PhillyArena Forums
PhillyArena Community => Philadelphia 76ers => Topic started by: tk76- on June 26, 2008, 11:03:39 PM
I'm going to keep checking back on this board over the next few weeks to try to build a community from the non-troll posters at the other boards. I'm not saying to stop posting elsewhere, just ry to keep this place going. Draft night had good posters and no spam/hijacking- a good change of pace.
If this place keeps going then hopefully we can get other good posters from other boards t check in.
I'm in.
As I said before, I prefer this layout to the new RealGM anyway so I have no prob posting over here as well.
Well between the two of us that covers about 15% of the traffic at the realgm board...
I'm going to at least try to get people here for the Summer league games if there are webcasts.
I don't think we'll have a problem getting people here. Between me, you, and Jem... we could keep this board as active as any other sixer board.
I don't think we'll have a problem getting people here. Between me, you, and Jem... we could keep this board as active as any other sixer board.
Add Dabodner, and that's a great core of good, high volume posters. I'll PM some of the less controvesial Philafans posters (No Belmont, more like Skates, MCal, Ducky, the Poster and maybe Scream.) There's really not that many good Sixers posters there, but a few real lightning rods.
Skates is a solid poster. I think Johnny Broadstreet is another solid poster but he's already on here. We need to get sixerfan over here. Perhaps we could get a little more info out of him over here since this isn't as public of a site.
I'm in.
As I said before, I prefer this layout to the new RealGM anyway so I have no prob posting over here as well.
Your among friends
Atta guy. This board will more or less be "The Essentials" from all Sixers Board across the web. If SendEm shows up here... all bets are off.
The nice thing about this board is I can do as I please. So we have a much better chance of having a friendly, collegial atmosphere as if someone who shows up here and as an ass, there's no red tape to go through.
Atta guy. This board will more or less be "The Essentials" from all Sixers Board across the web. If SendEm shows up here... all bets are off.
I wish I could send PM's to posters at RealGM- but only a mod can do that.
Hopefully only reasonable posters will show up- and I'm sure actions can be taken to address problem if they occur. I assume DBodner has admin powers here.
I did post another mention of this place on the realgm alt draft day board thread. I can delete the message if you think it will draw too much attention- but it sounds like DBodner can keep things well in hand here.
Dbodner is god here...and like he said, he can do whatever he wants without red tape, if someone signs up he doesn't want here they can be banned without further comment
BTW, by being "god", I hope that means I don't have to do anything. I've never modified/deleted/banned a poster on the board from the msnbc refugees. I want to just discuss basketball.
I wouldn't be worried about posting it again. It was sticked for quite a while, and in tgp's sig, so it's around anyway.
I doubt you'll have to do much unless one of your 'undesirables' shows up.
Can you ban specific screen names in advance as a way to 'cut them off'?
I don't know about everyone else, but Realgm seems slower today than it was yesterday.
The nice thing about this board is I can do as I please. So we have a much better chance of having a friendly, collegial atmosphere as if someone who shows up here and as an ass, there's no red tape to go through.
Awh man, but I love being an ass.
When realgm updated they cleared the ignore lists so I had to read some of sendems emote laden posts. That's one point for this board. I'll think I'll stick around as well. I've got too many non-sixer related things going on to ignore realgm completely though.
I just registered. I started over at 76erscourtsidecountryclub and liked the atmosphere over there but it can get quite quiet over there, much more so recently. I viewed Realgm but never joined, mainly view it because of sixerfan1976 who seems to have a legit source. I viewed the Draft thread on this site last night and seemed like good chatter among the users using it. I always like dabods comments over at CCC. I don't post often but will chime in every once in a while. Hope this board gets some activity and I will try to participate and hopefully have some nice discussion with everyone.
Nice to meet you, doc (if this is in fact a meeting).
Thanks TGP. Nice to meet you and everyone else as well. If this is a meeting.
Skates is a solid poster.
Aww, shucks. :-[
Nice site Dbods, nice to see Jem again. Thanks to tk for the pm about this site. I wondered where everyone had disappeared to on draft night. Nice to be here.
i think i'm in for posting more on this site. realgm was really starting to disgust me at the end of the season. as much as i would like to have a decent basketball discussion over there... certain posters won't allow it.
If we can subtly get a few more good posters to migrate over from realgm I think this board could really sustain itself. In fact it probably has enough high volume posters to keep going, but it would be good tro get some more people to add to the diversity of opinion.
If we can subtly get a few more good posters to migrate over from realgm I think this board could really sustain itself. In fact it probably has enough high volume posters to keep going, but it would be good tro get some more people to add to the diversity of opinion.
For the die hards this is a nice little retreat for civil Sixers chit chat. For everyone else, they're on a need to know basis, and they don't need to know. Speaking of high volume posters... where the hell has Sixerscan been?
For the die hards this is a nice little retreat for civil Sixers chit chat. For everyone else, they're on a need to know basis, and they don't need to know. Speaking of high volume posters... where the hell has Sixerscan been?
I can understand taking a little vacation from the boards to recharge your batteries but I don't think he even showed for draft night. What the dilly?
Has anyone else been having problems with Realgm since draft night? Its been extremely slow for me since the 26th and just crashed on me today. I'm curious to see if everyone here has been experiencing the same.
Yeah, I can't get on either.
Yeah, it's down.
Hey guys.....any word on Brand yet?
he's got 3.5 more hours to decide :)
Well....yeah....just curious if any rumblings had been reported
realgm is back up
quick do I turn of the emails every time theres a reply? I thought I had everything turned of but looks like I'm still getting them