Author Topic: Pretty amusing, the response to Meirs.  (Read 1128 times)


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Pretty amusing, the response to Meirs.
« on: October 06, 2005, 09:43:02 AM »
In case you've missed the story in the media, Harriet Meirs, a head of a prominant Texas law firm and Bush's personal lawyer, has been nominated by Bush for the Supreme Court's anticpated vacancy by Sandra Day O'Connor.

Both Conservatives and Liberals are up in arms over this nomination, saying that they don't know enough about her, accussing Bush of cronyism and expressing concerns that the woman, having no expereince on the bench, is underqualified.  Conservatives placed a big emphasis on this in the elections, determined to place "their kind of Judge on the Supreme Court" In other words a right-wing idealogue who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

I'm glad to see the conservatives thwarted by their own man Bush, and being critical of his judgemet.

Frankly, I don't know anything about Meirs, but that doesn't mean she won't make a great Justice on the SCOTUS.

You know what?  I'd make a great Supreme Court justice.  After you're done laughing, consider this:

The purpose of the SCOTUS is to reign in the power of government, by making sure that any law that's passed is Constitutional.  What's that you say?  It's suppossed to limit your rights and make sure you don't do anything improper.  Oh yeah, like the legislature would give you more rights and powers than you should have!!!!

Understand that most laws restrict your rights and freedoms.  Some of them are necessary for a civil society, like making it illegal to kill someone or steal from them.  But the reality is that the government has passed a lot of laws that are unconsitutional.

Roe V. Wade overturned state laws prohibiting abortion.  It was the right move from a Constitutional perspective.  It may not make Conservatives happy, but that's they're problem!  The Consitution is about your freedom.

This is why I'd make a great Justice.  I understand the needs of the common man, and want to make sure that he or she has every opportunity to be successful and happy in their life.  The government should stay out of peoples personal affairs.  If you have terminal cancer and want to die rather that waiting, I think you have that right.  It's nobodys business, particuarly the governments to interfere with that decision!

And even more, I want laws written clearly, so anyone with a reasonable education could understand it.  Why do you think law is filled with latin terms and convoluted language?  It's to obscure what they're doing to you through the law!!! Conceal the real intent and purpose of the law, by making it so hard to read that you need to hire an interpreter - a lawyer to explain it to you!

Think about how f'ed up that is.  That the people you elected to represent you, enact laws in such a manner as to confuse you and interfere with your understanding!

If any of you know Bush, feel free to put in a good word for me.  I won't be a conservative judge or a liberal one, just one who protects your rights under the Constitution.  And, that is what it's all about.   :up: