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Messages - Skates

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:16:15 PM »
Snow, interesting thought down the road. I always felt that Kevin Ollie will eventually be a good coach too.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 12, 2009, 01:04:19 PM »
If you want Collins on a short term basis, fine.  He seems to me to be a guy who has a very short shelf life as a coach.  Would he do better with better talent, perhaps.   Or he may run into problems sooner like he did when those teams he caoched became more talented.  I still feel a little burned by the whole LB ego trip era, and at least I knew he was a hall of fame caliber coach.  Maybe age and a little while out of coaching have mellowed Collins opinion of himself, if so, then I would be more interested.

JVG seems a poor match for this team style wise.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 11, 2009, 11:26:25 PM »
Also, I'd like to see a cach who doesn't live and die with Small ball.  Not only will it work better to get Brand in a conventional line-up, but I'm sick of Thad at PF.  Te guy has a great future at SF but only Hakim Warrick upside at PF.

Amen to that.

I am still not a fan of Collins, I think he is one of those coaches where everything is about him and not about the team.  As far as him having a Sixers connection or being a Philly guy, I could care less.  Finances may play a role too.  They still owe Mo some money and a guy like Eddie Jordan will probably come cheaper than Collins.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 11, 2009, 07:46:35 PM »
Best of both worlds, DiLeo withdraws his name as coach, but stays in the position where he has been so successful in the past.  I was worried about losing him from the FO.  Now let the coaching search begin for real.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 11, 2009, 10:04:25 AM »
Sounds to me like the little general spent too much time around Don Nelson if he even thinks of playing Iggy at PF.  OK, scratch him off my list.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 10, 2009, 10:27:31 PM »
I didn't catch it, did he say something to turn Sixers fans or people in general off.  Truthfully, his squeaky little voice is so annoying, I try never to listen when he speaks.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 10, 2009, 02:12:47 PM »
Of the ones she listed, which is by no means an exhaustive list of coaching candidates, my preferences would be:

1.  Tom Thibodeau
2.  Avery Johnson
3.  Eddie Jordan

I dislike Collins immensely, I just think he likes seeing his name thrown out there to massage his massive ego.  Van Gundy has not shown the ability to coach a team that plays the way Stefanski seems to want them to play.  Jay Wright I love as a college coach, but very few have made that transition successfully lately, plus it would weaken my favorite college team.

DiLeo staying on would have interested me more before he got thrown under the bus by some of the veterans, that seemed to confirm my one worry about him and that is his toughness and discipline with the players.  I would hate to lose him on draft day though.

Philadelphia 76ers / Who Will Coach The Sixers Next Year
« on: May 10, 2009, 08:19:06 AM »
An interesting article by Kate Fagan handi-capping the likely coaching candidates, including DiLeo, for next year.  Ignoring DiLeo, which I think Stefanski will do as well, the most interesting names on the list to me are Avery Johnson and Tom Thibodeau.  I definitely do not want Doug Collins (just another ego trip for this guy), Jeff Van Gundy (wrong style) or Jay Wright (dumber than I think if he leaves his current gig).  Eddie Jordan does not have a great overall record, but could be one of those guys who is now experienced enough to blossom into a good coach, I am ambivalent on him.

Here is the link to the article:

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: We're Philly. Gotta Blame Someone.
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:52:36 AM »
After 4 years I'm ready to say that Lou Williams will never be even a decent defender.

I'm not ready to say that about Speights yet, but he has to make a huge amount of progress on the defensive end to even approach being average. 

On a scale of 1-10

Offense/Deffense:  Speights 7/2 today.  Potentially 9/5, but more likely 8/3.

I think you over rate Speights current offensive game.  He has not really shown a post-game yet, just nice jump shooting and soem decent finishes, but great hands for sure. I agree with you on his potential though.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: We're Philly. Gotta Blame Someone.
« on: May 02, 2009, 01:52:25 PM »
Speights has a ton of talent, but he might go to his grave with the word "potential" being his most fitting epitaph.  I absolutely would not give him away, but Thad is much more likely to reach his ceiling than Speights is.  The PG spot needs to be completely revamped IMO.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: We're Philly. Gotta Blame Someone.
« on: May 02, 2009, 11:22:45 AM »
This team needs a make-over, but one performed with a scalpel, not a sledge hammer.  Brand in impossible to move right now and Thad and Iggy are the real stars of the team now and in the future.  Anyone else could be moved, even Iggy and/or Thad could be moved if a true superstar was coming back this way.  I would not be opposed to packaging Lou W. and Speights plus a salary to make a big splash.  Moving Sammy would be ideal.

The team also needs a new coach.  DiLeo wasn't horrible nor was he very good, we need very good.  My choice is still Thibodeau from Boston.  No college coaches please.  If we don't trade the pick I actually have a good feeling about our spot in this draft, adn if we trade away some of our younger players, we should grab a second rounder or two.

What do you even say after a performance like that?

We need to get better, much better.  There, I said it.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Game 4 Sixers v. Magic
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:27:11 PM »
Damn, that hurt.  This series is going seven I believe.  I blame Zumoff, just before Hedo hit his shot Zumoff mentioned the schedule for game six and then misspoke, saying that no matter the outcome of the game tonight there would be a game six for sure.  Wrong, but now there will be.

Hats off to Hedo, he hit a tough shot in a tougher situation.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Game 4 Sixers v. Magic
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:38:21 AM »
If the Sixers are going to win this series, this is the game they need to win.  Good teams crank it up when they sense an opportunity to put another team away.  This is that opportunity.  If they lose it will show that they really are just a 0.500 like their record suggests.  This is really where they have to step it up.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Andre Iguodala: Top 10 player in the NBA?
« on: April 23, 2009, 09:39:18 AM »
Yeah, I like Iggy very much and think he is underappreciated in general, but top ten, no way.  He is still second tier at best, which is nothing to be ashamed of.  In my subjective opinion, his real peer group are guys like Kevin Martin, Rudy Gay, Danny Granger and Monta Ellis.  Very, very effective players, not quite franchise guys, but with the potential to be so, or get very close to being so, some day. 

The bigger question in my mind is whether Thad might someday get beyong that grouping into the real franchise player category, and I thnk he just might.

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