-sign, then under that scenario he has to be moved for the most talent/assets possible.  Anything else would be a waste of a good asset with a limited shelf-life.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Thank You and may I have another...
« on: February 04, 2009, 11:42:56 AM »
In a lot of ways what we are seeing is typical of a talented, but very young team.  While Iguodala is showing signs of really maturing his game, other tha Miller and the mostly disabled Brand, the engines of our team, Speights, Young, Williams are still very inexperienced.  Sam, well he could be 80 and he will still seem inexperienced at times.  This team can be good this year and next, but not contenders until the young guys grow up or get moved for established players.  If Brand were at real full speed they might be near contenders with Brand, Iggy and Miller doing the heavy lifting and the youngsters being the shock troops off the bench, but I doubt we see that this year.  I would definitely entertain committing fully to the youth movement by moving Miller and Brand, if he were moveable at this point, if we could get the right pieces back.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Thank You and may I have another...
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:33:03 AM »
From Jasner on Brand's shoulder:

There was no specific moment during the six games in which Elton Brand has played since returning from his dislocated right shoulder, but he was becoming more and more aware of pain and restrictiveness as he tried to shoot or reach for rebounds.
He came out last night against the Boston Celtics wearing a large protective pad around the shoulder, but he played only 8 minutes, 40 seconds of the first half of what became a 100-99 loss, then sat out the second half.

And now the question is whether the Sixers should consider shutting him back down, allowing more time for healing of the injury and strengthening of the muscles. He sat out 16 games after getting hurt Dec. 17 against the Milwaukee Bucks.

"We're going to look at it [today],'' Brand said, obviously disappointed and frustrated. "I was trying to help, but there was no need to bring me back [in the second half]. It's hard when you're feeling pain and you can't straighten your arm out on your shot. I have a little flip shot I've used all these years, and I can't do it. That was why I tried to wear the brace, but that didn't really help. It's just disappointing.''

Sixers coach Tony DiLeo said: "His shoulder stiffened up a little. He said he could play if we really needed him. It was a situation where we just decided to throw Marreese [Speights] in there, because [Brand's] shoulder wasn't quite loose enough.''

Hopefully this is not like the Phillies of old where a statement like that meant the arm would be amputated after the next MRI.   ::)

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Miller & Portland?
« on: February 03, 2009, 10:30:16 PM »
Brand may be having more problems with the shoulder according to the post-game show, plus I think DiLeo was playing the hot energy guy in Reggie.  Damn, we lose when we play poorly down the stretch and when we play well down the stretch.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Miller & Portland?
« on: February 03, 2009, 05:26:01 PM »
Make it Outlaw and a pick as sf1976 reports is a possibility and I am more interested, presuming we are talking about a protected first rounder.  I think Outlaw is a good fit for the team, especially if it means the disappearance of more of Green's minutes, plus he and the pick become more assets for a future trade.  Sergio is a shot in the dark at PG, as would be starting Lou at PG, neither is the answer, but Miller leaving after this season is not the answer either.  IMO, Stefanski and DiLeo either need to pull off another deal before the deadline or use the rest of the season to evaluate Sergio and Lou and very likely need to move on a better PG this summer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Player Movement Thread (Was Free Agency Thread)
« on: February 03, 2009, 10:17:12 AM »
Orlando is too thin to get much from, they have little I desire.  But a BK three way (wow, that sounds slightly dirty in a weird sort of way) is aways possible.

A BK three way? Is that a three way with whopper virgins?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

A.  It brings to mind that freaky King guy that looks way too much like a plastic Howard Eskin,   Scary stuff.
B.  If our BK was involved the virgins would all get paid better than market value with a trade kicker as an added bonus.

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