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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: The 2009 FA PG Thread
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:34:05 PM »
Well, Lowry heading to Houston eliminates the rest of the PG surplus in Memphis so we can probably count Conley and Lowry as being even more unavailable going into the summer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: The 2009 FA PG Thread
« on: February 19, 2009, 01:45:16 PM »
The problem with Iggy running the show is that he already does a lot of that in addition to the rest of his floor game.  He is really best as a jack of all trades type, master of none.  He can help a less traditional PG run the show, with a truer PG as back-up IMO.  You don't want Iggy bringing the ball up the court routinely either.  I think the Iggy as PG enabler is the sourse of hope that Hinrich would be a good fit here, he is not a true PG, but can do enough PG stuff to be augmented by Iggy, plus he is a shooter (I know there are debates on how good of a shooter he is, but he is better than Miller).  A guy like Bibby might fit here as well for those same reasons.  In the draft Stephen Curry seems the most obvious fit, and I am not sure he is going any higher than 9-12 at this point, so I don't see him as an impossible get in the draft with some movement up, which is usually easier in a percieved weak draft.  Curry has not been a full time PG in most of his college career and this year he is facing a lot of gimmick defenses, but I get the feeling he might convert well to a shooting PG in the pros.

Whomever we get needs to be better defensively than Miller.  Billups just plain embarassed the guy last night in the third quarter.  Our defense at PG needs to improve drastically, especially against dribble penetration.  Move Lou somewhere in a trade, grab Curry in the draft, get a Kyle Lowery type to start early in the year and act as his back-up down the road, and get a full-sized shooting wing man to act as sixth man.  With Jason Smith and Brand coming back next year, plus Speights expanding his range, I expect we will see more outside shooting from our bigs than most teams.  Perhaps in that scenario, more of a defense minded, penetrating PG would be ideal, rather than holding out for a great shooter.  Ty Lawson and Collison from UCLA might be a fit there, maybe Conley.  Personally, I think Randy Foye would be ideal, but I don't see him being available.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 19, 2009, 09:45:39 AM »
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Chandler deal falls through. 

From a different article somewhere that somebody C+P to me:

The Oklahoma City Thunder doctors have red-flagged a turf toe condition with newly acquired center Tyson Chandler and the New Orleans Hornets trade has been voided, league executives said Wednesday night.

?The doctors told him that he can?t do surgery on the toe, and it could be with him for a couple years,? one league source familiar with injury said. ?It?s not going to end his career, but it could hinder it.?

(Caps Lock Ahead warning)


(Caps Lock terminated)

Sorry about that >_>

Despite the similarities between Chandler and Dalembert, I have heard nothing of them being interested in him.  Wilcox and Watson (didn't check the salaries) would be ideal, some beef with an expiring contract for this year in Wilcox and an additional year of a true PG in Watson as some Miller insurance.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: The 2009 FA PG Thread
« on: February 19, 2009, 09:43:31 AM »
Ray Felton (available) - No, he is a lesser player than Miller who will want a long term deal to get him here.
Ben Gordon (close enough to a PG, and they probably won't match) - No, not that close to a PG at all.
Ramon Sessions (TBD) - It would be nice, best of the young guys here, but likely won't be available.
Nate Robinson (yeah right) - No

Mike Bibby- On a two year deal, sure
Andre Miller (because he is, so he may as well be listed) - On a two year deal, sure
Jason Kidd- On a one year deal
Allen Iverson - No, not a PG.

The trade market may have stop gap type PG's available after the draft where a lot of teams will grab PG's, hopefully us included.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 18, 2009, 04:47:24 PM »
I think the quandry Stefanski finds himself in is how to replace Miller.  Miller has his limitations, but the team plays well with him and there is a paucity of available, ready to play PG prospects out there.  He has said repeatedly that he does not see Williams as the future answer at PG, a point I agree with, and we have limited trading chips.  If Milwaukee gets rid of Jefferson and Ridnour you can cross Sessions off of the list of possibilities, and we have gone through the list before in other threads of decent, available young PG's and found it to be a pretty thin list.  Crittenton has done nothing to make me believe that he is a future starting PG at three different stops in his short career.  Conley goes back and forth from available suspect to untouchable prospect almost on a weekly basis.  I really think Ed would like to move Miller and get a young PG in return or keep him on a shorter extension than he is currently seeking.  Both seem difficult at best and unlikely in reality.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 18, 2009, 11:11:51 AM »

The reason there is no extension right now is Miller won't commit to the deal you are suggesting (which is the same deal that I would like to see...two years guaranteed - even at an above-market rate - and a material 3rd year team option/buyout).  He is asking for 4 years guaranteed, and he probably won't accept anything less than 3 years guaranteed with a 4th year buyouot.

I pass...and I hope Eddie does as well.  Let's see if another team out there will give him 4 guaranteed years this summer.

I have heard that is the hold up and it is understandable since it may be his last contract.  Of course, he may not get a better deal this summer the way things are going.  I would prefer to overpay him a little for two years, rather than give him the extra years.  I really don't see any way he signs an extension before this summer once the market sets itself, if at all.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 18, 2009, 09:29:21 AM »
I don't think the general fanbase will be upset since their understanding of the future implications of keeping Miller are probably limited.  I am actually in favor of keeping Miller if he would sign a 2 year deal at his current salary with a buy-out/team option on the third.  He would keep us competeitive this year, and hey we are 14-5 in our last 19 games I believe, and he, Brand and Iggy could be the lead dogs on some very good teams for the next few years while Thad, Lou and Speights grow into their bodies and abilities. After those two years, unless Miller is still playing at a high level and the team is a contender, you buy him out the same year that WG, Sammy and Reggie come off the books.  Maybe you look to move Brand at that time too if needed in something like the JO-Marion trade mode.  That summer you have financial flexibility to build around the new, prime time core of Iggy, Thad, Lou and Speights.  Hopefully in those two years we have groomed a draft pick to replace Miller.  I don't mind that mix of veterans and youth at all.

Miller wanting more than 2 years guaranteed blows that whole idea out of the water since by the time he is gone the financial flexibility would be gone in extensions to Thad and possibly Speights. 

I think the general fanbase will be happy if Miller stays because the team will play better this year with him than with any of the replacements I have seen mentioned.  If he stays past the deadline, then this summer becomes Stefanski's time of reckoning, he will need to re-sign or replace Miller with limited resources and find a way to make Brand and Sammy fit together this fall.  With Brand back there will be high expectations again. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 05:38:58 PM »
The salaries are off by about $5.5 million in that supposed counter-offer.

Which actually isn't a problem.  Because of the high amount of salaries (Miller + Dalembert combine to 21.571 million, or thereabouts), the 25% range actually covers 5.5 million.
21.571 * 1.25 = 26.96 million.

We'd have to add about a minimum salary player, at most.

For some reason I was thinking that the allowable difference was 15% + $100,000, not 25%.  Boy I had all of these rules down pat last summer when we were hot on the FA/trade market, but my memory seems to be slipping a bit.  getting old sucks.

Non-existent offer or not, Lou is the one guy of the young-un's (Thad, Speights, Lou) that I would strongly consider moving in the right deal.  He does have a decent contract, but he's not the future at PG and I would move him in a second in a deal that brought us back a future PG.   He is a nice spark off the bench, but those are not that hard to find and a bit of a luxury if you don't have a starting PG.  Plus his lack of size limits our choice of back-up PG somewhat since he plays a lot at SG.  A back-up PG like Kyle Lowery who can distribute and stop dribble penetration would be a great addition, but would be a poor fit with Lou since they would be a very undersized pairing.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:13:09 PM »
per ESPN radio:

An ESPN Radio Rumor (Jody Mac) from the boards:

There is a rumored trade offer:
from the twolves of jason collins,mccants, and brian cardinal for dalembert.

sixers apparently have counter offered dalembert and miller for mike miller,foye,mccants,cardinal,and collins.

 No way Minnesota accepts the deal, but I like the way Stefanski is thinking... that is if the rumor has any truth to it.    

The salaries are off by about $5.5 million in that supposed counter-offer.  I am not sure if BYC issues would muck it up, but would you throw Lou Williams in to make the salaries match and the deal more appealing to Minny?  We would be weak up front this year, but might have our PG of the future in Foye and our shooter in Miller.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 03:51:14 PM »
There still is the Minny rumor if you are hoping for a salary dump.

They will be a bit light up front without Sam- but at least they have Theo.

Also, How do you send out Speights/Young at C/PF until Brand retruns.  Does Theo start?

I am not fond of the Minny deal as rumored.  Some salary relief, but nothing useful coming back.  The deal for Chandler is considerably better for NO, they get some serious beef up front in Wilcox and Smith to help cover for the absence of Chandler for the rest of this year, Chandler was not having a great year anyway, nad they both have contracts that expire this summer.  The Minny deal gives us Collins and Cardinal who simply can't play and McCants who is pretty much a duplication of WG who will still be here.  Plus we still have Cardinal's contract for close to $7 million on the books next year.  We get weaker this year, get delayed salary relief and no likely keepers in the lot.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 02:59:30 PM »
Hornets trade Chandler for Wilcox/Smith 9essentially expiring.)

...It could have been sam.

Does Chandler have a 15% trade kicker like Sammy does?  If not, then thank BK for his continued presence on our team.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 02:38:25 PM »
While I don't really like the MIN trade, it would put them around $7-8M under the cap this summer and give them Cardinal's $6.7M expiring to use going into the 2010 summer.

That is presuming they do nothing to replace Miller other than a draft choice and he just walks.  Subtract Miller, Sammy, McCants and Collins next summer and we have about $52.6 million on the books.  The cap this year was $58.7and assuming it goes up a couple of million, we might have more than the MLE to offer, but not by much, and the assumption of a rising cap is anything but sure.  With Cardinal coming off the books in summer 2010 we would have about $43 million on the books, possibly enough to sign a big FA.  But if we re-sign Miller we lose all or most of that flexibility.  If we don't re-sign him or adequately replace him, we lose a lot of games.  To make a really significant amount of flexibility we really need to move Sammy and Reggie if it is going to be a pure salary dump, otherwise, we need a young PG or at least a draft chice coming back our way.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Andre Iguo-ego
« on: February 17, 2009, 01:22:21 PM »
He's been a clear #1 since Brand's injury.  He may not always do it in the points column, but he's one of the best defenders in the league.  How he didn't make the All-Star game is beyond me.

He might be a low level number 1.  Iggy has definitely been hitting more clutch shots down the stretch of games, but he still lacks the ability to grab a game by the throat and will his team to victory the way the true high-end number 1 guys can.  He is definitely playing at an all-around all-star level, but I still don't see him becoming a truly elite or franchise type player, but his ceiling has moved up a little IMO based on his play of late.

Didn't he just do that against Memphis?  9 points at the end of the game including the game-sealing basket AND totally shut down Mayo one-on-one on the other end?  Iggy isn't a true SCORING #1, but there's very very very few guys in the NBA who bring what he does to a game.  Shoots at a high percentage, boards, passes, plays great defense.  He's a slow starter.  He's shown that.  But take out his last two Novembers and you have a clear-cut no doubt about it All-Star.

Let him do that a number of more times against better teams and then I will think about putting him in the upper echelons.  He is creeping into that sub-franchise player category as of late (think Joe Johnson level) and certainly could be good enough to be one of a pair or triumvirate of such players with Thad and Brand/Speights in a Detroit type balanced system.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Deadline thread
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:27:30 PM »
They need help at both point guard and center. One rumored trade I've heard: McCants, Collins and Brian Cardinal for the Sixers' Samuel Dalembert, who would give Minnesota shot-blocking and athleticism in the frontcourt. But is he worth the two years and $25 million left on his contract?

Source: ESPN (Chad Ford)

Considering the source, I am not sure how much credibility to give this one.  It looks like a pure salary dump, with crap coming back.  McCants might be a better version of WG, but unless we dump Wg somewhere else, it makes for a croded minutes situation on the wing.  Plus McCants is an RFA this summer I believe, so if he is any good you are going to re-sign him and eat into your savings from Sammy's contract.  The team would get worse for the rest of this year, still would not have a PG of the future (unless this allows them to overpay Miller to stay) and a big hole in the middle.  I'm not to excited about such a deal.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Andre Iguo-ego
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:21:02 PM »
He's been a clear #1 since Brand's injury.  He may not always do it in the points column, but he's one of the best defenders in the league.  How he didn't make the All-Star game is beyond me.

He might be a low level number 1.  Iggy has definitely been hitting more clutch shots down the stretch of games, but he still lacks the ability to grab a game by the throat and will his team to victory the way the true high-end number 1 guys can.  He is definitely playing at an all-around all-star level, but I still don't see him becoming a truly elite or franchise type player, but his ceiling has moved up a little IMO based on his play of late.

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