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Messages - The Sixer Fixer

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers jump shooting
« on: July 11, 2008, 03:48:14 PM »
I don't want to trade Jason Smith. Jason can be for the front court rotation what KK was for the shooting rotation. What i mean by that is KK served a important position on the team. A shooter whose range had to be respected thereby spreading the court for the slashers and the low post of which we had none, but would have if we had had one.

Jason can serve a different but very important function on this present team. A big man with an outside game. It will free up Brand on the low post to one on one match ups. Or Dalembert, Brand and Smith will kill teams on the offensive glass. They could play a zone with these three. Smith can run, so is good for the second unit fast break.

He is not the foundation piece, but he serves an important part to the rotation. if you trade him for the shooter we need, you have lost what he bring to the team. In my opinion, it ends up being a trade off.

One of Brand's strengths is his mid-range jumper.  Also, Speights is supposed to have decent range.  I'm not as worried about losing Smith as you are I guess. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers jump shooting
« on: July 11, 2008, 12:30:21 PM »
1.  Do you think the team must do something to upgrade its shooting heading into next season?

Yes, but there is no blockbuster move to be made right now IMO.  I don't think trading Iguodala would net the max value right now so I would sign him (if the price is reasonable).  Personally, I would wait until the trade deadline nears, then see what's out there for big moves.  If we move Miller at the deadline, maybe we find a 3pt shooting PG or maybe a 30 MPG backup SG/SF that can help in return for Evans/Smith/whoever. 

2. How much can we count on improved shooting from players on the roster, and how long will it take to see this improvement?

Very little - guys don't become really good shooters overnight.  %'s may go up a tad, but no one is likely to suddenly scare opposing D very much from deep. 

3.  What kind of moves would you advocate making to upgrade the Sixers shooting?  Should they move Miller, Lou or Iguodala, or look for a less costly fix through FA or trading Evans?

I would not move Miller or Andre right now unless it's considered a major upgrade.  It has to be more than just a guy who can shoot. 

Is there a PG replacement for Miller out there right now...Hinrich, Felton, Mo WIlliams?  I would keep Miller over all those guys right now.  If you can get those guys now, they are likely to still be available at the deadline so you can re-evaluate then.  Let's just play it out and see how the current major pieces play together.

Is there a solid SG that we can get for Iguodala right now...J. Richardson, Hamilton, Redd?  I'd consider the first 2 guys, but not 100% sold.  Redd I would pass on based on the contract.  He's way overpaid. 

As for the other guys, I would obviously move Evans or Green for a 3 pt shooter (mainly Green since I would not be comfortable with 2 young guys - Smith and Speights - as the primary backup PF/C's).  Can we get a shooter for Green? Doubtful.  Not sure I would move Lou unless it's an obvious shooting upgrade?  Who fits that profile and could be available?  I don't see anyone right now.

Personally, for now, I would just look to find a veteran SG/SF who can be had at the minimum to provide some bench shooting.  Also, take a shot on one of the undrafted rookies who can shoot.  Basically just a minor tweak or two.  A guy who probably won't play that much.

As for cheap ($$ wise) trade targets, I really like Morris Almond and Marco Belinelli.  Can either of those guys be acquired for Jason Smith?  If so, I do it in a second.  Redick is an interesting option too..not sure I would do Smith for him, but it's close.  The Evans for Matt Carroll thing is a decent idea...same with Evans for Radmanovic.  Basically just trading one flawed player for another.  Martell Webster is a guy who could be expendable in Portland...we have anything to use to get him?

Here's an interesting thought.  Let's say Phoenix bombs this year (maybe Shaq goes out with a major injury) and they decide to blow up the team.  Any chance they may take Miller's expiring deal (and something/someone else) in return for Nash.  Now that would be the perfect PG for this system (really any system).  He's only under contract for 2 more years so the age thing isn't an issue for me.  Gives us 1 year more than Miller does to find long term PG.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:21:44 PM »
I believe the answer is that both Lou and Gordon would count for half their first year salary or something along those lines.  So I believe the answer is unless Lou gets like less than half Gordon's salary, with Jason Smith, they could pull it off.

I'm not sure that's accurate.

BYC players count for half their salary in the "outgoing side" and their entire salary on the "incoming" side of the deal.

That means if Ben is BYC and his salary is 8 mil, then Chicago would in effect be trading a 4 mil (half as the outgoing) player, but Philly is still taking on an 8 mil (full salary as incoming) player.

So say Lou and Smith (assuming no BYC) add up to half of Ben's salary, the Sixers would be trading away say 5-6 mil and trying to receive 8 mil so it won't work.  If Lou is BYC it becomes even more impossible to happen since his outgoing salary would be about 2.5 and they would still be trying to take back 8 mil.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »
At this point, my mind will explode if I try to figure out the BYC issues of a sign and trade involving Gordon and Williams. Anyone care to take a stab at it??? Please. :-)

KillBuckner from realgm said that Andre would be consider BYC, and he generally knows his stuff. If he is correct and Andre is base-year, then a trade for Gordon couldn't happen. They wouldn't be able to find a third team to take all of the extra salary they need to send out and can't take back.

At that point, I would just try to negotiate a contract with Ben starting at 8 million or less. If it happens, you could just renounce Andre make him an unrestricted free-agent and sign Ben for the cap space that Andre's caphold was taking up.

However, I would rather keep Andre.

BY the way, the discussion was over trading Lou and Smith for Ben, not trading Andre for Ben.  The idea was both Ben and Andre would be here.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 10, 2008, 03:58:49 PM »
At this point, my mind will explode if I try to figure out the BYC issues of a sign and trade involving Gordon and Williams. Anyone care to take a stab at it??? Please. :-)

KillBuckner from realgm said that Andre would be consider BYC, and he generally knows his stuff. If he is correct and Andre is base-year, then a trade for Gordon couldn't happen. They wouldn't be able to find a third team to take all of the extra salary they need to send out and can't take back.

At that point, I would just try to negotiate a contract with Ben starting at 8 million or less. If it happens, you could just renounce Andre make him an unrestricted free-agent and sign Ben for the cap space that Andre's caphold was taking up.

However, I would rather keep Andre.

I curious if that is accurate..from the Larry Coon FAQ..

Usually the salary used for comparison is the player's actual salary.  But under either of the following circumstances, a different salary is used when comparing salaries for trading purposes:

- The team is over the salary cap, used the Larry Bird or Early Bird exception to re-sign the player, and the player received a raise greater than 20% (unless it's the minimum salary).
- The team is over the salary cap, it extended the player's rookie scale contract, and the player received a raise greater than 20%.

If either of the above apply, then the player is considered a base year player.  A player remains a base year player for six months, or until June 30, whichever comes later.  When trading a base year player, the salary used for comparison is the player's previous salary, or 50% of the first-year salary in his new contract, whichever is greater.

Both scenarios say "If the team is OVER the cap" then he's BYC.  I guess the question would be, if we are under the cap BUT go over the cap to sign him, does that mean we are actually OVER the cap and thus he becomes BYC?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Chat Stuff
« on: July 10, 2008, 03:18:12 PM »
Lou Will and Smith in a S/T for Gordon would not really work $$ wise would it?  I'm assuming Gordon gets at least 8 mil to start (then again, which team that has cap room will pay him that?).  I assume Ben will choose the 1 yr tender and stay in Chicago for 1 more year, then become a UFA, if he can't get something starting at 8 mil this year.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: How Much Is LouWill Worth?
« on: July 10, 2008, 10:02:29 AM »
I think Lou will be happy resigning here for say 3 years at something starting at a little less that the MLE.  The short contract will benefit him in that if he does become a starter, he will raise his value and not have to wait so long to be fairly compensated.  I also think he will take less money to stay here unless he is guaranteed a starting spot somewhere else.

I would offer a 3 year contract for about 16 mil (start it around 5 mil for next yr) with player options for the 4th and 5th year that would take it to about 4 yr/23 mil or 5 yr/30 mil.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Do you think he Sixers should trade Iguodala
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:36:28 PM »
There are so many people calling for us to trade Andre, but I think everyone is forgetting one important thing.

Andre has to agree to the S/T so it's not as simple as everyone makes it out to be.  We can't just look at players around the league and say "hey, we can get so and so for him, so lets pull the trigger".  First we have to get his approval to go to whatever team (and that may not be easy depending on the team) then you have to work out the contract and then you have to agree on compensation.

Rarely do you see S/T deals where each team gets equal talent.  I mean, it can happen, but that's usually not how they go down. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Roll call
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:28:03 PM »
Name: The Sixer Fixer
Names at other boards: The Sixer Fixer
Age: 33
Original home: Morrisville, PA (at least when I was many other addresses)
Current home: Mount Laurel, NJ
Other Boards: RealGM (current) (long time since my last post there) and (way back in the day)
Other: I hate my job, I love my Sixers.  Mr. Stefanski - can you find me a job w/ the team?  Please!

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 08, 2008, 11:38:51 PM »
Seriously... since when did we EVER have a legit shot at Brand?? Hadn't those of us with a half a brain been saying for 5 months that Brand was not coming here?

I'm completely perplexed at the reaction some folks are having when they come to the realization that Brand is not really an option (or at least a realistic option).


Guess someone doesn't have half a brain


Hey, even our "insider" on RealGM said as late as very late last night that Brand was not an option here.  I think he said something like Brand is going back to the Clips, always has been...

Continued to say we were just waiting for the cap #'s so we can make that big offer to Smith.

Hum, interesting how just 6-7 hours later was there a completely different story.  I still say you guys are getting played by that poster.  99% of what he has reported over the last year and a half has been the exact crap we hear being discussed in the media.  Sorry that I don't believe the guy...I know I'm in the minority on that.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers get Brand... Now What?
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:49:09 PM »
By the way, I'm assuming that we do keep Iguodala even though I would consider moving him so what's next should be us trying to sign James Jones.

Without cap space, how do you propose we get him?  I'm not sure we can really dump much salary (if any) so I'm not sure how we could pull this off.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers get Brand... Now What?
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:48:00 PM »
I don't think I would send Iguodala up the Zoo Jersey Turnpike to NY for Crawford but I would consider the other 3. Richardson doesn't do much for me for some reason but I would consider it. Hamilton and Redd would be done deals for me with Ben Gordon also being a strong option given his strong scoring touch.

Not saying 1 for 1 with Andre and Crawford.  I would not do that straight up either.  If we could get something else though I would conside it.  Nice thing about Crawford is he could take some PG duties as well as SG.  Gives us a bit more lineup flexibity.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers get Brand... Now What?
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:42:00 PM »
If we actually would consider a S/T with Iguodala, as stated before, the main targets for me would be the following:

Jason Richardson
Rip Hamilton
Jamal Crawford
Michael Redd - but I think he makes too much to match w/ Andre

If we are looking for a young cheaper option via trade, I'd look at the following:

Marco Belinelli
Morris Almond
Matt Carroll
Luther Head
Rashad McCants
JJ Redick
Jason Kapono - not exactly young like the others, but maybe available for someone like Evans? prob not

Cheap FA options (if we can clear some space or get them for the vet min)

Salim Stoudamire
Juan Dixon
Nachbar - more expensive - prob not attainable

Not saying they are all great names, just guys who could fill the Eddie House type role of bench shooter (unless we go after the S/T option with Iguodala)

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 08:53:55 PM »
Did LAC have any clue this was going to happen? Not likely, their counter-moves need to start in about 3 hours - will they go after Josh Smith, Biedrins, Okafor?

What kind of cap space do they have? They now have a HUGE hole at the 4 and so I could see them making a play for one of those guys. Of course, this is the Clippers so who the hell knows and frankly... who cares??

Since the Brand offer was for a reported 5 yr 70 mil that would mean they should be able to make a run at Smith with a salary that starts around 12 mil in yr 1 (average of 14 mil over 5 yr)

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Brand?
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:34:42 PM »
Do we know for sure that it's the utah pick being traded?

I have seen no confirmation either way, but with this team making a splash, it's not absolutely crazy to think our own future picks will be low 1st rd.  In the weak East, we could easily wind up with a top 10 team (record wise) and thus be in the bottom third of the 1st rd.

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