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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 03, 2008, 01:16:36 PM »
Yeah, I get the feeling this is another episode of how to use Philly to crank up the extension from your own team.  I know they can't sign a deal now, but a verbal agreement is certainly possible and it doesn't sound like they are closing to getting that.  The money from GS is a complicating factor as well.  I am not going to hold my breath on this guy and if another opportunity came to the surface I would consider moving on if he won't verbally commit.  If there is nothing else in the same tier of opportunity out there, then I guess we wait and see.  The optimism scale for Josh coming here is sinking steadily.

Depending on what GS does and who they grab in FA, I think there may be some opportunity there to get in on Biedrins or possibly Brandan Wright via trade.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Plan B: Shooting Guard
« on: July 03, 2008, 11:31:23 AM »
Skates - were you a frequent poster?  SF1976 has a track record proven over a couple years of being accurate and having correct information...people blow it out of proportion or read into it or beg for me, but he only presents what he knows and what he knows has been borne out in the past to be accurate...

I lurked there for a while and have been posting there for six months.  We had a big discussion of SF76's value a while ago, so in addition to the info I have read from him in real time, in that thread Dabods and others quoted other posts SF76 had made that supported his credibility.  Some posters over there treat him as a god or like he is Stefanski's top assistant.  Others think he is full of crap and know nothing and makes a bunch of stuff up.  I fall into the middle camp.  I believe him and note that he doesn't claim to be an insider himself and admits there are times when stuff goes down that he does not know about.  I think he is very credible and I love reading his posts, he is very self effacing and a good poster even if he did not have insider info.

But I have also read through his stuff and found that his information is not the ned all and be all of FO thinking.  His source either has limited access to info, knows some inside stuff, but not all, or maybe more likely his source is smart enough to know what he can share and what he can't.  Stuff like SF76 tells us is good info for a message baord, but it is usually not stuff that needs to be kept secret to keep other teams from getting a leg up on us. 


1.  This years draft he knew that Speights was one of the guys they were strongly considering and said so.  I think he had this on good information.  Some of the other guys he said we were interested in at 16 (and he acknowledged a fluid situation), essentially our top 3 choices, were Arthur and Jordan, with arthur likely in the lead.  It was clear after the draft that Speights had been their target all along and that they passed on Arthur because of his size and limited upside, not his alleged kidney issues.  It is also fairly clear that Jordan was of interest to them, but not at 16.  Either his source didn't know the full plan or he filtered it and watered it down.  A good employee would do that.

2.  It is quite clear that Josh Smith was our absolute, primary target in FA.  He let ln like he and Brand were neck and neck.  Maybe they were in theory, but it seems abundantly clear that the team had hard targeted Smith and made only due diligence calls to Brand.  Again either SF76's source only knew the general consensus, but not hard plans, or he necessarily diluted the info to make it suitable for public leaking (not to be confused with public urination). 

Teams all claim they never check out message boards, but they know what is out there.  If there was a guy in the FO leaking us the complete dope on the Sixers' plans they would find out who it was pretty quickly and put a stop to it.  My guess is that they know who SF76's source is and that he has implicit approval to pass this stuff on in a filtered generalized form or they know the source does not have enough info to leak that could hurt them.   

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Point Guard options
« on: July 03, 2008, 11:12:15 AM »
I really don't know much about Felton since he turned pro, he looked like a good prospect in cllege, but I'll defer to other who have seen him more recently.  I think we have covered all of the bases here with Hinrich, the Memphis PG horde, Felton and Lou W.  For possible steals a la Chauncey Billups (draft pick hwo hasn't done much but needs a change of scenery, probably still a bust though) there is Marcus Williams in NJ, of course using the words "steals" and "marcus Williams" in the same sentence is ironic.  Next year's draft is supposed to be much better stocked with PGs.  I also wonder if Stefanski isn't waiting until he sees how the rest of the team shapes up long term before going after his new PG.  Studs who can do it all are great, but most guys have strengths and weaknesses that fit certain teams and don't fit others.  Will we need someone with 3 point range, a bigger PG if we get a small SG like one of the Gordons, a pure distributor like Miller, etc.

BTW, I still love Lowry as a back-up PG long term, maybe sharing the job with Lou W.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Plan B: Shooting Guard
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:40:45 AM »
First of all, let's put what SF76 said in perspective.  He says it appears that they have put all of their eggs in one basket, presumably based on his "insider" information.  To take it literally that he knows exactly what is going on at the highest levels of the Sixers organization and is speaking for them is ludicrous.  I believe he has limited (but useful) insider info that is then colored by his own opinions, in fact you can see that when he posts.  I highly doubt that Stefanski, DiLeo and company are sitting there thinking, "Oh crap, I hope this Smith thing works out since we have no other plans.  if only we were guys posting on message Boards then we might have had a better back-up plan."  

Let's look at exactly what SF76 said:

The Smith visit as you have seen on TV is going well....he will leave town with a verbal offer.....the Sixers are trying to move Green or Evans with the Utah pick as incentive around the league for any bit of cap relief they can get.

Nothing new there, we knew they were trying to do both of those things.  They are not even necessarily related.  If we clear $4.5 million a year (Evans) or $3 million a year (Green), at best part of that money would be used to sweeten the offer to Smith.  We can already offer him a deal starting at $11+ million per year, he is absolutley not worth a contract starting at $14-15 million per year and without consulting the CBA that would be more than they are allowed to pay him I believe.  So all or part of the money they would clear with Evans or Green leaving (more than one year for each, meaning ongoing cap savings) would be used for something else now or down the road even if we sign Smith.

Maggette may not wait until the Josh Smith thing is over to sign with a contender for the mid level.

First, he won't sign with a team that has cap room for the equivalent of the MLE, for us he would be more expensive.  Second, I don't want him in any case.  He stopped playing D years ago, he is at the end of his prime when most of our guys are barely starting to approach their's and he is a good scorer, not a great one.  No sweat here, in fact I hope he does sign somewhere else so we are not tempted to overspend on him.

Josh Childress will be wined and dined here on Monday.

We knew that was coming and it is a good thing in my opinion.  If we can move Green, I would love to have Childress come here.  He is an extremely long, athletic sixth man who would immediately become our best perimeter defender and he is a high percentage shooter and good passer.  Screw Ben Gordon, he simply is not that good for the money he wants.  Childress will come cheaper and a perimeter bench of Childress and Lou won't cost much more than Gordon wants for himself and offers a lot more versatility, efficient production and value.  Ben Gordon is a defensive liability and bench player.  I would much prefer to add Hinrich if I was going for someone from the Bulls.  The FO is thinking long term, trying to build a contender.  Ben Gordon is a knee jerk reaction, immediate gratification signing.  Childress is a perfect sixth man on a CHiP contender in the future down the road with Lou as the scoring spark off the bench, think Bobby Jones, and not the recent one, as a comp for Childress.  Childress also makes it more palatable to move Iggy in the future for a real scoring wing, not an undersized player with an outsized ego like Gordon.

The backup plan if no PF is to move Thad to the 4 spot again and get a SG moving Andre Iguodala to the SF.

Note that this does not say the back-up plan if we don't get Smith, it says PF.  There are other free agents and numerous trade possibilities between the possibility of simply not getting Smith and not getting any PF.  These are the areas where you really have to take what SF76 takes with a grain of salt.  he knows some general stuff, not all of the plans.  He was wrong with Arthur on the draft, didn't know about the Webber deal, etc.  His source clearly has limited info and should not be taken as anything more than someone who knows the internal FO scuttlebutt, not the exact and full plans of the team.

WE seem to have all our eggs in one basket right now.

Pure opinion on his part.  True to the extent that if we are not trying to do a S&T with Smith and simply choose to make an offer, we are kind of stuck in neutral for a while waiting for his answer, and if he does sign, waiting to see if Atlanta matches.  That is the danger inherent in going after a RFA.  My belief is that the FO has a list of PF options that they find acceptable for short or long term goals.  If that list is exhausted for any number of reasons they go back to Thad at the 4 to start the season.  Good, this means we don't make a trade or signing just to make one.  That is BK thought and needs to be eradicated form the organization or else you end up with a basket full of Willie Greens, Kenny Thomas's and Brian Skinners.  Been there, done that and it sucked.

Worst case scenario is no PF we want can be had for a price in $ and/or assets we are willing to pay.  If we add cap space by losing Reggie, or preferably, Green then that cap space can be added to our existig space plus Miller's expiring contract, giving us $23-24 million, although that number may be reduced depending on Iggy and Lou's contracts, of current and future cap space to work with.  if we spend some of that on a long term piece like Childress who we want for our contending years, it will still leave a ton of space.  We did just draft a potential monster (or potential washout) at PF, so waiting to see how Speights develops and what his realistic upside is in the league is not a horrible idea and see what kind of shooting and scoring potential Thad flashes.  Thad might not be quite ready for the full time transition yet to PF, but with Speights, our own J. Smith and possibly Reggie or another cheap veteran on a one year deal also available at PF I think he swings between the forward positions as he transitions to his long-term spot.

As far as pressure to get something done this summer, the fans might bitch if we don't make a big splash, but the ownership appears to be strongly in Stefanski's corner. there is no reason we can't continue to show improvement this year with a young team that should keep improving internally and with the addition of Speights at a minimum.  Now, if they waste cap space this summer and/or don't make a big move by the middle of next summer I will be looking for Stefanski's scalp too.

The Sixers think Jamont Gordon or McClellan will make the team this fall.

shows the guy knows nothing, the big find this summer will be the "Bean" man (Callustus Ezikwu for those not in the know).   :D

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Summer League
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:23:16 PM »
Some day Deandre Jordan will hope to become the next Bean Eziukwu.  ;D

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: I am going to wait and see
« on: July 02, 2008, 10:21:06 PM »
Agreed, I need to get busy doing family stuff for the holiday weekend.  I am feeling a little NBA burnout with the draft followed by the opt-out and FA negotiating periods.  At least with the draft we knew when it was going to happen, this FA crap is all rumors and false reports and wait, wait, wait.  When I go online this weekend it will be strictly for updates and to visit here occasionally.  I'm definitely taking a few days off from the other boards unless something big happens.

Stefanski really talked primarily about making a trade this summer, not pure free agency.  There may be a plan for a S&T with Smith, if not, this may be their pipe dream and they are giving it a shot.  The back-up plan is either a S&T for someone like Biedrins (if GS contracts itself into a corner) or one of the expiring contract guys like Marion, Sheed or Odom.  Last resort is probably a trade for Wilcox or CV.  Stefanski will do something, it just might not be a long term move just yet. 

The expiring contracts set us up for the deadline and/or next summer while giving the team a boost and giving Speights some time to grow.  A year from now we could easily be annointing Speights our PF for the next decade, like we have Thad at the SF spot, and wondering what Stefanski will do to improve us at C and PG.

If someone makes a grab at Iggy, we need to have a plan and stick to it.    At worst we have to match a max 5 year deal.  Front loading it won't hurt us, although we probably have a price we won't pay to keep him.  if he goes we assess the remaining FA landscape and act accordingly.  If someone wants to drastically overpay Lou, try and work out a S&T or let him go.  Don't overpay for a tweener bench guy, even a good one.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:28:55 PM »
The best seat I ever had for a Sixers game was just behind the baseline in the old Spectrum for a game with NJ.  G-man was still playing with the Nets and pulled down an offensive rebound right in fromt of me.  Barkley was between him and the basket.  Gminski head and ball faked once, twice, three times and Barkley wouldn't bite.  Finally, he went up as strong as he could (considering his exercise induced asthma and all) and Sir Charles went up with him and was laughing out loud as he swatted the ball about 30 feet into the crowd. 

Of course, two or three weeks later Gminski became a Sixer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Summer League
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:22:44 PM »
Some more information on my new favorite player, Callistus "Bean" Eziukwu.  The guy was undefeated this year in the GLIAC:

Shows some nice athleticism in his YouTube highlights, including some range on his shots if you keep watching:

Before the draft he was worked out by Portland Detroit and the Sixers (twice) and is named after his Dad:

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:24:18 PM »

Don't throw the superstar word around lightly, the sixers didn't 'always' have them...between barkley and iverson?

After Dr J left until Barkley?

Keep in mind, i hate barkley but acknowledge he was a 'super star'

Dr. J and  barkley were on the same team.  The 4 years between Barkley and Ai (the Spoon years) are the only time the Sixers have been without one or more superstars in the past 30+ years.  In some ways we have been lucky, but there are a lot of "stars" out there.

Barkley was just on the cusp of superstardom and Dr. J was on the decline during most of their time together.  However, there was also this big fella, Moses Malone, he was pretty good too.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Mr. Smith visits Philly...
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:12:47 PM »
Have there been any updated from sf1976?  Sorry, I'm being lazy and only posting here today.

I sifted through the crap and found that he basically stated that we will make an offer to Smith totalling aorund $66 million and then wait.  He did not mention any S&T possibilities, but then again his information, while useful, is usually more general in nature.  I don't think his contact in the FO is very high up the food chain and/or has a good sense of what to spill and what to keep to himself.  Nothing earth shattering so far.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:07:53 PM »
Hinrich is not a selfish player by any means and he may indeed be pass first as a player, but he does not have the court vision or passing instincts of someone like Andre Miller (Miller is excellent at that BTW, not meant to diss Hinrich).  He is a good positional defender, but lacks high-end lateral quickness defensively.  I think part of the idea of having Hinrich play SG with Rose at PG is that Rose is a scorer too and would do well to have someone who is a good, but unselfish shooter and good passer next to him.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Board Guidelines/conduct
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:03:28 PM »
Oh ok. The only time I saw it was when somebody linked to it on was not a flattering cross-section

That was my link showing the damage RickyP was doing over there.  He was an ex-RealGM poster who migrated there and is now an ex-PhilaPhans poster.  PhilaPhans has less  posters overall since the Sixers forum is the forgotten child behind the Phillies and Eagles forums.  There are a number of obnoxious posters on there now, but they usually post in batches and then go away for a while.  Good posters don't get drowned out on Philaphans like they do on RealGM.  The traffic is very slow at times with the lower number of committed basketball posters.  The Phillies side of the Board has an "in-crowd" mentality and lots of flame wars that sometimes spill over to the Sixers side.

RealGM has much more basketball talk and more passion, but as noted, a whole ton of trolls and/or immature posters.  Hopefully this place has the best of both and conversely avoids the worst in them at the same time.  The news travels faster on RealGM than on Philaphans, but there are a lot more false alarms too.

BTW,tk recruited me over to RealGM and to here, so yeah, he's kind of my pimp.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Board Guidelines/conduct
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:30:58 PM »

Not to get all "gossipy" but does anyone have a clue as to how old SendEm is? He seems like someone my age (around 30) but at the same time, his antics and way of talking to people is just completely ridiculous. Anyone know? I'm simply curious is all.

I don't think he even believes half of the crap he says.  If he isn't Ricky he is his also evil twin.  This post from earlier today pretty much should have ended all offseason discussions going forward:

Re: Official 2008 Free Agency News/Discussion Thread
by SendEm on Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:52 pm

Josh Smith
Josh Childress
B Diddy

How is it possible that all of the players this offseason that are being seriously discussed as potential Sixer acquisitions have not a single championship ring amongst them? I don't see any of those players as a fit.

I mean, why do people even respond to him on that stuff.  Unfortunately since the RealGM upgrade I have had trouble finding the ignore function over there.  That makes threads a lot longer.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 02, 2008, 02:54:21 PM »
I am very worried about GS going after Iguodala.  I'd hafta imagine that Stefanski will match any offer.  It would be suicide not to, especially when he's not guaranteed to even get Smith.

I thought about that too, then we go after Biedrins or Ellis.  It could get ugly or it could become the basis for a S&T deal between the teams.  If we lose Iggy I would also be more interested in Childress.

As far as Lou goes, I am all for offering Lou to Atlanta in a S&T for Josh Smith, they get to replace one Georgia guy with another, throw in a first rounder next year and get it done.  

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