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Messages - Sundown

Pages: [1]
Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sammy Requested a trade?
« on: February 26, 2009, 11:48:17 AM »
I'll give Sam one thing.  He's consistently stupid.

I assume he's willing to waive his 15% trade kicker since he asked to be traded.  Which means he's willing to flush a few million bucks just to go to somewhere else and have his minutes cut.  At what point do you figure out that every coach is not simply mishandling you?

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Hollinger's Nerd Calcs With Much Sixers Love
« on: January 30, 2009, 04:30:39 PM »
The question for me is whether they can consistently win close games down the stretch.  The Rockets game was a great close win and the 2nd Knicks game was fairly close, but many of their victories this month haven't been close at all.  They crushed Atlanta, Portland, San Antonio, and the Knicks by double digits and beat Charlotte and the Rockets (the 1st time) more easily than the score dictates.  On the other hand two of their losses-- Dallas and San Antonio-- were painful close losses.

The Sixers played well this whole month and expect them to continue playing this way for as long as Iguodala continues to excel.  I think Brand can do nothing but help-- he's displaying a great attitude and I like how DiLeo is approaching his return.

Philadelphia 76ers / Hollinger's Nerd Calcs With Much Sixers Love
« on: January 30, 2009, 03:18:42 PM »
His Power Rankings have the Sixers at #8 which I don't care all that much about-- but look at a couple key stats which go into that ranking.

We're #3 in Margin of Victory (+7.09) in our last 10 games behind only the Cs and Magic-- ahead of the Lakers.

We're #3 in Strength of Schedule (.564 Opp. Winning %) during the last 25% of our games (~last 10 games) behind only the Bobcats and Magic so we're not exactly beating up on little Sisters of the Poor.

We're #9 in Strength of Schedule Overall (.515 Opp. Winning %), meaning we should have a relatively easier second half coming our way.

Plus when you look at Hollinger's Playoff Odds he has us at #4 in the EC with a 92.6% chance of making the playoffs.  That's ahead of Miami, Atlanta, and Detroit.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Don't Laugh: Brand or Iverson?
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:39:27 PM »
Then no, I'd rather keep the team the way it is.  Brand is better than what he's shown so far and he's going to make a difference in the very near future IMO.  I want a guy like Iverson for the end of games, but he doesn't fit with Miller even a little bit.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Don't Laugh: Brand or Iverson?
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:28:01 PM »
I don't like the Iverson/Miller backcourt even a little bit.  As much as people complained about Iverson allowing dribble penetration I think that Miller is even worse.  Together it would be a layup line. 

The real question is would you want Iverson back to solve our shooting guard issues while also keeping Brand.  You'd lose Miller in the process, but that might be intriguing since Iguodala might be able to handle some point duties.  I don't see it happening in a million years, but it would be interesting. 

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: This can't help Phillys rep
« on: December 29, 2008, 04:16:16 PM »
True, but that's some Good Fellas type stuff right there.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: This can't help Phillys rep
« on: December 29, 2008, 04:08:46 PM »
Depends on the "rep."  It is fairly bad ass that he just sat down to watch the movie again after shooting the guy.  I'm curious if they just kept the projector rolling.  I'd be afraid to shut it off.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Roll call (and Pixar nonsense)
« on: December 22, 2008, 02:31:52 PM »
Name: Sundown
Names at other boards: Sundown
Age:  36
Original home:  Media
Current home: Philadelphia - Just moved back from Los Angeles
Other Boards:  I'm on them all (Philaphans, RealGM, CCC)

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Pacers @ Sixers 12/20
« on: December 22, 2008, 02:28:32 PM »
Hey everyone.  Nice board here.

Boy, I hadn't seen those Sam quotes.

Poor Sam.  He just will never get it.  He just wants to be put on the court so he can run around like a headless chicken.  At the end of the game he will have a bunch of rebounds, a few blocks, and a few points-- and in his mind that's plenty good enough.  There's nothing else to the game as far as he's concerned.

Is there a coach out there that he wouldn't have a problem with?

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