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Messages - shadowTerp

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Philadelphia 76ers / Re: domain names
« on: May 07, 2009, 05:24:34 PM »
If you want to make it a resource, why not sixerstats (or sixersstats)? kinda like my favorite resource for things maryland related (

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Sixers extend Cheeks.... again.
« on: September 09, 2008, 06:35:59 PM »
Meh. I think most of us are somewhat ambivalent about it. It's hard to say how much to credit him and how much to credit Ed.

Philadelphia 76ers / Ed's Conference Call Minutes
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:18:51 PM »
Apparently Ed had a conference call with several bloggers recently.  Here's the first response:

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Theo's back!
« on: August 19, 2008, 12:33:00 PM »
And, BTW, I love the fact that this is a one-year deal.  If he ends up not being effective, it's not a loss.  And, hopefully, Smith returns in a year.


I take it with the Ivey/Rush signings that Gordon is out of the picture for us?

Cavs #2?  Is this guy from Cleveland?  I don't see how the Pistons are all of the sudden bad either?  If Burns wants to present some kind of contrarian power ranking he needs to be more convincing.

Agreed.  Unless the new coach just mishandles the team (or major injuries set in), Detroit will still be the 2nd best team in the East.  Maybe 3rd, but 6th?!?  Please.

Spots 3-7 in the East (assuming Boston/Detroit is 1-2) is a complete crap shoot.  If Washington stays healthy, they have enough firepower to challenge anyone.  If JO/Bosh and Brand/Sammy gel down low, both Toronto and Philly will be significantly improved.  It'll be interesting to see whether Orlando with Pietrus and Cleveland with Williams improve (or not improve), but both of those teams are still more than good enough to make the playoffs and scare people.

Yet for some reason, you just know one of those above teams will either (a) get injured or (b) have chemistry issues... And that one of Miami, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Charlotte or Indiana will be better than most are anticipating.  The East still isn't as good as the West, but the disparity is less than it was last season.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Theo's back!
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:59:59 AM »
Carney > Rush
Speights >>> Amundson/Randolph

Fixed.  :D

Carney, especially defensively, is much better than Rush.  And people forget how well he was shooting at the end of the season.  Although I don't expect to see him get lots of minutes this year, Speights will contribute much more than Amundson and Randolph would have.

I think Ed has done an awesome job this summer but he's going to need to continue this great work for another 12 months if he wants to turn this team into a title contender.


I'm not going to defend a comparison between Iggy and Kobe, but I will say that even with the new contract, Iggy's paid nowhere near Kobe, T-Mac or any of the other guys you've mentioned. The contract is about 10% higher than what most of us wanted, but it's not BK bad... except for perhaps the final year. Does that mean we should trade him? No.

If this is all it took to not have him sign the QO, then I am glad we did it.

NBA Discussion / Re: Team US kicking tail!
« on: August 16, 2008, 12:42:56 PM »
It really wasn't even that close. We gave them several uncontested threes in the 4th quarter, when the game was already decided. Ridiculous showing by our guys. When our defense and outside shooting is on, it's unfair.

Barring injury, I'm picking New Orleans to win the whole thing. Best starting five in the league, and an improved bench. I'd follow with Utah, Houston, then LA.

I can't see the Lakers falling to 4th, especially with Bynum coming back, unless they have major chemistry issues with moving Odom to SF.

Houston, Portland and the Clippers are hard to predict... how well will the new additions of Artest, Oden/Bayless and Camby/Gordon/Davis blend together?

Both Denver and Golden State can put up points, but I can easily see both taking a major step backwards.  And I think Minnesota may be the surprise team in the West.  They won't make the playoffs, but they'll be much better than last year.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Reports Iguodala Contract done
« on: August 14, 2008, 03:46:22 PM »
I have no doubt iguodala will work his ass off to prove his worth to this contract

and i have no doubt he'll be booed incessantly any ilttle mistake he makes

QFT.  The funny thing is that various people were willing to play him 5/65.  This is essentially with an option on a 6th year.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: ESPN Reports Iguodala Contract done
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:54:39 AM »
this just proves that Josh Smith should have taken the QO. And that he should now fire his agent.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Jason Smith Injures Knee
« on: August 08, 2008, 10:54:30 AM »
Its things like this why I wish we could have convinced Minnesota to take Green instead of Carney/Booth.  Only negative of the off season.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Iguodala - Would You?
« on: August 05, 2008, 10:53:56 AM »
If we do that, who is our SG?  Green?   ::)

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Lou Will Signed
« on: August 01, 2008, 09:00:19 AM »
Lou has enormous potential as a player, this upcoming season should be a break-out year for him. I think he'll see a lot of minutes at the point, and with the players around him, he should be quite effective in that role... I think by the end of the contact, this one will look like a steal for what Lou will contribute.

Agreed.  The reason to hold onto Miller is also that Lou learns from watching Miller.  I'd love it if Lou ended up as our PG of the future, but if ends up our 6th man in a Barbosa/Gordon role, it's still good value.

Philadelphia 76ers / Re: Tracking Free Agency
« on: July 30, 2008, 11:00:45 AM »
ESPN says Deng and Bulls have a verbal agreement: 6 years 71 million

Ben Gordon is supposedly looking to be the highest paid player on Chicago.  He might as well just sign the QO now and get it over with, then hope someone overpays next season.

Yup.  No way he's getting as much as Deng just got.

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