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PhillyArena Community => NBA Discussion => Topic started by: Reality on January 20, 2007, 08:29:31 PM

Title: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: Reality on January 20, 2007, 08:29:31 PM
jn, can he play at all?

At this point the Spurs rebounding and forward depth is so weak could he be an improvement?
Title: Re: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: jn on January 22, 2007, 06:16:25 PM
Griffin is a waste of time.  In addition to the many off the court problems his game is not worth the effort.  His rebounding is inconsistent, he jacks up too many three balls and he has little or no post up game.  Honestly, the only intriguing part of his game is his shot blocking and it's not like he's the second coming of Olajuwon in that regard. 

At this point I hope he ends up playing ball in some sort of puritanical country so he can avoid temptation.  Is there a league in Saudia Arabia?
Title: Re: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: westkoast on January 22, 2007, 06:38:37 PM

At this point I hope he ends up playing ball in some sort of puritanical country so he can avoid temptation.  Is there a league in Saudia Arabia?


What about his D?  Still decent?  Or still not worth taking a gamble on?

Reality good thing you are not a GM or scout for the Spurs.  You are really going out on the limb today and finding nothing but spoiled fruits. 

Regardless if he was in tip top shape he is not the answer to the Spurs athletic problem.  Not ever and certainly not in this stage of his career.
Title: Re: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: Reality on January 22, 2007, 07:00:44 PM
Simply exploring bench stuff.
If you've seen the Spurs lack of rebounding and D along with the recent injury to Matt Bonner you would know what i mean.
Title: Re: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: Lurker on January 23, 2007, 10:28:12 AM
Spurs are #7 in rebounding differential.  The Spurs have a deep front line that has been hit with injuries.  Duncan, Elson, Oberto, Horry, Bonner...none of these guys would lose playing time to Griffin.  Only possible big man to lose time would be Jackie Butler who spends the majority of his time on the IR.

The Spurs need an athletic swingman.  One who can defend and hit an open jumper.  Unfortunately there isn't any decent players available...especially foir what the Spurs can offer.
Title: Re: jn Eddie Griffin up for grabs
Post by: Ted on January 23, 2007, 10:35:30 AM
Went to the Jazz/Wolves game last night, and I didn't see him. And the Wolves could have really used an inside presence last night. Garnett was good on the boards, but he didn't seem very assertive on offense.

Overall, that game was not fun to watch. For most of the time, both teams' offenses were SLOOOWW. And watching Mark Madsen airball a free throw brought me no pleasure. Foye had some nice moments, but Deron beat him several times, too. I just felt real bad for KG. He must be so frustrated right now. Deron Williams made Mike James look stupid so many times. And Okur just shredded Blount, and still, I thought the Jazz played crappy.

I don't know how the Wolves can keep KG, unless a ring just isn't that important to him.