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Messages - southjersey

Pages: [1] 2
Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Reports Iguodala Contract done
« on: August 14, 2008, 01:25:54 PM »
Too much money for Iguodala. Ed gave in and the sixers got a bad deal. Does anyone know what the 6th year, player option deal is valued at?

I guess to keep things positive, atleast the contract is not Rashard Lewis bad.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Iguodala - Would You?
« on: August 05, 2008, 01:41:15 PM »
I agree with pretty much everyone that we shouldnt do this trade. Howard is always in the news for doing something dumb; also I think he might have peaked already. I fine with Dala, I just wish he was a natural SG.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Thoughts on Mike Bibby
« on: August 05, 2008, 08:19:06 AM »
Who was that Lou Will interview with Sub?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: August 03, 2008, 01:03:42 PM »
I think Willie is a Mo guy too, but now that Willie isnt starting (hopefully), Mo wont have any choice but to give him less time.

BTW... I dont think Ed is a fan of Willie.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: What the Sixers Really Need from a 2 Guard
« on: August 03, 2008, 12:59:55 PM »
I trust Iguodala as a ballhandler and not turning it over, I just dont know if I trust him to do the right thing. Last year he forced alot of bad shots, and tried to be to flashy with his passes. Could he be looking for the highlight? It's possible. I think with some veteran leadership we wont see as much of that kinda stuff from him. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: August 03, 2008, 12:50:34 PM »
We can only hope. Last year, the Sixers didnt have any depth and this year they do. As long as Willie doesnt get more then 15 minutes, they will be a much better team.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Eskin: Sixers about to sign Kareem Rush
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:52:13 PM »
I hope we see Lou get more minutes at SG then WG. I do think Willie is better then Ivey and Rush, but it will give us good depth with the wing and PG. There are some nights where Willie can be aweful, now atleast there are options to not go to him so much.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 24, 2008, 06:15:17 PM »
Agreed about the draft, however I think its safe to assume that the sixers are now at a point where they wont be drafting below 20. They will have to do an excellent job of scouting, but I have alot of faith in ES and Dilio.

No way should this twam trade Thad. I'd much rather see a drafted player become a star then trade for  one, or close to one.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers sign...
« on: July 24, 2008, 06:10:45 PM »
I dont know if I see Kurt Rambis in Jason Smith. Offensively he is ok, but he gets killed on defense. Speights is already better then him on defense. Whatever scout said he is a starter, has probably never even watched him enough to have seen his small arms.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers sign...
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:34:45 PM »
On Jason Smith:

He's a starter in this league," an Eastern Conference scout said. "No question."

Um who said this, Billy King?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 22, 2008, 06:02:49 PM »
Yes most players are about money, but I'd bet they'd want to live in a country where they know the language and they are comfortable living in.

The NBA in terms of Star status blows any other pro league out of the water. This is a great country to be a pro athlete in.

I somehow doubt the guys living in spain or france or greece are uncomfortable, and they are as catered to, if not more, in other countires without an as intrusive media...I think you have a rather provincial snobbish view of the rest of the world, and with the weak dollar, there are other countries (with stronger currencies) that are just as good to live in, this isn't south korea, this is living in the meidterranean where sports matters a lot more to a larger percentage of people than it does here...if you aren't in engalnd, the media isn't anywhere as NEAR as intrusive, and your 'indiscretions' are a lot more forgiven in one would give a god damn in france if a-rod was sleeping with madonna, miley cyrus and lindsay lohan, all at the same time.

I'm not being snobbish, I am aware of the American dollar's value. I've been to many countries in Europe and saw the difference in culture. I'm also aware that pro ahlete crave the spotlight, and the NBA is the spotlight.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:50:30 PM »
If Childress wants to become Greek and be all about money, then he should take that deal. Or maybe he just doesnt like the NBA.

um, most professional athletes are all about money...if someone in the NBA offers him more money than the greek deal is offering him, he'd take it.

Please don't pretend that the guys not going to euro are doing it for the 'good' of the team or whatever, it's all about money

or did you forget that the sixers on restricted free agent is asking for about 80 million dollars?

I wish people would accept that professional atheletes, like most of us, like to get paid more for what they do...and that for most of us, more money is better

Yes most players are about money, but I'd bet they'd want to live in a country where they know the language and they are comfortable living in.

The NBA in terms of Star status blows any other pro league out of the water. This is a great country to be a pro athlete in.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:30:41 PM »
If Childress wants to become Greek and be all about money, then he should take that deal. Or maybe he just doesnt like the NBA.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:13:54 PM »
Thats interesting. Funny that we could have max cap room 2 years in a row with the tendered FA from this year.

With that 5 million, we might be able to get Childress. Is Greece offering more than that?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Latest from sf1976: Iggy on the block
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:03:09 PM »
Hey if we signed AI to the 1 year contract, what would that leave us in cap space?

I really cant believe Iggy thinks he is worth the max. I'm disapointed as a fan too because this is a good team now and he should be concerned about the team as well. Billy King isnt here anymore to give out a Kenny Thomas contract, Iguodala needs to wak up.

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